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Lin Tuo et An Zhique tombent amoureux et veulent passer le reste de leur existence ensemble. Mais alors qu’ils sont sur le point de voir leurs projets de vie s’établir, une tragédie vient tout remettre en question : Tuo est atteint de la sclérose latérale amyotrophique. Aux côtés de Zhique et de ses proches, il affronte courageusement la maladie et chérit l’instant présent.

Shiratori Kuu est une lycéenne réservée et effacée, toujours en train de rêver au prince charmant, elle continue sa vie monotone dans l'espoir qu'un jour son prince vienne la chercher. Un jour, un nouvel élève est transféré et il se trouve que c'est le sosie de son prince, Kyoshiro Ayanakôji.

Le soir-même, Kuu est attaquée par une fille-chat qui peut invoquer un robot, cependant une autre fille, pouvant invoquer aussi, la défend...

21 juin 1993

Doc Ido, un médecin et mécanicien qui vit et travaille dans le « Scrapyard » post-apocalyptique, trouve les restes d'une femme cyborg dans un tas de ferraille. Après l'avoir réanimée et reconstruite, l'amnésique « Gally » commence une vie pour elle-même dans un monde où chaque jour peut apporter un nouveau combat.

Women Changing the Game follows a diverse group of female athletes through make-or-break seasons in traditionally male-dominated sports.

Gorō Mutsumi n'a pas de chance, ni avec le travail, ni avec ses études, et sûrement pas avec la gent féminine. Un jour il fait la rencontre d'une diseuse de bonne aventure qui l'informe qu'un événement bouleversera son quotidien. Elle lui donne un téléphone portable qui lui portera (soit-disant) chance.

Gorō ne croit évidemment pas à tout ça...

C'est alors que trois filles qui l'attendent derrière son appartement, lui explique qu'elles sont ses anges gardiens, envoyés sur Terre par l'esprit de la toute puissante déesse.

Elles sont les trois premiers anges à apparaître sur un total de douze (ce chiffre représente les douze animaux que Gorō a perdu à cause de sa malchance).

On her way to get married, a series of events lead Shen Yi Yi to enter a school in disguise as a boy. This is a story that follows the exploits of the five sons of Shangyiguan.

Shen Yi Yi is an ordinary cook from the market. In order to repay a debt, she agrees to substitute for her good friend in marriage and travels to Chang'An in her stead. Along the way, she ends up in disguise as a gentleman and meets Yang Zi'an, a young man carrying out orders from the King. She also meets the sweet second prince Li Xin Yuan, the high and mighty swordsman Dugu Muxue and the handsome flower boy Tang Jiu Hua. In their pursuit of education, the five who bear secrets of their own learn to trust each other and become friends, thus starting them on an exciting school life that brings them face to face with a mysterious case and corrupt officials.

Ririka Moriya received the biggest shock of her life on her birthday. A new student, Kanou, enrolled into the school and gave Ririka a present. Inside was the Nurse's Cap. With it, Ririka would become the legendary Nurse Angel. Now it is her duty to find the Flower of Life in order to save Queen Earth from Dark Joker.

In a dilapidated mansion under heavy debts, there are two heaven-sent marriages across social classes, three young women and four brothers.

Hwang Bong Ryeon, fille d'une chamane, a le pouvoir de connaître l'avenir, le présent et le futur de ceux qu'elle rencontre. Elle rencontre un jeune noble Choi Cheon Jung et ils tombent amoureux. Mais Bong Ryeon apprend alors qu'elle est en réalité une princesse et devient donc un outil de la famille royale qui veut se servir de son pouvoir. Cinq ans plus tard, la princesse Bong Ryeon et Cheon Jung se revoient mais elle se retrouve obligée de le trahir pour lui sauver la vie, ce qui oblige Cheon Jung à fuir et cause la mort de son père. Quand il revient trois ans plus tard, il a acquis de grandes compétences de physionomiste et se fait connaître comme le meilleur diseur de bonne aventure de tout Joseon. Lui et la princesse s'allient pour sauver Joseon de la corruption de son gouvernement et choisir le prochain roi.

Miyako Hoshino est une étudiante timide et otaku. Un jour, son cœur s'emballe lorsqu'elle croise la route d'une bande d'écolières aux visages d'anges ! Elle essaie de leur parler, mais ne trouve pas les mots. Lorsqu'elle découvre un peu plus tard qu'elles sont dans la classe de sa petite sœur, elle va tout faire pour s'entendre avec l'une d'entre elles, Hana, qu'elle trouve vraiment trop mignonne…

Xiao Han, who runs a small lodge, is the prettiest girl in the little village on Hainan Island. Her humble background and lowly education makes her unconfident, yet she is still optimistic, hoping for her very own happiness. Jie Luo is the haughty son of a woman who is in command of a big business group. He was asked by his mother to help her in renovating some parts of the island, and thus lived in Xiao Han's lodge. When Jie Luo was trying to purchase some land, he ran into problems which were soon solved with the help of Xiao Han. Their personalities are miles apart, but when they got to know each other through working together, they slowly fell in love. However, Jie Luo's mother was against them being together and wanted Xiao Han to leave Jie Luo in exchange for the continuation of the island's renovation project. For the good of the island, Xiao Han reluctantly agreed. This dealt a great blow to Jie Luo, and finding Xiao Han became his only job...

Après une longue journée de travail, le lycéen Shintarô Tokumitsu rentre dans son studio pour se reposer lorsqu'il découvre un ange sur son balcon. Cette divinité, Towa, lui révèle qu'elle est là pour étudier l'humanité. Malgré son scepticisme, il accepte de l'héberger. Ainsi débute une drôle de colocation !

Minazuki Haruka et Kannazuki Aoi sont deux étudiants de l'académie St.Cherine. Haruka est toujours remplie d'énergie pétillante tandis qu'Aoi est plus mature et une des meilleures étudiantes dans toutes ses classes - mais malgré leurs différences, les deux sont les meilleures amies. Les deux filles ressemblent à toutes les autres filles qui fréquentent l'académie, mais la vérité est qu'elles cachent un petit secret qu'elles ne peuvent révéler à personne ...

Misaki Suzuhara arrive à Tokyo pour entrer au collège, sa mère étant très prise par son travail, celle-ci va donc habiter chez sa tante. Mais à peine arrivée en ville, qu’elle tombe sur un écran géant retransmettant un duel entre deux combattantes, mais qui sont en réalité de petites poupées guidées par ondes cérébrales. Séduite par le talent du vainqueur en dépit de sa petite taille, Misaki va rapidement se laisser entraîner dans le monde de l’Angelic Layer. 

L’histoire de Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryū no Rondo se déroule dans un monde où l’humanité est parvenue à faire sienne une technologie appelée Mana, faisant entrer le monde dans une utopie où guerre, famine, pollution et autres problème ont été éradiqués.

Angelize est la première princesse de l’Empire Misurugi. Aimée de son peuple, elle est supposée un jour succéder au trône. Cependant sa lumineuse existence va prendre une tournure bien sombre lorsqu’elle découvre qu’elle est une Norma, un être incapable de manipuler le Mana, considéré comme hérétique par ses pairs.

Devenue une paria elle s’isole sur une île reculée, où elle rejoint d’autres filles Norma dont la vie n’est constituée que de combats, affrontant à bord de robots appelés Barameiru des dragons venus d’une autre dimension.

Shinjuku, une tueuse à gage du nom de code Glass Heart est rongée par les remords des meurtres qu'elle a commis et se suicide en se jetant du haut d'un immeuble. Ses employeurs font tout pour la maintenir en vie, et volent le cœur d'une femme décédée au même moment, celui de Kaori, la femme du célèbre Ryo Saeba morte le jour de leur mariage…

5 juin 1936

On New Year's Eve, a girl is told a story by her grandfather about his days in a military regiment; then, the girl dreams she's at the Changing of the Guard ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

1 janvier 1975

Discusses the history of the Middle East. Contrasts old ways with the new in agriculture, industry, etc. in emphasizing the changing image of this part of the world.

After marriage, Sun-ah and Joo-hee seem to have become bored with their husbands. They meet and talked about their worries. Because their husbands coldness, they can't even remember when was the last time they had sex. Joo-hee says she can't take it anymore so she tried to find someone through a dating app but Sun-ah stopped her. After contemplating, they both wore sexy lingeries and tried to seduce their husbands, but it didn't work. Finally, as a last resort, they change husbands for a night and make love...

For the first time in history, women are designing our world. They are the rising stars in architecture-previously an all-male galaxy--and they are literally and figuratively changing the landscape. MAKING SPACE captures the compelling stories and outstanding designs of Annabelle Selldorf (NY), Farshid Moussavi (London), Odile Decq (Paris), Marianne McKenna (Toronto), and Kathryn Gustafson (Seattle & London). Without script or narration, each woman tells her own story, enhanced by the insights of commentators including Pulitzer Prize-winning architecture critic Paul Goldberger; MoMA's Peter Reed and Paola Antonelli; and others. Meryl Streep makes a special guest appearance.

1 novembre 2023

The documentary film focuses on the plight of the wetlands near Tamil Nadu’s Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary, a 30-acre state bird santuary which is getting ruined by stone quarrying. People have been protesting against the stone quarrying stating it is harming the ecology and how it is affecting them and the wetlands for more than 18 years. But regardless of that, their farmlands are getting seized gradually by power and violence raising ecological fears that are deteriorating conditions as a result.

27 juin 2022

Alex returns to Charlie's home to find her watching TV shows, but soon finds that the shows, and Charlie, are not what they seem.

16 février 2024

A short documentary that delves into the trials of Black LGBTQ+ Caribbean asylum seekers like Jhanik Bullard, a Bahamian screenwriter, and features insights from Dennis Wamala, a Ugandan activist at Rainbow Railroad. Unveiling the intricate asylum process, it explores the challenges of being thrust into a majority white country, confronting racism for the first time, and navigating the complexities of their newfound LGBTQ+ community in Canada.

16 mai 2008

Changing Faces is a classic tale of good versus evil. Somewhere in Africa flighty journalist Lola exchanges spirits with buttoned down business man Dale, but only one of them wants to go back to the way things have always been.

Tout commence par une question : comment rendre notre monde plus juste ? Des célébrités internationales aux étoiles montantes, partez à la rencontre de ces femmes qui font bouger les lignes. Elles cohabitent avec des primates dans la jungle, sondent les océans pour prendre le pouls de notre planète, se lancent sur les traces des origines de l'humanité au coeur de grottes africaines et expérimentent de nouvelles technologies aux confins de l'espace. Elles brisent les plafonds de verre des salles de rédaction, de conférence, d'audience et de classe. Découvrez les histoires de celles qui réinventent notre monde et nos perceptions.

10 février 2021

Wildlife photographer Richard Sidey joins an international team of whale research scientists in Antarctica to document their work on how Humpback Whales are adapting to a changing ocean.

Changing the rules is based on the stereotypes and double standards of men, women and relationships. These friends made a decision to go against the rules society has placed on them, and, change the rules; the unwritten rules of love.

After twenty six years of routine Bill sets out for his last day of work at one of the countries oldest and most historic factories in Muncie Indiana, the nations Middletown. His way of life and identity as a union worker are coming to an end with the closing of this 100-year-old factory that changed automotive history and became the symbol of the Indianapolis 500, the Borg Warner trophy. This documentary exposes the dramatic factors that led to the closing of the plant and the union's downfall. The film examines labor movement from its early days through the shift from an industrial age to our non-industrial age in Middletown America.

Red Bull Formation 2021 brought together like-minded riders who want to progress and evolve their sport. These women are now changing the face of freeride mountain biking.

A greatest hits DVD of her singles whilst signed to EMI Records as a solo artist. Featuring the videos for Light of My Life, In Walked Love, Naked, Undivided Love, One Kiss from Heaven, Arms Around the World, Let's Go Round Again, All That Matters, 2 Faced, Beautiful Inside and Stuck in the Middle with You.

From honey bees in Chile to a Paul Frank store in Slovakia. From a food distribution service in Zambia to a North Korean defector who serves as a venture capitalist to his fellow defectors in South Korea, witness economic freedom in action, transforming lives ... and entire nations. Swedish scholar Johan Norberg showcases five stories demonstrating how people can lift themselves from poverty when given the opportunity. Program also features the Fraser Institute's Economic Freedom of the World Report with an explanation of how the index works.

A few years ago there was a strange incident in a wooded area near Braunschweig. A teacher disappeared with his class during a night hike without a trace. To this day the group is missing. It is said that the teacher murdered his students and buried them in the forest. Their bodies were never found. Residents and relatives of the missing now believe that there is a curse on this forest, as they heard voices and screams from the undergrowth during evening walks. A group of young drug dealers does not bother this old wives' tale very much! They meet in this forest to smoke their shit and to let the world sink in. But then suddenly things never imagined happen...

Women around the world use social media platforms as a weapon in their struggle for equal rights. Their online campaigns against femicide in Latin America, FGM in Africa or compulsory headscarves in Iran, mobilize thousands others.

Silas Warner dictates a letter commanding his son Harry to leave college at once and enter his office as an employee. Furthermore, Mr. Warner has in mind the marriage of his son to his partner's daughter. When Harry receives his father's letter, he returns home, but takes a decided stand in opposition to his father's ideas. Furthermore, Harry is about to be married to Rose Blend. Warner's partner, Martin, turns out to be a defaulter, and almost ruins the firm. Harry reads a newspaper account of his father's ills and trouble, so he and his wife go to see and assist him. As Mr. Warner is convalescent, he extends to his son and wife his parental blessings.

23 janvier 2013

Discover the story of our first quests to explore Mars as Emmy award-winning producer/director/writer and director of the office of communication and education at JPL Blaine Baggett premieres his latest documentary film, The Changing Face of Mars. The JPL - produced, 90-minute documentary is told through a mix of archival footage and interviews with the scientists and engineers who pioneered Mars exploration. It serves as the fourth installment of Baggett's Beginnings of the Space Age documentary series chronicling the evolution of space exploration since the first rockets were launched into space.

Chantelle Nascimento

InterprétationGood Doctor

Chanel Sabeva

ProductionBad Cop

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