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3 juin 2024

Funny and moving drama that explores parenting through the perspective of gay adoption.

17 avril 2006

OB tells the story of funny incidents at the OKTV television station office. All these incidents often occur due to the naivety of Sayuti, the Office Boy in the office. Placed in the kitchen, the innocent Sayuti has to interact with fellow workers, such as Odah, who acts like a ruler, Ismail, who often acts cool, and Susi, a janitor who falls in love with Sayuti.

Après s’être fait jeter de l’appartement de sa petite amie, Hiromi décide d’aller voir la mer. En route, il croise Kaito, un employé plein d’avenir mais qui, après avoir perdu un client important, a décidé de prendre des vacances. Le destin fait qu’ils vont travailler dans la même auberge au bord de la plage.

This is a story about a group of high school students' friendship and growth. They learned, cried, laughed, and cheered each other on when the going got tough. Growing up in high school, they had to overcome many challenges including learning about real love. After all, what is love in the eyes of 17 year olds? Love is not worshipping an idol or a remote longing. It's two interesting souls' encounter that's as explosive as two planets colliding.

27 novembre 1989

Fabulous Boys is a 2013 Taiwanese romantic comedy drama television series. It is a remake of the South Korean drama You're Beautiful. The story revolved around a fictional boy band named A.N.JELL. A young girl who is nun-in-training has to pose as her twin brother and take his place in the band, leading to a complicated relationship between the group’s members.

"Sydney, here we come!" The Busan Boys visit the peaceful port city of Sydney, with shining waters and the sail-shaped Opera House!

Four Busan Boys go on a working holiday to Sydney, Australia. Actors Heo Sung-tae, Lee Si-eon, Ahn Bo-hyun, and travel YouTuber Kwak Joon-bin (KWAKTUBE) unite under the name of their hometown, Busan. With beautiful scenes of nature, a high minimum wage, and English as the common language, Australia is a popular destination for working holidays. Will these four be able to achieve both their goals of finding a nice job and going on fun adventures? Join them on their journey as they explore Sydney, a city similar to yet different from Busan.

The Busan Boys set off on a working holiday project, where they work hard and play even harder.

Makino Tsukushi, une jeune fille sans argent, intègre le lycée privé Eïtoku. Ce lycée est côtoyé par de jeunes riches, mais surtout par le célèbre F4. Composé des quatre plus grands héritiers du pays, le F4 sème la terreur au lycée Eïtoku. À cause d'un malheureux concours de circonstances, Tsukushi va s'attirer les foudres de tout le lycée, mais surtout celles du F4. Malgré tout, Tsukushi décide de leur tenir tête et déclare la guerre au F4.

Aujourd'hui, le terme « sans-abri » a pris un nouveau sens. Il y a des jeunes surnommés « net café réfugiés », qui n'ont ni travail ni lieu de vie, mais qui se retrouvent dans des cybercafés.

Chisato, une jeune SDF de 20 ans, a perdu sa mère quand elle était jeune à cause d'une maladie. Elle a passé sa jeunesse en tentant d'échapper à l'énorme dette de son père. Toutefois, sa vie a changé après avoir rencontré un homme du nom de Shinzo. Celui-ci vient d'une famille riche remontant à l'époque d'Edo, il a adopté six beaux fils, avec l'espoir que l'un d'entre eux lui succède, mais ils ont tous des personnalités bien étranges.

Chisato pourra se libérer de sa dette, à condition qu'elle se marie avec Shinzo et devienne la mère de ses fils. Toutefois, une vie avec ces six hommes sous un même toit, ce n'est pas aussi simple que cela en a l'air…

The story of Jet-New and their friends in Class /13 (Grade 10 – Grade 12) unfolds through the character named Pete. It depicts the fun and excitement of teenage life, where hormones are surging. The narrative explores the nerve-wracking battles faced by a group of LGBT students filled with conflicts and complexities. Life in an all-boys school brims with curiosity and the desire to explore. The emergence of love stems from the teenagers' curiosity about life, the unknown within their hearts, the fear of non-acceptance, or simply the fear and confusion within their own hearts.

A young boy named Taiga travels around the world with his archeologist father, Dr. Daino. They visit the continent of South America to investigate an ancient ruins discovered by treasure hunters. There they find a stone statue of a gigantic bird which stands more than 50 meters tall. To their surprise, the stone bird wakes up and flies away from the very spot it remain motionless. It turns out that the stone bird is called "Oobats" and when obtains a relic called the "Ooparts Egg", it will become a dangerous weapon which could destroy the whole universe. Taiga must hunt down the bird to prevent world wide disaster.

7 septembre 2014

The story follows the life of Leopold. For all, he is a waiter in a luxury hotel, but the reality is quite different. Faced with money problems, he secretly leads the life of an escort boy. A series in a dramatic world, disturbing and sometimes funny, we will learn if Leopold is ready for anything for money.

12 février 2009

En pleine période préhistorique, une femme met au monde Nolan, un enfant de peau blanche. Sa tribu la condamne pour ne pas voir son sacrifié fils et doit s’en séparer. Heureusement le singe Kitti le recueille. Devenu adulte, Nolan apprend la vérité sur ses origines et part à la recherche de sa mère. Durant son périple, le jeune garçon se lie d'amitié avec Tara...

The story is set in the private senior high school Minami Gakuen which boasts of an unusually high proportion of good-looking students and aims to win at the National Ikemen Contest for senior high school students

17 février 2003

Based on the homonymous novel by Pai Hsien-yung, the story takes place in Taipei in the 1970s, and follows a short period in the life of a young man called Li-Qing (nicknamed A-Qing). When A-Qing is expelled from his school because of "scandalous relations" with classmate Zhao Ying, his father kicks him out of the family home. A-Qing begins to hang out at a park called New Park, a gay cruising area and hangout for gay men, where he meets the novel's other primary characters.

Yukino et Kanade Sakurai sont deux soeurs qui vivent ensemble et profitent de leur vie de lycéennes.

Un jour la petite Sakuya Kamiyama déclare son amour pour Kanade à la soeur de cette dernière et lui demande de l'aider pour conquérir le coeur de Kanade. Cet événement fait réaliser à Yukino ses vrais sentiments pour sa soeur...

General of the Three Kingdoms, Kongming had struggled his whole life, facing countless battles that made him into the accomplished strategist he was. So on his deathbed, he wished only to be reborn into a peaceful world and was sent straight to modern-day party-central, Tokyo! Can even a brilliant strategist like Kongming adapt to the wild beats and even wilder party people.

Timm Thaler is a 1979 children's television miniseries based on the 1962 children's novel by German writer James Krüss. The series originally aired in Germany as the first Christmas series on German national broadcaster ZDF. In 1988, the series was acquired for transmission in the United Kingdom by the BBC. The English version was produced by Angela Beeching, with script by Nel Romano, and retitled The Legend of Tim Tyler. It aired during Children's BBC in the weekday afternoons. The screenplay was written by Justus Pfaue and Peter M. Thouet and differs somewhat from the original novel. Directed by Sigi Rothemund, the series became a hit in Germany and made then 14-year-old Tommi Ohrner, in the lead role of Timm Thaler, a popular teen idol of the era. The role of the Baron was played by Horst Frank.

Boise Esquerra


Taylor Boivin-Brawley

Équipe techniqueShoresy

29 juillet 2022

Come and take a trip 'Down Under' and witness seven stories about the lives and loves of these men and boys from across Australia. From historical beginnings in the 1600's all the way through to noughties truck stop dilemmas, present day road trip romancing and faces from the past returning for a final goodbye.

The 7 short films are: Burning Soul (2016); Miles (2017); Infidels (2017); Eric (2014); What Grown-Ups Know (2004); All Good Things (2019); The Dam (2016).

Boys of Fall is a football documentary about life. Executive Producer and Country Superstar, Kenny Chesney began shooting footage and football interviews for his new single "The Boys of Fall" in fall 2009. After shooting footage of friend and New Orleans Saints' coach Sean Payton at his high school alma mater, Chesney decided to expand the video into a full documentary film. Over the next several months he filmed youth football games, high school football games & locker room speeches as well as interviews with football greats. \After an introduction that includes Payton speaking to his old high school team in the locker room before a big game, it depicts how those who do not go on to long, storied careers in the NFL, like high school wide receiver Chesney, the lessons learned on the field help to shape who they are today.

28 août 1997

Paisley, Scotland, in 1957. Three likely lads look forward to the staff dance at the local carpet factory where they work

30 novembre 2020

At elementary school, a child struggles to come to terms with his feelings for a teacher. In high school, the lead singer in a local band has admirers in both the girls and the boys. Meanwhile on campus the pitches and pools have their fair share of star-crossed lovers. And as for Billy? He's just happy to cruise.

The 6 short films are: These Things Take Time (2018); The Legend of Scotty Watts (2017); Two Fish (2017); You Can Play (2015); I Think I'm Gay? (2019); Billy's Blowjobs (2017).

28 août 1961

BBC television film starring Anthony Bate.

Un homme afro-américain vivant dans les ghettos de Houston peine à saisir les opportunités d'entrer dans une vie de crime, notamment celle de tuer l'homme qui a tué son frère.

3 mai 2023

Joe, 17 ans, est sur le point de sortir d’un centre fermé pour mineurs délinquants. Si son juge approuve sa libération, il ira vivre en autonomie. Mais l'arrivée d'un nouveau jeune, William, va remettre en question son désir de liberté.

A biography of the American rock band The Beach Boys, with interviews, concert footage and clips from movies and television shows they appeared in.

12-year-old Josh has a crippling disease in his leg and is cynical about the abilities of his doctor to assist him. After a visit from a Magician, he has a vivid dream in which he discovers that he doesn't need to be alone and that miracles are real. His faith in Jesus Christ is renewed and Josh wakes up with confidence that a miracle can save his leg.

Frank and Joe Hardy are the sons of Fenton Hardy, a famous private detective. Finding everyday life at home in Bayport dull, the boys hope their father will let them work on one of his cases. Disappointed when he tells them his work is too dangerous for children, they are more determined than ever to follow in their dad's footsteps, and solve mysteries.

Un flashback nous projette en 1997, où les garçons fêtent Noël en cambriolant un centre commercial. Mais Bubba a du mal à se mettre dans l'ambiance.

"The Moving Picture Boys in the Great War" is a compilation documentary narrated by Lowell Thomas, illustrating changing attitudes toward the war and its participants, as well as toward the movies themselves. Winner, Gold Medal, 1975 Chicago Film Festival.

A remake of the 1987 film The Lost Boys, in which two boys are sucked into the mysterious and dangerous world of bikers, vampires and vampire hunters. It will be set in modern day.

A young nurse is seated asleep on a bench with a small infant in her lap, while directly opposite her can be seen an old gentleman also snoozing. Two bad boys enter upon the scene, one gets a small log about the size of the child and places it in the nurse's lap and the other takes the child from the nurse, and lays it in the old gent's arms. In a few moments the old gent awakens and find the baby, nurse wakes up and misses her baby, and seeing it in the old gent's arms, seizes him and mops up the earth with him. A policeman marches them off to the station house. The picture is bound to provoke a great deal of mirth.

Shock rocker Lazarus Graves returns home to Brisbane following a successful international music career. A connection he forms with a journalist forces him to confront his self-destructive lifestyle, facing his demons and making new mistakes along the way

21 octobre 2020

"The Boy's Gone" brings to life an absorbing story about how we carry on after loss and change. A once happy home slowly turns into a quiet nightmare as husband and wife grieve very differently over the loss of their little boy. We soon learn that nothing is as it seems.

1 janvier 1923

Based on a poem by James Foley.

27 décembre 2016

In 1989, four teenage friends from Los Angeles had a chance encounter with "Bones Brigade" mastermind Stacy Peralta that would forever change their lives and the future of skateboarding. This is the story of “The L.A. Boys,” a new feature-length documentary by Colin Kennedy, featuring Gabriel Rodriguez, Paulo Diaz, Rudy Johnson, Guy Mariano, and many more skate legends.

The story of a group of friends, the "rebel boys" who made italian wine become so great, between generational conflicts, brilliant insights and never silenced controversies.

Lasting two bloody days in July 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg was a fight of epic proportions between the armies of the North and South. In the end, tens of thousands of Americans died in battle in the most extensive war ever to be waged in the United States. Get a first-hand account of what it was like for the soldiers in this faithful re-creation based on a moving letter written by Union Lieutenant Frank A. Haskell to his family.

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