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2014 年 10 月 24 日

The history of Rome is a 1,000-year-long epic, filled with murder, ambition, betrayal and greed and encompassing such legendary characters as Rome’s Iron Age founders Romulus and Remus and its greatest general Julius Caesar. Larry is accompanied by some of Europe and America’s foremost classical experts who reveal the atmosphere of intrigue, conflict and violence at the places where the saga unfolded.

In this four-part series classicist and historian, Professor Mary Beard draws on her immense scholarship, unique viewpoints and myth-busting approach to Roman history, to give her definitive take on the Roman Empire. How and why did it happen? In search of answers, she takes us to the most telling sites and the most revealing artifacts, and she examines the legacy the Roman Empire has left behind.

2022 年 11 月 05 日

DEV, most popular model, Good looking, rich and of-course, heart throb. On the flip side he is rude, spoilt brat, self-centric.He would have created lot of haters in his journey. He is in a secret relationship with SUMAN RAI, head of a leading magazine. who is the reason for his fame. One fine day Dev ends up in remote island in Vietnam and doesn't remember how he ended up there. He realizes he has been kidnapped.He is left with a boat to reach the nearest city and a phone through which somebody keeps instructing him to do certain things to regain his passport. In this adventurous journey he meets an Indian girl, CHARVI who's passport too is with the controller and is forced to accompany the protagonist. When DEV tries to complaint to local police he is shocked to see his photo in wanted list and escapes from there too.with no help from embassy and no money no access to his comfort zone, one day somehow contacts Suman, situations take a different turn when she starts neglecting him.

2024 年 11 月 01 日

Miniseries based on the Shakespearean tragedy.

2018 年 01 月 05 日

Andrew Graham-Dixon and Giorgio Locatelli's latest Italian adventure brings them to Rome in search of the greatest food and art that they can find off the beaten track.


2015 年 01 月 01 日

Supported by stunning 3D graphics, Dr. Darius Arya explains the purpose and architectural significance of ancient Roman buildings.

2016 年 07 月 22 日


2021 年 09 月 22 日

The history of Ancient Rome is explored with a look at 500 years of Roman history, including the forging of the empire on the battlefield and the excess at the height of its power.

  这个带有一定剧情的系列纪录片通过罗马时期的六个关键转折点描述古罗马的兴起和衰亡的故事,但它立足于精确的、广泛的历史研究,向我们展现了那些贪婪的、淫荡的和野心勃勃的人如凯撒、尼禄和康斯坦丁,当然也正是他们促使了罗马帝国的形成。同时它还描述了罗马怎么毁灭迦太基,被凯撒征服,又怎么镇压犹太人的反叛,转向基督教。这是一部混合着剧情和史实的纪录片,它使得我们准确的了解罗马帝国是怎样形成、达到鼎盛以及最终不可避免的走向衰亡的过程。 01: 凯撒 02: 尼禄 03: 反叛 04: 革命 05: 康斯坦丁 06: 罗马的衰亡

2008 年 09 月 30 日

The Germanic, Britannic and other barbarian tribal wars with Rome ultimately led to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. This series is centered on the campaigns and battles with the barbarian tribes and extensive examinations of the reigns of little known Roman emperors and generals.

2017 年 01 月 27 日

The strikingly “handsome,” incredibly “intelligent,” and aggressively “positive” Cody Ko says what everyone else is thinking as the world falls into chaos around him.

2018 年 10 月 15 日

An exploration of the tumultuous life of King Herod the Great, as well as the rise and fall of the kingdom of Judea under the Roman Empire, through the words of Titus Flavius Josephus, a Romanized Jewish historian.

Rodeo Drive is a cable game show that pitted three contestants against each other in a game based on the street of the same name. It was recorded in CBS Television City's Studio 43 in Los Angeles.

The series debuted on Lifetime on February 5, 1990, ran until August 31, 1990, and was hosted by comedienne Louise DuArt, with Burton Richardson as announcer. Veteran TV producer Jay Wolpert created and produced Rodeo Drive.

2016 年 07 月 05 日

Every year, almost 400 cowboys travel throughout Quebec to take part in more than 30 rodeos. This documentary series takes a dive into this adrenaline-filled world for a season. It shows cowboys, barrel racers and bull riders who, out of passion, risk their lives for their sport.

2023 年 12 月 22 日

Romeo of Fulbari or Godfather of Paharganj ? Who is the hero ?

Fredo just inherited his uncle's company but it bores him. Then he meets Angelo, a French movie director that introduces to the magical world of feature films. Suddenly, Fredo sees himself in different films. Soon, Fredo discovers that Angelo has a hidden agenda...

Two singers at the height of their powers—radiant soprano Nadine Sierra and tenor sensation Benjamin Bernheim—come together as the star-crossed lovers in Gounod’s sumptuous Shakespeare adaptation, with Met Music Director Yannick Nézet-Séguin on the podium to conduct one of the repertoire’s most romantic scores. Bartlett Sher’s elegant staging also features baritone Will Liverman and tenor Frederick Ballentine as the archrivals Mercutio and Tybalt, mezzo-soprano Samantha Hankey as the mischievous pageboy Stéphano, and bass-baritone Alfred Walker as Frère Laurent.

The tomboyish, outgoing Julieta is the daughter of a member of the Palmeiras soccer club board. She is constantly frustrated by what she sees as institutional bias against women in soccer. One day while watching her beloved Palmeiras, she is struck by a handsome man, Romeu, that she sees rooting for the Palmeiras' chief rivals, the Corinthians. After meeting the same man again in the middle of eye exam, Julieta and Romeu quickly become a couple. However, in order to avoid incurring the wrath of her parents, Romeu is forced to pretend to be an adoring Palmeiras fan, an increasingly difficult task for the die-hard Corinthiano.

2023 年 09 月 23 日

A young computer hack in the '80s discovers a cocaine time machine this ensues with monsters and cocaine dealers trying to sell his cocaine time machine a fast and furious billion art film about the '80s and time travel


这出经典舞台剧数十年后于2013年重临百老汇,设定为现代背景和黑白种族冲突,由奥兰多·布鲁姆饰演骑着摩托车登场的罗密欧,Condola Rashad饰演朱丽叶,导演David Leveaux执导,8月24日试演,9月19日正式开演,演出200多场后于12月结束。纽约时报夸赞首次登场百老汇的奥兰多·布鲁姆“带来了持续的惊讶,这一次,我们看到的是一个完全陷入其中的罗密欧,从一个只会显摆的少年变成了一个惊喜地发现爱情真谛的男人,指导最后一幕,因狂躁、痛苦和愤怒而濒临疯狂”。而两次获得托尼奖提名的百老汇女演员Condola Rashad则“全力以赴地展现出一个被人庇佑的13岁小女孩的纯真”(以上翻译摘自OrlandoBloom中文站微博)。而此剧作为百老汇到好莱坞的潮流尝试,BroadwayHD请来金球奖提名导演Don Roy King为其操刀录制,在2014年情人节档期搬上银幕,于全美影院上映。

2012 年 06 月 22 日

  约翰是美国著名的建筑师,他回到罗马度假。年轻的时候,他在罗马住过一段时间,算是故地重游了。在罗马的日子里,他见到了正处在热恋中的杰克和莫妮卡。从他们的恋爱关系里,约翰回想起了自己年轻时的一段刻骨铭心的爱情。   杰瑞是一个退了休的歌剧导演,他和自己的妻子菲利普斯飞到意大利去看女儿海丽的未婚夫米开朗基罗。在罗马,杰瑞对未来女婿的那个从事殡葬业的父亲占卡罗很感兴趣。占卡罗是个天生的歌唱家,杰瑞就开始怂恿占卡罗去开始自己的歌唱生涯。   莱奥波尔多·皮萨内罗是个很无趣的男人,有一天他从床上惊醒,发现自己变成了意大利最红的明星,每天都是无穷无尽的狗仔队和闪光灯。渐渐地,皮萨内罗熟悉了这一切,但他同时也体会到了成名的代价。   安东尼奥从罗马外围的小镇上来到了罗马,他带着自己的未婚妻米莉。希望自己能用表现和漂亮的米莉打动自己的那些在城市里的亲戚,好让他在这里定居,并找到一份城市里的工作。可是他的计划并不成功,安东尼奥莫名其妙地和一个陌生人结了婚,同时他的未婚妻和一个电影明星搞到了一起……   这些故事错综复杂,但是有两个共同点。首先它们都是喜剧;其次,故事都发生在罗马这个充满了惊奇的城市。  

Based on characters from Shakespeare's play: When Juliet's father refuses to let Romeo see her, Romeo resorts to extreme measures.

2023 年 09 月 30 日

二次大战结束前夕,占领罗马的德军仍大肆搜捕游击队。遭到追捕的地下党员工程师曼发弟逃出来,又在平娜的帮助下见到了唐 皮得罗神父,请神父将一笔巨款交给游击队。德军包围了平娜家,向逮捕曼发弟,神父镇静的应付德军,德军只抓走了平娜就要嫁给的工人弗兰西斯科,并杀死了平娜。曼发弟与绝处逢生的弗兰西斯克继续在城内活动。由于曼发弟的女友告密,曼发弟和神父被捕,他们都在敌人的酷刑和枪弹下英勇牺牲... ...

1946 年 08 月 15 日

Popeye and Olive are at the rodeo, starring Badlands Bluto. Olive is impressed by Bluto's stunts, many of them designed to make Popeye look bad. Dynamite, the bronco that's never been ridden busts out and Popeye, seeing his chance, downs some spinach and manages an impressive series of tricks, culminating in firing a bullet at Bluto and lassoing it just in time. Bluto's had enough, and he substitutes loco weed for Popeye's spinach, then challenges him to throw the bull. Popeye's fried brain sees the bull as a beautiful woman; he tries to dance with it. The bull throws Popeye against the box where Bluto is now sitting and throws the remaining loco weed into Bluto's open mouth; he sees Olive as a bull and grabs her. He tries to brand her; her cries of help arouse Popeye, who pulls out a fresh can of spinach and goes to work.

A young man has his hepatic duct replaced with a plastic tube after an accident but starts to get worried how this will affect his manliness.

2011 年 06 月 20 日



French musical created by Gérard Presgurvic and produced in 2001, at the Paris Convention Center. It is inspired by William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

由查尔斯·托德(Charles Todd)和德文·阿马尔(Devin Amar)执导、索尼拉丁音乐公司(Sony Music Latin)、奇比制作公司(Chimby Productions)和Scheme Engine制作的《巴查塔之王》(KING OF BACHATA)将这场雄心勃勃的音乐会的制作和最佳时刻与多米尼加深夜主持人、作家和喜剧演员的旅行结合起来,乔尔“孩子梅罗”马丁内斯前往加勒比海国家寻找巴查塔的灵魂。梅罗的旅程带我们去了多米尼加共和国乡村的餐馆和酒吧,那里是声音的发源地,并追溯了它在国际上的地位。我们还可以从幕后了解桑托斯的创作过程、灵感以及他在工作室不懈的工作。这部纪录片和音乐会是一封情书的流派,灵感来自罗密欧的乌托邦专辑。音乐会以卡迪B和阿文图拉的精彩表演为特色,是对拉丁文化的一生一次的庆祝,也是拉丁音乐史上的一个决定性时刻。

2008 年 10 月 24 日

This is the story of Romeo. A dude who was living the life. He had the works - the mansion to live in, the chicks to party with and the cars to be driven around in. Until one day, the family he was the favourite pet of, decided to move and left him back, abandoned on the mean streets of Mumbai. Romeo is now faced with situations he has never been in before. He encounters four strays, who scare the daylights out of him. But soon, he smooth talks his way into their hearts and he makes friends. Then, Romeo finds love! He encounters the beautiful, ravishing Laila, the most beautiful girl he has ever seen - and he loses his heart to her at first sight. Finally, he encounters a villain! The dreaded Don of the area - Charlie Anna. The Don who everyone is scared of. So hop on to the adventure as Romeo, wins friendship, love and a new life - in spite of Charlie Anna and his gang!

1944 年 06 月 06 日

Verona's peace is disturbed by the rivalry between noble families: the Montesco and the Capuleto, irreconcilable enemies. The two families have continued fighting to make life unbearable in the Italian town. The Prince of Verona informs the chiefs that the two families respond with their lives if there are new struggles. At a ball in honor of Juliet, the daughter of Capuleto, incidentally meets Romeo, son of Montesco. Both fall in love immediately, not knowing that their love is impossible.

Revival of the original 2000 musical based on the immortal tragedy written by William Shakespeare about two young star-crossed lovers.








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