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12 de octubre de 2018

Una lesión perjudicó la brillante carrera del lanzador de los Yankees de Nueva York Chien-Ming Wang. Este documental captura su lucha para volver a las ligas mayores.

Cheng Szu is a hostess in a Hong Kong night-club who spends one evening in the company of 4 crooks masquerading as Indonesian billionaires. When CID crash the party 2 of the men, Ling & Hung, escape while the other pair, Lu & Tan, are captured and imprisoned.

Wang Bing is one of the greatest documentary-makers alive today, and his films offer a very insightful overview of the transformations occurring in Chinese society. Here, Dominique Auvray conducts an interview that, in addition to the biographical information, focuses above all on the relationship with things unsaid: Wang Bing attempts to do justice to his theme and the testimonies he’s gathered, but he stumbles over the words, struggling to keep his emotions in check. The pain of tackling history shows through the awkward speech.

1 de enero de 2012

A short film made for Venezia 70 – Future Reloaded (2013). World premiere screening on 28 August 2013 during the 70th Venice International Film Festival. —Venice International Film Festival.

This correspondence between Spanish auteur Jaime Rosales and critical chronicler of contemporary China Wang Bing is divided into three short films each consisting of documentary observations.

A taiwanese language film. The folk tales of Gezai Opera are put on the screen, and the form of the stage play is maintained.

Wang Peiying, a widow with seven children, was a worker at the Ministry of Railways. The famine precipitated by the Great Leap Forward, which killed perhaps 30 million people by the early 1960s, had horrified her, and as political turmoil began again only a few years later, she publicly called on China’s leader, Mao Zedong, to take responsibility for his mistakes and resign. Ms. Wang was sent to a psychiatric hospital and drugged. Released and paraded around the capital, she refused to recant. Instead, she repeated her accusations. Her jaw was broken to stop her from talking. After a mass trial at the Workers’ Stadium on Jan. 27, 1970, she was executed.

La historia se centra en el Rey Mono, el adorado personaje de la novela, que aparece aquí con una actitud más sombría, casi melancólica, de la habitual. Atraviesa una crisis moral que le obliga a luchar contra sus demonios interiores.

15 de noviembre de 1991

David is sitting in a bar, musing over why he has bedded and left five or six of Asia's loveliest women in such a short time.

27 de noviembre de 2013

Cuando una profecía condena a un reino a un invierno eterno, Anna, una joven optimista se une a un temerario montañero llamado Kristoff y a su compinche el reno Sven. Juntos emprenden un viaje épico en busca de Elsa, hermana de Anna y reina de Las Nieves para poner fin al gélido hechizo.

Hwa Yun decide ofrecerse como una de las concubinas del rey al vivir una vida en la absoluta pobreza. Una vez dentro del palacio real, dos hombres se encaprichan de ella, el Príncipe Sungwon, un gobernante megalómano ebrio de poder y lujuria, y Kwon Yoo, que perderá todo si su deseo por ella sale a la luz.

Ma llega a Japón en busca de los asesinos de su familia y su pueblo en China. Su odio hacia los japoneses le hace desear la muerte de todos ellos. Su historia de venganza se verá entrelazada con la disputa entre dos escuelas de kárate, siendo el principal culpables de su tragedia el maestro de una de esas escuelas.

12 de enero de 1995

When a clever thief gets away with a huge heist, he greets the investigating cops with buckets of know-it-all smarm and "yes, I did it" charm. He knows he's guilty, and the cops know he's guilty, but how can they prove it? Simon and his buxom girlfriend aren't about to make it easy for the cops, and throw red tape, bureaucratic police procedure, and slimy lawyers in their way. It isn't until the cops devise new and sneakier methods to get the goods that they find a chance to put Simon away. But with only 48 hours in which to interrogate him, do they have enough time? The ethics of cops, as well as Hong Kong's bloated legal system, get a subversive skewering in Twist, an entertaining, slightly twisted cop thriller.

21 de julio de 2000

Triad member Chicken is designated by Taiwan's San Luen Gang to marry Nanako, the daughter of the fifth generation leader of the Yamada Gang in Japan. Later, the leader of the triad group gets murdered. Actually, all the San Luen Gang members suspect Chicken attacked their leader Liu, in order to make a chance for him to rule the Gang and thus have adopted an extremely hostile attitude towards him.

The movie depicts the three months before Choong-nyung (the future Sejong the Great) becomes king. The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, which follows the history of the Joseon Dynasty between 1413 and 1865, leaves out records of this crucial period. While future generations would come to know him as King Sejong, the legendary figure who created the Korean alphabet and advanced the country’s scientific research and law, Prince Choong-nyung was originally dismissed as a reclusive bookworm. When his older brothers Yangnyeong and Hyoryeong fail to impress their father King Taejong, the king makes a royal command for Choong-nyung to become the next ruler of the kingdom instead.

24 de marzo de 2001

An incompetent bank clerk decides to become a pro wrestler but he is coached to cheat all the time.

29 de diciembre de 2005

Nos situamos en Corea durante la dinastía Joseon (1392-1910 D.C.), donde observamos la errática vida de un grupo de actores de teatro de calle. En sus viajes por el país adquieren una gran popularidad, principalmente gracias a Jangsaeng, líder del grupo, y a Konggil, un joven de aspecto andrógino que se encarga de interpretar los papeles de mujer. Un día, después de representar una obra en la cual hacen burla del rey, son detenidos. Pero consiguen hacer un pacto, y es que evitarán la condena si son capaces de hacer reir al monarca. El rey no sólo reirá, sino que sentirá una fascinación tan grande por Konggil, que lo convertirá en su sirviente preferido, ante los celos de su esposa y también de Jangsaeng.

2 de septiembre de 2024

Una obra sobre recuperar la risa, la felicidad y la justicia que perdimos a través del encuentro entre un joven y un robot gigante durante el período más trágico de la historia coreana moderna.

5 de febrero de 2020
2 de febrero de 2024

VR game designer Ling Jiushi decided to resign when his job was not going well. A beta game made him forget about his worries. He unexpectedly received a game CD from abroad. After a car accident, he came to a corridor with 12 iron doors. When he came to the door, a mysterious man helped him escape from the wolf's claws in the forest and snowy mountains, and welcomed him to the world of the door. The door is extremely dangerous, and you will lose your life if you are not careful. Then, Ling Jiushi discovered something strange. If he was in danger inside the door and returned to the world outside, he would also encounter unexpected events.

Establecido durante la dinastía Goryeo, Won, el príncipe heredero, tiene un dulce aspecto que oculta una lujuria por la conquista. Él es el mejor amigo de Rin, un hombre elegante de descendencia real y el guardaespaldas de Won. Cuando la bella San, la única hija del hombre más rico de la nación, entra en la vida de los dos jóvenes, los tres se convierten en amigos, pero un romance trágico se produce después. Basado en la novela del mismo nombre de Kim Yi-Ryung.

29 de septiembre de 2016

The legend of the Qingluan mirror and Lican sword which is said to be able reunite the country when possessed by the owner. The items once formerly owned by the Dragon Sect are now lost. Before the demise of the Dragon Sect leader, the information regarding the location of these heirlooms is handed down to the only remaining maiden-Duan Mu Ling. She is told by her master that she is not to give away the location to anyone as it could bring chaos in the wrong hands. Upon the death of her master, she goes in search of the lost mirror and sword under the guise of the high official from the Northern Zhou Court Si Kong's wife's niece. During her journey she comes across the Prince Gao Chang Gong (a.k.a Prince of Orchid Hills) and Yu Wen Yong. Her romance blooms with both and she must choose who to help and who to love. 

Based off the internet novel 'The Royal Prince of Orchid Hills' and a sequel to the highly popular 2013 drama adaptation of Lan Ling Wang.

21 de febrero de 2017

In 1930, Lin Yu Hui, a thirteen-year-old, lost her mother.

She followed her adoptive mother to Nanjing and accompanied her adoptive father to find a living along the Qinhuai River. Five years later, Chen Mo Ren, the old friend of his father, was brought into a new family. He met with Chen Pei Wen’s brother and sister and the servant Gao Bo’s grandson, Gao Jin Bang.

Because of the father Lin Chu Xi and Chen Mo Ren had a contract for marriage, so she had to end her love with Gao Jin Bang. When the Japanese went to Nanjing things changed and she started to unveiling the truth: the fiancé who she had been unwilling to accept went to the revolution and the people she once loved it gradually became the enemy of the nation.

Now, Lin Yu Hui, an ordinary girl on the Qinhuai River, sang the Nanjing love story of the war years.

La nueva Rey Yan Xiao Luo, debido a su timidez y miedo a los fantasmas, su padre organizó para ella el ir a aprender en el mundo mundano. Ella solo quiere pasar su tiempo libre jugando videojuegos pero al no tener mucha elección de ir a entrenar con sus sirvientes o asistir a la escuela de mundo mundano decide asistir a la escuela pensando llevar al menos una vida pacifica pero al llegar a la escuela se encuentra con que también hay espíritus y fantasmas.

19 de noviembre de 2014

Un drama histórico que nos narra el camino tormentoso que debe atravesar el príncipe Kwanghae nacido de una concubina y que fue nombrado príncipe heredero como una medida desesperada por parte del rey, motivo por el cual muchos funcionarios insatisfechos planearon su asesinato y derrocamiento durante 16 años sin poder conseguirlo. Todo a causa de su rostro. La estabilidad de este reinado se ve comprometida a causa de que el joven príncipe se mantiene en constante enfrentamiento con el rey a causa de Kim Ga Hee, una joven que está destinada a servir a dos dragones, y ello conlleva a camuflarse como hombre por muchos años, y teníendo en su corazón siempre al Principe Heredero. ¿Será que el príncipe logrará vencer a sus detractores? ¿Será que la lucha interna entre padre e hijo llegará a su fin? ¿Será que nacerá el amor entre esta joven pareja?

Wang Ling ha desarrollado habilidades increíbles desde una edad temprana. Sin embargo, para llevar una vida ordinaria, decide limitar sus poderes en un talismán. Desafortunadamente, su tranquilidad se ve amenazada cuando tiene que participar en una competencia cuando ingresa a la escuela secundaria.

A series based on the events in the reign of the Jiajing Emperor of the Ming dynasty.

19 de marzo de 2012

Fashion King cuenta la historia de jóvenes aspirantes a ser diseñadores en el mercado de Dongdaemun. Sueñan con el éxito, así como las relaciones, el amor, y los desafíos que enfrentan en el camino. Kang Young Gul no ha tenido nunca ninguna meta o sueños de un futuro brillante, hasta que conoce a Lee Ga Young. Juntos trabajan hacia sus sueños.

14 de agosto de 2013

Una profecía predijo que la victoria es para quien tiene la bendición de la sacerdotisa. Yang Xue Wu, la última sacerdotisa de su clan, involuntariamente envuelta en una guerra entre el norte de Qi y el norte de Zhou. Aunque prevé el destino trágico de Lan Ling Wang, general de Qi del Norte, ella no obstante se enamora de él y le ayuda a ganar la guerra contra Yuwen Yong, el rey del norte de Zhou. Pero el destino no puede ser alterado.

Dawn and Athas find a mysterious sleeping boy, Pandora, who suffers from amnesia after he comes around. When Pandora just arrives at Freewheel Town, he becomes the chasing target of an organization called Ancient Hunter Group, which demands of him to carry out the "Great Mission". Under the attack of Jin and his friends, Ancient Hunter Group is temporarily repelled.

With the assistance of Jin and his friends, Pandora gradually gets used to life in this world and his skill on top is much improved.Can Pandora regain his memories? What is his "Great Mission"? The story will tell you......

Wang Subak, the eldest daughter of the Wang family, had married into a wealthy family. But after her husband Ko Minjung goes bankrupt, she and her family have to move back into her parents' home. Second daughter Hobak is also having financial difficulties with her jobless husband Heo Sedal, while third daughter Gwangbak suddenly decides to quit her stable job as a teacher to pursue her dream of becoming a writer. Navigating the pressures of their circumstances will test every member of the family as they struggle to find happiness and love.

28 de febrero de 2024
24 de enero de 2019

Ella, renombrada asesina del siglo XXI, se convirtió en la cuarta señorita inútil de la mansión Su. Él, la alteza imperial del Imperio Jin, era un tirano demoníaco sin emociones y con un talento inigualable.

Todos sabían que era una inútil idiota y la intimidaban a su antojo. Pero sólo él, el tirano prepotente con un ojo exigente, no la dejaría ir aunque su vida dependiera de ello. De momento, veamos cómo se desarrolla el enfrentamiento de tercos contra tercos en este buen espectáculo de perseguidores y perseguidos.

16 de diciembre de 2022

A story about the choices of people who either believe money is everything or believe that it’s not.

1 de enero de 2006

Galaxy Racers (星际飙车王, Xingji Biaoche Wang) is a 2006 Chinese animated series that aired for 52 episodes from February 1 to June, 2006.

21 de julio de 2000

Triad member Chicken is designated by Taiwan's San Luen Gang to marry Nanako, the daughter of the fifth generation leader of the Yamada Gang in Japan. Later, the leader of the triad group gets murdered. Actually, all the San Luen Gang members suspect Chicken attacked their leader Liu, in order to make a chance for him to rule the Gang and thus have adopted an extremely hostile attitude towards him.

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