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23 gennaio, 2007

Disney's Really Short Report was a mini-show that ran on the Disney Channel and promoted upcoming Disney DVD releases. The show was launched in 2007 to replace the long running Mike's Super Short Show which was hosted by Michael Alan Johnson and Alyson Stoner, which had ended its run in December 2006. It is a creation of 7-ATE-9 ENTERTAINMENT and currently tapes in Walt Disney Studio Sound Stage 5 in Burbank, California, which for almost four years was home to Mike's Super Short Show.

Disney's Really Short Report features a newsdesk-like atmosphere, utilizing three young actors who portray the members of the "DVD team". Standard segments include "Top Stories" and the "Special Features Forecast".

Currently, the staff that was part of Mike's Super Short Show is still in place. The Really Short Report was later adapted in the United Kingdom with a British cast and crew.

Disney's Really Short Report ended in January 2009.It was replaced by Leo Little's Big Show.

28 aprile, 2024

A nostalgia-filled ride that paints a vivid picture of the world of Walt Disney and the history-making empire he and his brother Roy Disney built. Each hour-long episode focuses on a different example of game-changing brilliance in Disney’s history.

17 settembre, 1994

Boogies Diner is a syndicated Canadian sitcom which first aired in 1994. It stars Jim J. Bullock, Monika Schnarre, and James Marsden in one of his first appearances on television. The series ended in 1995.

Come Dine With Me South Africa is a South African cooking reality competition television series based on the British series Come Dine With Me and produced by Rapid Blue which follows four people who have never previously met as they snoop around each other's homes, sample each other's cooking and pass judgment on each other's entertaining skills.

10 ottobre, 1957

1820... Il giovane nobile californiano don Diego de la Vega abbandona gli studi all'università di Madrid e la Spagna per fare ritorno nella terra natia, Los Angeles (all'epoca piccolo pueblo del Vicereame della Nuova Spagna), a seguito delle pressioni del padre, don Alejandro, che vuole fermare la tirannia del nuovo perfido capitano Enrique Sanchez Monastario. Quest'ultimo è un cinico ufficiale spagnolo che maltratta tanto i nobili quanto i soldati e i peones. Inoltre il comandante ha pagato un avvocato corrotto, Licenciado Piña, per proteggerlo e mascherare il suo governo illecito. Diego ritrova a Los Angeles i suoi vecchi amici: l'anziano don Ignacio Torres, accusato ingiustamente da Monastario, padre Felipe, frate superiore del villaggio, e il paffuto sergente Demetrio Lopez García. Quest'ultimo è l'attendente del malvagio capitano ma, a differenza di Monastario, è un uomo buono, che non condivide l'operato del proprio superiore, senza però potervisi neppure opporre

6 ottobre, 2006

Disney's Kurze Pause, is a German sitcom series

It tells a story that how two young women become close friends by having dinners together. They happened to be arranged seated at the same table one time they went to eat out alone. At that time, they were both bothered by relationships, and from the first accidental dinner together, multiple dinners then followed, over which they open up to each other their relationship troubles, get closer and develop an unusual friendship.

Disney's CyberStar was a children's television programme that aired on The Disney Channel in the UK in 1996. It showed cartoons such as Disney's Gargoyles. It had numerous human hosts, as well as two alien characters called Creech and Finder. The show was not successful and only ran for a short time.

Mark Heap starred as 'Billy' one of the human hosts.

2 agosto, 2010

Hee-ra is the owner of the Witch's Diner where employee Jin and intern Gil-yong work with her. Guests are welcome to the Witch's Diner where they sell their souls for their wishes to come true.

21 luglio, 2018

Follow an adventurous family on the time-travelling journey of a lifetime as they take on iconic trends in food, design and domestic gadgetry, beginning in the 1940s. Guided by host Carlo Rota, each week the Campus family from southern Ontario will live through a new decade of Canadian food and domestic trends.

Edgar Allan Poe throws a murder mystery dinner party to impress the beautiful Annabel Lee. He invites some of the world's most renowned authors. Things go awry when someone actually gets murdered...

20 novembre, 2006

Chai Foon-Cheung has not won a single game since his defeat in the World Poker Championship twenty years ago. It is the bad luck he has had all these years that has earned him a job in the casino. Ironically, the man who hires him is one of his then competitors Kiu Ching-Cho.

24 novembre, 2000

After taking his young son Roddy to a remote Northumberland village, Peter Greenbank meets a violent death, leaving the boy alone with no family to speak of. Roddy is adopted and raised by Kate Makepeace, a good friend of his father’s, and develops a close friendship with Hal and Mary Ellen. But their sibling bond is put to the test as they become adults. The hidden secrets of the past are painfully unearthed as their lives are intertwined by a tragic destiny.

25 novembre, 2014

Conversations with Michael Eisner is a one hour talk show that runs once a month on CNBC. The show is hosted by former Walt Disney Company Chairman and CEO Michael Eisner.

1 novembre, 2010

Come Dine With Me Canada is a Canadian reality television series, adapted from the British programme Come Dine With Me. The show debuted November 1, 2010 on the W Network. The show has generally brings five amateur chefs competing against each other hosting a dinner party for the other contestants. Each competitor then rates the host's performance with the winner winning a $1,000 cash prize. An element of comedy is added to the show through comedian Jamie Carr, who provides a dry and "Canadian sarcastic" narration.

1 gennaio, 2022

An employee of the fire department - a manipulator and a bribe-taker - is trying to get herself a kidney for a transplant. But this is not easy to do, since she lived her life in such a way that no one wants to help her.

25 febbraio, 2015

Tiffani Thiessen invites her celebrity friends over for good company, great stories and delicious food. With guests like Jason Priestley, Seth Green, her White Collar co-stars and more, it's a wonderful blend of dinner, drinks and fun. Come for the party, stay for the food.

A Disney park quiz series produced in Japan. Challenge yourself to trivia quizzes, and unravel the stories that live within each corner of Disney Parks and Resorts.

Londra, nell'Ottocento. Pur se innocente, la popolare cantante Gloria Vane si prende la colpa di una frode compiuta da Sir Albert Finsbury, l'uomo del quale è innamorata. Condannata ai lavori forzati in Australia, la donna spera che Finsbury la salvi confessando le proprie responsabilità, ma lui l'abbandona. In Australia, a Parramatta, Gloria - per evitare i lavori forzati - accetta di sposare un agricoltore, Henry Hoyer. Ma la dura vita dei campi non fa per lei che coglie subito un'occasione e fugge via. Trova lavoro come cantante al Sidney Casino, un locale dove ritrova Finsbury che, nel frattempo, si è fidanzato con la figlia del governatore. L'uomo le chiede di perdonarlo e di fuggire insieme, ma lei non può dimenticare il suo tradimento. Lui, allora, si suicida. Tornata a Parametta, Gloria viene accolta da marito che perdona la sua fuga.

Canta, balla e suona insieme alle tue canzoni Disney preferite! È facile e divertente leggere i testi sullo schermo e unirti ai tuoi personaggi preferiti nei loro momenti musicali più memorabili! Canta le canzoni più felici della terra nel posto più felice della terra: Disneyland! Il tuo ospite, Mr. Owl, ti invita a celebrare una giornata musicale con tutti i tuoi amici Disney preferiti. Unisciti a Topolino e Minnie per divertimento ed emozioni mentre si danno da fare dietro le quinte del parco! Quindi prendi un posto in prima fila su alcune delle giostre più selvagge, come Star Tours, Splash Mountain e il Cervino, con Chip 'n' Dale, Roger Rabbit e un Magic Kingdom pieno di avventure da cantare insieme

Ryan Seacrest hosts the second Disney Family Singalong featuring celebrities and their families as they take on their favorite Disney tunes from their homes. Special guests include John Legend, Christina Aguilera, Shakira, and Katy Perry.

Esplora la serie Disney+ dell'MCU: passato, presente e futuro.

Un pranzo mondano fa da sfondo a una serie di comportamenti e di rapporti che si intrecciano durante la serata. La moglie di un armatore in crisi invita due nobili inglesi che disdegnano la serata e questo fatto crea malumore nella padrone di casa: al loro posto, interverranno come rimpiazzo, due parenti poveri. Gli altri invitati sono un'anziana attrice molto ricca e vecchia fiamma del marito, un attore sulla via del tramonto anche perché alcolizzato, un capitano d'industria con la moglie, il medico di famiglia e consorte.

25 novembre, 1994

Ice skating greats perform to some of Disney's most memorable music -- from "Mary Poppins," "Snow White," "Cinderella," "Peter Pan," "The Lion King," "Lady and the Tramp," "Aladdin" and "Fantasia."

The research, development, and deployment of the first atomic bomb, as well as the bombing of Hiroshima, are detailed in this docudrama.

Il matrimonio del famoso scrittore Alan e della sua giovane moglie Lola è in crisi. In vacanza ad Haiti Lola vuole decidere se la loro relazione ha ancora un futuro...

presenta una compilation di nove corti classici, tre cartoon provengono dalla serie di Topolino, due a testa da quelle di Paperino e Pluto mentre i rimanenti sono una Silly Symphony e uno special cartoon.

Tra il luglio e l'ottobre del 1941, mentre gli Stati Uniti erano sull'orlo della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, Walt Disney era alle prese con uno dei momenti più difficili della sua carriera: lo sciopero delle manovalanze dei suoi studios. Il Governo degli USA gli promise di risolvere le questioni sindacali in cambio di un viaggio in Sud America che aiutasse a migliorare l'immagine degli States a quelle latitudini del continente e preparasse la strada a future alleanze in previsione dell'imminente allargamento del conflitto. Walt y el grupo è il resoconto del viaggio di Disney e del suo staff di matite, musicisti e menti migliori, nelle tradizioni e nelle arti dell'America Latina, alla ricerca di spunti per i film che ne sarebbero nati.

Un gruppo d'élite di ex militari ha deciso di esplorare un abisso inesplorato, non sapendo che il loro peggior incubo li sta aspettando nelle profondità del suolo.

13 ottobre, 2023

Who doesn't love a good ol' Family Reunion? Erin (Abby Turner), Cas (Lily Abercrombie), and Ron (Tanner Stricklin) meet up after the passing of their Grandparents. Some just want money and some want to simply sit down and talk. Let's see how that goes...

Documentary on the groundbreaking animation films with which the Dutch animation pioneer Joop Geesink conquered the world.

12 novembre, 2021

Join Pete Docter for a tour around Pixar and get a sneak peek at several upcoming Disney+ releases.

Ed ora la tua piccola principessa può entrare in un mondo incantato con le "Le storie delle principesse Disney - La magia dell'amicizia". Il divertimento inizia con tre incantevoli favole che insegnano l'importanza di aver a cuore i veri amici! Unisciti a Jasmine e Ariel mentre si dilettano in cerca d'avventure vagando tra le nuvole e tra gli abissi marini. Guarda Biancaneve mentre fa del suo meglio per preparare una gustosa cena per i suoi amici nanetti, aiutata dallo spiritoso Cucciolo! Mentre ognuna delle accattivanti storie prende colore, la tua bimba potrà incontrare le sue adorate principesse Disney e tuffarsi con loro in una serie di meravigliose avventure per scoprire che l'amicizia è la magia più potente in assoluto!

16 aprile, 2020

Ryan Seacrest hosts a nationwide singalong event featuring celebrities and their families as they take on their favorite Disney tunes from their homes; onscreen lyrics allow viewers to sing along.

15 maggio, 1977

The Slave in the Magic Mirror is the host of this show, designed to explain that all heroes need villains to balance things out. Without villains, there would be no heroes. Villains from Disney films abound here.

8 giugno, 1963

A very old woman wants to have dinner with her friends. As they are all dead, the butler has to play the role of every guest.

30 gennaio, 2008

There's nothing like gathering your family around a roaring fire during the holidays. But what would happen if you added a little Disney magic? Introducing Disney's MAGICAL FIREPLACE, a virtual fireplace that's the next best thing to a real fire and a whole lot more fun! Filled with Disney Magic, it's nothing you've ever seen before! Look for hidden Mickeys and other favorite Disney characters as they mysteriously appear in the shadows. Everyone will "ooh" and "aah" as the glowing red flames dance to a symphony of fireworks, shimmering colors and spectacular surprises like only Disney can bring. How many classic Disney characters can you find? Choose from classic holiday music, with two beloved songs performed by Disney characters, or the snap, crackle and pop of a roaring fire! So wrap up the season with Disney's MAGICAL FIREPLACE -- it's the perfect way to say "welcome home" any day of the year.

24 gennaio, 1986

Disney’s Living Seas, a special television broadcast that aired on January 24, 1986, promoting the opening of the new Living Seas pavilion at EPCOT Center, hosted by John Ritter.

The special featured a behind the scenes look at the history of the new pavilion, footage of water-themed Disney films along with a look at ocean life. Dr. Richard Ballard talks about his discovery of the Titanic wreckage. Musical entertainment includes Duran Duran’s Simon Le Bon including a clip from the “Rio” Music video, Laura Branigan sings “If I Were a River” and Olivia Newton-John sings “The Dolphin Song”

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