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26 de mayo de 2001

En los sombríos años 80, Sang-ho es buscado por las autoridades por su participación en el movimiento estudiantil. Al separarse de sus colegas, Sang-ho termina en una ciudad en las afueras, una ciudad con la que no tiene conexión. El lugar donde se esconde es el segundo piso de una casa de madera desgastada. Pasando su tiempo ociosamente en la habitación, un día, Sang-ho descubre un agujero que mira la habitación de abajo por casualidad. Casualmente mirando a través del agujero, Sang-ho exhala. Al principio, Sang-ho trata de evitar mirar, fuera de la culpa. Sin embargo, antes de que lo sepa, se siente atraído por el agujero. Cada gesto que hace es muy cautivador y seductor. Él observa su cuerpo, la siente y la lleva a su corazón.

Geng Geng had been an ordinary girl before her entry to the best high school in the province by chance. She doesn't like her life there until she meets Yu Huai, her seatmate - their names make up the word "Geng geng yu huai", meaning "Unforgettable memories". They don't like each other at the beginning, but soon they start to understand each other.

For the young man who lives in Serbian province town, the maturing coincides with the turbulent political events of the year 1968.

Una película futurista sobre una crisis cercana al borde de la guerra luego de que tres líderes sean secuestrados por un submarino nuclear norcoreano en un golpe de estado durante una cumbre entre las dos Coreas y Estados Unidos.

Simon, un joven huérfano, tiene un poder extraordinario: puede adoptar la apariencia de personas que ya ha tocado. Cuando su mejor amigo muere en un accidente, no hay testigos. Simon decide robar su lugar en su familia. Diez años después, la verdad se volverá cada vez más difícil de soportar y ocultar ...

Two families meet for a marriage that neither want, and things take a turn when the respective patriarchs fall in love.

Mikiya Kokutou le da a Shiki Ryougi un gato para que lo cuide, ya que estará fuera por un tiempo. Aunque Shiki protesta, deja al gato de todos modos, y Shiki está atrapada tratando de entender a su nuevo compañero felino.Pero por suerte, parece que al gato le ha gustado Mikiya y lo echa de menos. Más tarde en otra parte de la ciudad, Ririsu Miyazuki visita el lugar donde su querido amigo se suicidó.Ella también tiene la intención de terminar con su vida, pero conoce a Fujino Asagami, un compañero de clase ciego con un pasado traumático.Aunque las dos chicas no tienen mucho en común, Asagami le recuerda a Miyazuki a su amiga perdida y la ayuda a comprender su dolor. Dos meses después, Mikiya elige celebrar el Año Nuevo con Shiki en lugar de con su familia, lo que enoja mucho a su hermana Azaka, lo que la lleva a pasar las vacaciones con sus amigos de la escuela. A medida que la nieve comienza a caer, Mikiya reflexiona sobre lo que más desea: que la vida de Shiki esté llena de felicidad.

Después de la muerte de su padre, tres hermanas (Lou, una joven de dieciséis años, Charly que tiene poco más de veinte años y Emmie, que es una niña) deben mantener a flote Immenhof, la granja de caballos familiar. Juntas deberán superar todo tipo de adversidades para poder conservar su querido hogar, en bancarrota. La clave está en un precioso caballo de carreras.

The late 1970s. It's summer in a small provincial town. Twelve-year-old Piotrek has a very strong bond with his mother. While his father is away, his mother starts going out almost every night. Their simple and clear relationship starts to get complicated...

Ki-jun's family moves to a local village with a new town development plan. While going through the transfer process at his new school, Ki-jun's new pair of sneakers disappear. The children suspected of being shoe thieves are brothers from a famous broken family in the neighborhood.

Shinobi no Kuni nos presenta a Mumon (Satoshi Ono) un personaje que a pesar de ser muy perezoso es también el mejor shinobi de la provincia de Iga. Un día, él mata a un shinobi de una familia diferente para una recompensa. Mumon no sabe que sus acciones conducirán a una batalla mortal entre el cuerpo del shinobi de la provincia de Iga y el cuerpo de Nobukatsu Oda en Ise.

1 de septiembre de 2023

Marta (Katia Borlado), una profesora adjunta en la universidad, está a punto de irse a vivir con su novio Leo, pero antes, decide pasar unos días en Gijón junto a sus padres. Es allí donde se reencuentra con amigas y antiguos amores de la infancia, como Pablo (Álvaro Quintana); con el que tendrá una recaída amorosa y trastocará todos sus planes de futuro. ¿Volverá a Asturias a retomar su relación con Pablo? ¿O seguirá en Madrid junto a Leo? El verano se acaba y Marta tendrá que decidir entre lo que le dice la cabeza y lo que le dice el corazón.

En la Rumanía de 1925, la hermosa Marie-Therese Von Debretsy, casada con un capitán del ejército rumano, es seducida descaradamente delante de su marido en un baile de la alta sociedad por el Príncipe. Ante los celos del marido, éste pide el traslado a otra guarnición, así reasignan a la familia a un desolado y peligroso puesto avanzado en la frontera con Bulgaria.

School's out and 13-year-old Walter has lost his father. In his seemingly aimless wanderings around the Roman coast, a fascinating and mysterious place catches his eye: an abandoned villa with a huge, murky swimming pool. But the villa is not unguarded...

5 de septiembre de 2023

Xia Tian and his friends met the magical snail Kaka in the summer. Kaka had come to the surface from the center of the earth to find the purest water source. Xia Tian and his friends help Kaka avoid the pursuit of chef Ouyang Fei and find the fountain of life. After Kaka recovers his energy, he helps to prevent the fire that took his father's life in the past.

12 de julio de 2018

Curro es un fantasioso vendedor de robots de cocina que sueña con un trabajo en el mundo financiero. En plena crisis de pareja, y con fuertes deudas, hace una promesa que no puede cumplir: si su hijo Nico, de 9 años, saca todo sobresalientes, le llevará a unas vacaciones de verano inolvidables. El niño lo consigue y padre e hijo emprenden un viaje que les llevará a conocer gente y vivir situaciones que jamás hubiesen imaginado.

15 de octubre de 2016

Cinco alumnos universitarios se reunen para intercambiar información sobre su búsqueda de empleo, animándose unos a otros y compartiendo sus pensamientos y preocupaciones en Twitter. Pero detrás de eso hay mucho más de ellos mismos.

11 de febrero de 2010

In "Hot Summer Days" a hot summer heat wave engulfs the Chinese territory, while the movie covers the lives of various characters during that time. There's chaffeur Wah who tries to woo foot masseur Li Yan via text messages, air conditioner repairman Ah Wai interested in biker girl Ding Dong, a master sushi chef who spurns the love of writer Wasabi, country hick Da Fu who tries to impress teddy bear factory worker Xiao Qi Angela Baby by standing out in the hot noon sun for 100 days, & photographer Leslie Guan & assistant attempting to track down a woman who they believed cursed the photographer into blindness ...

Durante unas vacaciones en un camping de la Costa Azul, un pequeño burgués parisino se siente fascinado por una jovencita a la que corteja su propio hijo. Dominado por la obsesión, acaba por violarla y, accidentalmente, la chica resulta muerta. Conmocionada por el asesinato, la gente del lugar sospecha de unos inmigrantes árabes. (FILMAFFINITY)

26 de marzo de 1943

A shimmering glass hotel at the top of a remote Provençal mountain provides the setting for a tragicomic tapestry about an obsessive love pentangle, whose principals range from an artist to a hotel manager to a dam worker.

3 love songs, 3 stories, 3 feelings

19 de agosto de 2019
10 de octubre de 2022

Lai Dui Dui (Zhu Rong Jun) is a young college student who dreams of becoming a successful artist. She has little talent or ability when it comes to other subjects, however: She detests math, English, and other matters – and that is reflected in her dreadful grades. She is in serious danger of flunking if she does not do something about her academic performance. Also attending the same college is Jiang Zuo (Zhu Min Xin), a straight-A student who has no peers when it comes to all things study-related. The two have actually crossed paths before in high school. But due to a bout of prosopagnosia, she cannot recall who he is. Jiang Zuo is trying to escape the attention of a possessive ex-girlfriend, so he agrees to help Lai Dui Dui if she pretends to be his girlfriend. She agrees, but this decision leads to countless complications. It turns out that Jiang Zuo used to have feelings for Lai Dui Dui, and that these feelings might be reunited by spending more time together with her.

Summer and Todd are the protagonists of the hilarious adventures that involve the many friends of the Raggio di Sole farm. Summer comes from the city and brings with him a breath of enthusiasm while Todd, the owner of the farm, is a builder.

Three friends embark on an adventure, and will spend the summer at the beach house of the father of one of them, in Barra da Tijuca. They meet new people, live new loves, make new friends and travel on an adventure that will change their lives!

Four high school girls from troubled homes are living in a high school dormitory, and decide to go on a summer vacation trip, with some of their teachers. In part, the girls want to meet boys, and possibly to have their first "personal experience" .

Twins Ploy and Plair were separated shortly after their birth. After Ploy spots Plair accidentally at work, she's determined to talk with her and tell her the truth about how she was taken away. Not long after the twins meet and the truth comes out, the 2 unintentionally swap lives and have to live the daily life of their other half.

10 de septiembre de 2019

Four classmates go on a vacation that, once they arrive, derails in every way imaginable.

Within the hectic environment of a modern department store, new employees struggle to learn their jobs and maintain balance in their personal lives and relationships. Their laughter, tears, and anger reveal the depth of human drama that is played out in everyday settings.

1 de junio de 2017

We follow five 12-year old kids during a weeklong summer camp. A Scandinavian summer filled with drama, love, disappointments, friends and adventure.

29 de octubre de 2020

It is based on the concept of "What if I could be the main character of a ruined film I made?". It is a work about meeting people and falling in love.

'Cho Kabuki' is a special stage performance which combines kabuki, a traditional Japanese theatre with a 400-year history, and cutting-edge ICT technology.

Using the advanced technology 'Cho Kabuki' sees the creation of a special kabuki show co-starring one of today’s most popular kabuki stars, Nakamura Shidō, and the worlds’ biggest virtual diva, Hatsune Miku, both of whom are enjoying success in different fields!

4 de abril de 2014

League of Legends talk show hosted by Duncan "Thorin" Shields and Christopher "Montecristo" Mykles

Taiga is a struggling second-generation actor who has developed a complex due to his father, a famous actor in his time. Most of the time, Taiga only gets to appear in variety shows. One day when his friend brings him out skydiving, a big wind drags him away from the dropping point and he gets stuck in a tree. A beautiful woman, Shiori, rescues him. Shiori is a cheerful woman who laughs away all of her worries. She's exactly the opposite of Taiga...

Krinka and Lola Brankovic are two sisters in their early twenties, both very attractive and interesting although completely different. Krinka is reserved; she likes daydreaming and is not much interested in loving relationships. Lola is her total opposite she remained widow young but still has a lot of desire for life and likes meeting different men. One summer, the two of them together with their mother go on a boat trip to Venice, and the island of Rab. That summer, Krinkas encounter with Dubravko, and Lolas with Zarko will forever change their lives.

26 de diciembre de 2010

The Imperial Garden of the Qing Dynasty, formerly known as the Qingyi Garden, was built in the Qing Emperor Qianlong period when the national power was strong. It was destroyed by the British and French coalition forces in the second Opium War in 1860. During the reign of Emperor Guangxu, it was renamed the Summer Palace and became the main place where Cixi lived and lived in his later years. The Summer Palace was looted by the Eight-Power Allied Forces in 1900 and was occupied by the Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War. In 1928, the Summer Palace officially became a national park by the Royal Garden. The preservation of the archives and cultural relics in the park today records the history of China's feudal society from its glory to its decline, and it has also witnessed the vicissitudes of several vicissitudes of gardens in New China.

The Summer Palace is a collection of Chinese classical garden art. It combines the essence of the north and south gardens and integrates the man-made landscape with nature. It is the last royal garden in China and the most intact and largest ancient garden in China. It is a Chinese garden. The pinnacle of art. In 1998, it was included in the World Cultural Heritage List by UNESCO.

The film was produced by CCTV, and the backbone of the creative team was the original team to shoot the 12-episode large-scale documentary "The Forbidden City." The creation of "The Summer Palace" was launched in 2006 and lasted three years. According to Chinese traditional culture, the Forbidden City represents "li", and the Summer Palace represents "le". Now the filming of "The Forbidden City" and "The Summer Palace" is completed, which also represents the combination of "ritual" and "le", completing Chinese classical architecture and culture. a chapter.

Rod Simmons

InterpretaciónSimone, Americans

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