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16 aprile, 2024

Learn the haunting case of Grant Amato, a 29-year-old Florida man accused of murdering his own family execution style for the love of a cam girl.

14 ottobre, 2007

The Salt-N-Pepa Show, which premiered on October 14, 2007 on VH1, is a reality show documenting the events from the life of Salt-n-Pepa, several years after their breakup.

14 gennaio, 2016
18 febbraio, 1980

What will happen when Ravi Randhawa, a business tycoon, meets Pratiksha Parekh, a simple school teacher? Will sparks fly? Or is there no happy-ever-after for the opposite personalities?

24 marzo, 2017

Sal, an aimless and self-centred underachiever in Sudbury, Ontario, discovers that he is actually the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and that he must learn to become a better person in preparation for his destiny.

11 settembre, 2015

Valeria Ferro, ispettore della Squadra Omicidi di Torino , è una poliziotta giovane ed estremamente abile, forte di un grosso intuito e di un'ossessione: quella per la verità. Ma il suo passato racconta di una ferita che risale all'adolescenza, quando sua madre Lucia era stata condannata per l'omicidio del marito.

Saturday and Sunday mornings are a perfect time to slow things down, escape the routine and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Ève-Marie Lortie and her lively team deliver news, sports, entertainment and weather updates, as well as their latest finds and practical tips on a wide range of topics.

15 febbraio, 2011

Sara and Jonas fall madly in love. But then Sara discovers that Jonas is slowly radicalizing through a right-wing extremist forum online. Can love keep him from sacrificing himself for his ideologic conviction?

30 settembre, 1996
14 marzo, 2011

Secrets for Sale (拍·卖)is a Singapore television drama series, produced by Wawa Pictures. It is Channel U's blockbuster of the year for 2011 and debuted on March 14, 2011. It is aired from Monday to Friday, at 10.00 pm. It has received much overwhelming response and raves from the viewers since its debut. The viewership reached 1,150,000, making it the most popular drama of the year.

23 gennaio, 1973

“Salt and Sugar” is the first Syrian work shown on Syrian television in 1973 during the month of Ramadan, and its events take place inside the prison when the social worker (Sabah Al-Jazairi) visits the prison to search for the cause of the prisoners’ delinquency, and (Dhiab Mashhour) sings the song “Alamaya,” and remembers Ghawar Al-Tosha (Duraid Lahham) is his mother and longs for life outside the bars. He sings his famous songs “Lou Lou Lou” and “Oh my beloved woman, ya mo.” The artist Dhiyab Mashhour also sings “Ya Abourdin.” The artist Taroub also presented two songs, “Tik Tok,” as part of a competition organized by Hosni. Al-Borzan (Nihad Qalai) inside the prison, through a Syrian comedy act starring Duraid Lahham and Nihad Qalai, in collaboration with Yassin Bakoush, Naji Jabr, Najah Hafeez, Abdul Latif Fathi Sabah Al-Jazairi and others, and the work is directed by Khaldoun Al-Maleh.

Wang Xiabo (Luo Jialiang) is the eldest son of the vegetable vendor Wang Erzai (Xia Yu). Since graduating from high school, he has been taking care of the vegetable stalls for his father, so he has a strong affection for the vegetable market.

One day, Xia Bo met her childhood playmate Su Youmei (played by Wu Yongwei), and her mother (played by Cheng Kewei) even operated flower stalls in the market. The Yumi family and Erzai were friends at first, but unfortunately they turned against each other because of money.

Xia Bo is straightforward and snobbish from the United States, and the two suddenly become enemies. Soon, Yumi suspected that her boyfriend had an affair with Xia Bo's wife Yan Meizhu (Wu Meiheng), and the two were forced to put aside their family feud and investigate together.

1 febbraio, 2019
22 dicembre, 1989
27 febbraio, 2022


9 agosto, 2014

Un giovane subdolo trova il successo nel mondo oscuro della diffamazione sui social media, ma l'odio virtuale avrà ripercussioni violente sulla vita reale.

Jennifer discovers an antique camera at the estate of a photography enthusiast.

Tratto dal libro "Walt Before Mickey" che illustra i primi anni della carriera di Walt Disney.

Actor, comedian and writer Fortune Feimster takes the stage and riffs on her southern roots, sexual awakenings, showbiz career and more.

25 gennaio, 1973

Il monastero di clausura di Sant'Arcangelo in Irpinia ospita numerose suore costrette alla vita monacale dalle rispettive illustri famiglie. La morte della badessa mette in concorrenza l'anziana madre Lavinia, madre Giulia di Mondragone e madre Carmela. Per raggiungere il potere Madre Giulia (che ha una relazione con suor Chiara) accetta l'aiuto di un signorotto locale.

Jennifer Shannon accetta di condurre una vendita di garage per raccogliere fondi per la sorellanza della figlia Hannah quando la matrigna di una delle consorelle della ragazza viene trovata morta in una soffitta. Il decesso è considerato un incidente ma Jennifer è convinta del contrario. La sua indagine porta a un collegamento inaspettato con un dipinto scomparso misteriosamente molto tempo prima.

When Jennifer buys a storage locker at auction, she discovers a dead body inside - along with a mask matching the deceased woman.

8 aprile, 2024

After a chasm of over two decades, thirty-three-year-old Jacobo reignites a connection with José Luis, a fifty-year-old Catholic priest navigating the twilight of his clerical life amid swirling allegations that have cast a shadow over his sacred vows.

Luc travels to Paris for the first time to sit the entrance exam for a carpentry school. There he meets Djemila, a young worker with whom he enjoys a short romance, before returning to his home town and beginning a relationship with Geneviève, whom he has known since childhood. Caught between two passions, Luc runs, resolving to fulfil his father's dreams by devoting himself to his future... until finally, he experiences true love.

Rapper and breakdancer Teekay from Eindhoven is known for his somersaults and vlogs that are causing a stir. During the corona riots in 2021, he not only gained national fame as a vlog reporter, but also ended up briefly in jail. After his junior year, Teekay wants to change course and, above all, be an example for other young people. In the film he takes us into his life and talks about his childhood in foster homes, the mistakes he made and about his dreams. What is Teekay looking for?

The daughter-in-law of a prestigious family enlists Jennifer's help with a mysterious puzzle box that her mother-in-law left behind.

After enduring extreme humiliation at school, Polish teen Dominik holes himself up in his room and begins spending all his time in a virtual reality chat room.

Carpenter, De Palma, Cronenberg, Spielberg, Argento e altri registi ancora sono presenti in questa antologia che abbraccia gli ultimi dieci anni del cinema d'oltreoceano del "brivido". Per gli appassionati, scene al cardiopalma firmate dai migliori specialisti contemporanei di questo genere.

Basato su uno sciopero vero contro la miniera di zinco Empire in New Mexico, il film segue alcuni lavoratori di origine messicana che invocano la parità di diritti con i loro colleghi anglosassoni. In seguito a un’ingiunzione, sono le mogli a scendere in campo, lasciando a casa i mariti con i figli.

In the MF & DAZN X Series 014 event, Salt Papi (3-2-0) is set to square off against Amadeusz Ferrari (1-1-0). Salt Papi aims to secure victory after facing two consecutive losses.

Ambientato in Toscana nel 1944, il film parla di quattro soldati neri americani della 92ª Divisione "Buffalo Soldiers" dell'esercito statunitense - interamente composta da militari di colore - che rimangono bloccati in un piccolo paese al di là delle linee nemiche, separati dal resto dell'esercito, dopo che uno di loro ha rischiato la vita per trarre in salvo un bambino italiano. Asserragliati sulle montagne toscane con i tedeschi da un lato ed i superiori americani incapaci di gestire gli eventi dall'altro, i soldati riscoprono una dimenticata umanità tra gli abitanti del paese, insieme ad un gruppo di partigiani e grazie all'innocenza ed al coraggio del bambino italiano, il cui affetto dona loro un segnale di speranza per riuscire ad andare avanti. Mentre il dramma della II Guerra Mondiale infuria, italiani, americani e tedeschi imparano il vero significato di amicizia e coraggio, in questa storia che dimostra cosa siano in grado di fare l'amore ed il potere dello spirito.

1 aprile, 2002

Sicilia, 1221. Il francescano Antonio, naufragato sull'isola con il confratello Giulietto, racconta al vescovo del luogo la sua storia. Fernando, così si chiamava Antonio prima di vestire il saio, era un nobile portoghese destinato a diventare cavaliere. Un grave episodio lo costrinse ad abbandonare la vita secolare e a ritirarsi in convento. Dopo essere stato in Africa e aver girato l'Europa con il fidato Giulietto, un frate minore venuto dall'Italia, Antonio raggiunge Padova. Il frate trova una città in mano a usurai che, toccati nel vivo dalle sue parole, tentano di ucciderlo servendogli una minestra avvelenata. Ma accade un miracolo...

Criminology professor Jonathan Maxwell investigates a murder at a new age retreat where the leader is killed in a locked room surrounded by people in a deep trance.

12 novembre, 1949

Nora Shelley is a tax expert for the accounting company which is led by Paul Martin. She thinks she can find a suitable husband by inspecting their clients' tax documents. Martin finds out and tries to dissuade her from this approach, later enlisting the help of his friend Steve Adams, who tries to woo Shelley.

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