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Un groupe de Confédérés s'imagine que la guerre civile n'est pas terminée : il mettent au point une puissante arme datant de l'Antiquité. Aidé par les indices que son grand-père lui a laissé, Mickey et son ami Sully tentent de garder plusieurs malfrats éloignés des trois objets qui alimentent l'appareil. En cas d'échec de leur part, et si l'appareil tombe entre de mauvaises mains, la fin du monde est assurée.

Au lendemain de l'invasion de l'Irak par les troupes américaines, un photographe mesure la désinformation et le complot mis en place par l'administration de George Bush suite au 11 septembre 2001. Traqué, épié, suivi par l'agence du renseignement américain, il compte bien dévoiler au grand jour, ce que le gouvernement veut cacher. Grace à de nombreux groupuscules d'activistes, Jake veut déclencher une prise de conscience et porter la révolution au coeur de l'Amérique !

A mockumentary illustrating a supposed conspiracy to infiltrate American culture through employing Canadians in the U.S. entertainment industry.

August 23, 2012

Lorsque deux jeunes réalisateurs choisissent de centrer leur nouveau projet autour d’un théoricien du complot, rien ne leur semble plus facile. Il leur suffit de le rencontrer, de gagner sa confiance et de laisser ses théories parler d’elles-mêmes. Mais la tâche se révèle plus compliquée qu’elle n’y parait. Leur sujet est en fait un homme intelligent, certes enclin à voir des complots partout, mais pas le fou à lier attendu. Ses arguments ont même une certaine logique. Assez en tout cas pour vous faire penser qu’il y aurait, peut-être, un fond de vrai dans ses paroles…Et un beau jour, il disparait, tout simplement, sans laisser aucune trace.

Au Cap, en Afrique du Sud. Shack Twala, un Noir accusé de terrorisme est emprisonné depuis dix ans. Son avocate Rina Van Nickirk et son amant, Jim Keogh, un ingénieur anglais, s'apprêtent à aller boire un verre ensemble pour célébrer la relaxe de Shack. En chemin, Shack est brutalement abordé par un policier qui lui demande de fournir des documents que le prisonnier n'est pas en mesure de produire. Une rixe s'ensuit, au cours de laquelle Rina est frappée par le policier. Keogh, voulant défendre sa maîtresse, se mêle à la bagarre. Shack et lui réussissent à s'enfuir, mais leur «rébellion» les condamne désormais à mener une existence de fugitifs en perpétuelle clandestinité...

A 70-minute sequel to The Great Deception. In this work, Zwicker contends that fear was used to control the public after 9/11, and states that the "War on Terrorism" is a public control mechanism. He also analyses the military breakdown on 9/11 and claims that the president and his aides acted entirely inappropriately that day. Throughout, mainstream media is accused of being either compliant or complicit with a cover-up.

Adam, simple fils de pêcheur, intègre la prestigieuse université Al-Azhar du Caire, épicentre du pouvoir de l'Islam sunnite. Le jour de la rentrée, le Grand Imam à la tête de l'institution meurt soudainement. Adam se retrouve alors, à son insu, au cœur d'une lutte de pouvoir implacable entre les élites religieuses et politiques du pays.

Milan, le 12 décembre 1969, une bombe explose à la Banque Nationale d'Agriculture sur la Piazza Fontana, faisant 17 morts et 88 blessés. Le commissaire Luigi Calabresi, chargé de l'enquête, s'oriente vers les milieux d'extrême gauche et d'extrême droite mais peu à peu, il a la certitude qu'il faut aller chercher les responsables dans les hautes sphères politiques. A ce jour, personne n'a été déclaré coupable dans l'attentat de Piazza Fontana qui reste l'une des affaires les plus sombres de l'histoire contemporaine d'Italie.

Constantinople, 1401. The emperor of Byzantium asks the famous knight Tirant lo Blanc to free the city from the siege of the Turks. After his victory, Tirant will have to face a more difficult task: to overcome the natural opposition of Carmesina, heiress to the Ottoman Empire, to surrender her most precious treasure.

October 1, 1977

Speculative hokum about John Wilkes Booth, murderer of Abraham Lincoln, escaped to Canada instead of being tracked down and killed soon after the assassination.

A made-for-cable-TV docudrama about the trial of the men accused of conspiring to cause protesters to riot at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Combines in an innovative manner dramatic recreations (largely faithful to the actual trial transcripts) with documentary footage and interviews with the actual defendants.

November 3, 2008

Where do flying saucers originate? Do they carry aliens from other worlds? Or is the truth actually a lot stranger. During World War II the Nazi's employed scientists to re-imagine the boundaries of scientific thought and practise. Many in the field of advanced weapon design - the programme that produced the V1 and V2 rockets that rained on Britain. But did this same unit produce rudimentary flying saucers? Declassified military documents detail the numerous reports by allied pilots of 'foo fighters', unusual craft with incredible acceleration engaging them in the skies above Germany. In addition there was the Nazi 'Der Glocke' or 'The Bell' project for a vertical take-off vehicle, which resembles eyewitness reports of a UFO crash in Pennsylvania after the war. Thousands of Nazi scientists were brought to the US at the end of the war. Are these men, and the projects they continued to work on in America, responsible to little green men, 400 UFO sightings a month and even the ...

The Occult Agenda documentary series is designed to awaken the church and non-believers alike to the spiritual warfare happening in the world today. Part I focuses on the Harry Potter phenomenon that has swept the world since author J.K. Rowling introduced her best-selling book series. But is Potter-mania merely the result of imaginative writing and clever marketing? Or could there be a hidden power behind the craze that has cast a spell on adults and children alike?

January 18, 2020

In 1972, young women looking for a fresh start in life endure isolated captivity in a true 98-day human experiment studying the effects of marijuana on females.

In February 2002, 59 Hindus were charred to death by a mob in a railway station in Gujarat's Godhra. Following the shocking incident, widespread Hindu-Muslim riots took place in several parts of the State. The Godhra train carnage and the subsequent riots are considered one of the darkest chapters in India's modern history.

Sakai Nobunari an Elder in 'Honmaru' (or the main enclosure) and Mizuno Tadakuni an Elder in 'Nishinomaru' (or the south-east enclosure) have been at odds behind the scenes over the marriage of Tokugawa Ieyoshi, heir to the Shogunate. Kyoshiro, who has come back in Edo after 3 years is involved in it against his will. It's because he gets to know Lady Mihoyo who is a spy for Sakai and looks exactly like his late mother. As she couldn't complete her mission she has nowhere to go. Kyoshiro shelters her from both parties that seek her life. The original story is from "Nemuri Kyoshiro Burai Hikae" written by Shibata Renzaburo. Not only is one of Japan's greatest legends kept alive, but some secrets of Kyoshiro's past are finally revealed for the first time.

Kaori commence à vraiment paniquer, car cela fait des mois que City Hunter n'a pas eu de clients, donc pas d'argent ! Alors qu'elle se démène pour trouver de nouveaux clients en distribuant des tracts, Ryo, lui, drague. Mais c'est comme ça qu'il tombe sur une charmante jeune femme fraîchement arrivée de Los Angeles et qui veut que City Hunter la protège d'un mafieux qu'elle a humilié en public. Pour cette protection, elle promet même de leur payer 1 million de dollars ! De son côté, Falcon apprend à Kaori qu'un tueur à gages est aussi arrivé des États-Unis pour éliminer Ryo…

Forty years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, more than 80% of Americans still believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. This documentary attempts to separate fact from conspiracy theories to get to the truth, employing stunning forensic technology that makes it possible for the first time to be an eyewitness to this crime of the century – to see precisely what happened that November day in Dallas.

Comment se propagent le refus de la vaccination contre le Covid-19 et les théories aussi fantaisistes que complotistes qui l’accompagnent ? Une incursion éclairante au coeur de la galaxie antivax, auprès de ses adeptes et de ses réseaux d’influence.

La découverte d’un homme cryogénisé, qui se révèle être super développé, va entraîner des scientifiques à expérimenter son ADN afin de développer une race humaine de supers «êtres»...

January 14, 2012

Conspiracy 365 is a 12-part Australian television miniseries based on the novels written by Gabrielle Lord. It follows the adventures of Callum Ormond, a 15 year old who is forced to become a fugitive as he searches for the truth behind the death of a family member.

December 1, 1991

The tragic and troubling true story which made headlines across the nation. Helen Betty Osborne, a young Aboriginal student who was brutally beaten and slain in a The Pas, Manitoba town in 1971. Her murder remained unsolved for nearly 16 years, despite the fact that within days of the tragedy, rumours began circulating of the identity of the men involved.

December 10, 2006

The Conspiracy Files is a British documentary television series broadcast on BBC Two, investigating various modern day conspiracy theories. So far in two series and 6 programmes, the show has investigated the theories surrounding the September 11 attacks, the Pan Am Flight 103 bomb, the Oklahoma City bombing, the 7 July 2005 London bombings and the deaths of David Kelly and Diana, Princess of Wales.

October 1, 2012

A look at current events like UFO's and 7/7.

A Croatian crime television mini-series by Roman Majetic. The plot begins with the assassination of the Croatian Prime Minister and follows efforts to uncover the perpetrators, with the help of police and other security services from neighboring Serbia and Montenegro.

Conspiracy theories are often created to help people make sense of our complex world – but can they stand up to scientific investigation? “Conspiracies on Trial” subjected some of the most enduring conspiracy theories to a battery of methodical tests with two back-to-back episodes featured over two weeks on Discovery Civilization Channel. The Da Vinci Code, the death of Robert Maxwell, the death of Pope John Paul I and the sinking of the Kursk submarine – what is the version of events that actually occurred?

Analytical methods such as body mechanics, surveillance technology, forensics and reconstruction are used to solve the mystery of these puzzling events. Do these conspiracies stand a chance against the rigorous investigation of “Conspiracies on Trial?”

January 1, 2022

An Experienced Private Investigator and her partner dive into a case that uncovers a conspiracy neither of them could have ever imagined.

September 24, 2012

We've all heard them ... the Mafia killed JFK, the government had a hand in 9/11 and the existence of aliens is the world's best-kept secret. Conspiracy theories are as old as mankind itself, and for just as long people have been taking sides. The advent of the internet provides a unique opportunity to level the playing field and give all men equal access to the facts. In April 2011, the FBI finally relented and established an online repository of files, documents and reports called "The Vault". Unsealed: Conspiracy Files is a ground breaking new show that shines a light on many of these archived case files.

Découvrez les histoires incroyables mais vraies de trois femmes accusées d'avoir tué leur enfant. Et si ce n'était qu'un complot d'hommes influents visant des mères vulnérables ?

The Conspiracy Zone was an American discussion program about conspiracy theories with a group of panelists, a mix of experts and celebrities. It was a half hour in length and ran for 26 episodes, though there was also an unaired pilot episode.

The show was hosted by former Saturday Night Live player and comedian Kevin Nealon and was shown on The New TNN, debuting January 2002. Celebrity panelists included Ann Coulter, Harlan Ellison, Kathy Griffin, Cathy Scott and French Stewart, among others.

January 30, 2005

24: Conspiracy is a low-budget, mobile-only spin-off of the television drama program 24. It was released on January 30, 2005, after the premiere of the fourth season and was released in three-day intervals. It is the first mobisode FOX released.

Set in Washington D.C, it takes place over twenty-four non-linear one-minute episodes, and it appears to take place during Day 4, as indicated by a reference to the Heller kidnapping by James Sutton happening that day. The 24 minutes of the show do not happen in real time; instead each minute takes place at a different given time in the day.

Conspiracy theories have been around for many years, but they have a lot in common. The people who believe in it often distrust the plans of the elite, government, scientists and media. This mistrust has reached new heights during the corona crisis. That is why Filemon Wesselink decides in the program Philemon and the Conspiracies to look for the person behind the conspiracy thinker.

Conspiracy Files is a 2006 Discovery Times documentary 4-part television series about conspiracy theories.

March 19, 2022

Follows the life of Christian Weston Chandler over four parts.

January 1, 2019

In order to reclaim everything that is rightfully hers from her uncle, she decided to approach her uncle’s biggest client—Sheng Jun. Initially thinking that everything would go according to her plan, little did she know that Sheng Jun is also carefully crafting his moves and already has her wrapped around his fingers. The two gets trapped in love but both are scared to express their honest feelings to each other, for one wrong step might lead to the point of no return.

September 21, 2019
September 28, 2009

Are you fed up with how consumerism has stolen the soul of Christmas? This year, take a stand! Join the growing groundswell of Christ-followers who are choosing to making Christmas what it should be―a joyous celebration of Jesus' birth, not a retail circus.In four compelling sessions, Advent Conspiracy invites individuals, families, groups, and entire churches to substitute compassion for consumerism by practicing four simple but powerful, countercultural concepts:Worship Fully―because Christmas begins and ends with Jesus!Spend Less―and free your resources for things that truly matter.Give More―of your presence: your hands, your words, your time, your heart.Love All―the poor, the forgotten, the marginalized, the sick, in ways that make a difference.

We are being monitored, spied on and bugged. Almost every day there are reports that our data is not safe. Are we too careless or victims of a grand scheme? Is a secret conspiracy of intelligence agencies, military leaders, business leaders and politicians targeting all cell phone and Internet communications of the world's population? Is a tightly woven web of surveillance covering the entire planet outside of law and order? What was a bleak vision of the future in George Orwell's day seems to have been caught up with reality today.

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