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Oddball Junior High Student Mankichi Togawa accompanied by the one eyed Ginji, sets out on a quest to become the number one gang leader in Japan.

5 décembre 2016

One of breakdancing's most notorious crews, the Skill Brat Renegades, returns to the spotlight after a three-year break from competition. Follow their comeback as they try to rediscover their edge and find new heights of creative expression.

In the late 1980s, when “perestroika” was taking place in the USSR and the era of the Soviet Union was about to collapse, life became unstable and very different. The 1980s brought not only freedom, but also waves of crime on the city streets. While some young people began to ‘grow up’ on the streets, others found it difficult to find their place in this unpredictable reality. Andrey, lives with his mother and five-year-old sister. He studies at a music school and often encounters street teenagers who harass him. To protect himself, Andrey makes friends with one of these teenagers, Marat, who introduces him to gang life. Youth groups fight for every piece of territory; they defend their right to live the life, even breaking laws and promises. The only thing that matters to them is the vows they make to their gang members-brothers, with whom they confront the violence and fears of the adult world.

Girls' Generation and the Dangerous Boys is a 2011 South Korean variety television programme, starring nine-member girl group Girls' Generation. It aired on jTBC from December 18, 2011 to March 4, 2012 on Sundays at 19:30.

Girls' Generation meets up with five trouble making boys. They split into teams and try to make each of the boys become more respectable.

Rebellious, provocative and unapologetic. The Young British Artists crashed the 90s art scene, making Tracey Emin, Damien Hirst and others household names. This is their story.

The Fabulous Beekman Boys is a reality television show produced in the United States by World of Wonder Productions. The series follows Josh Kilmer-Purcell and his husband Brent Ridge as they learn how to become farmers and launch their lifestyle brand, Beekman 1802. Brent, a physician who previously worked for Martha Stewart Omnimedia, lives at the farm full-time, while Josh, a New York Times bestselling author, commutes from their apartment in New York City on the weekends.

NCT 127 shares their childhood stories through art, comprising plays, animations, and performances.

7 juillet 1997

A Filipino problem child from the Davao is sent to live with his uncle in Manila. He immediately runs into difficult situations there, such as a rabbit thief, the secret crush of his uncle, and some classmates who aren't exactly welcoming to him. But luckily he has some excellent kung fu skills.

1 mars 2021

For the Boys follows the lives of three Queer, Black best friends in their 20’s, navigating the intoxicating and ever exhausting minefield of love and friendship in NYC.

Le 26 mars 1991, alors qu'ont lieu des élections importantes en Corée, cinq petits voisins jouent dehors, avant de disparaître sans laisser de trace. Au début, la police met leur disparition sur le compte d'une fugue. Mais, alors que le temps passe, les médias s'emparent de l'affaire. La police engage alors des recherches.

Agnes Brown - a widow living in Ireland - runs her home with an iron fist as she manages her sons, daughter Kathy and best friend Winnie. Add elderly Grandad, various in-laws and grandchildren to the mix and Mrs Brown usually has her hands full. Funny, outspoken and never at a loss for words (especially profanity), she gets through life and the daily grind with a caustic remark and a loving wink. What makes the show different is that the "fourth wall" is broken often leaving in the bloopers.

23 septembre 2022

A young girl is forced to marry a rich groom. The groom is not only rich, but also allows himself to live without any restrictions or obligations. Will married life change his habits? And how will such a man be accepted by a good-hearted wife?

27 juillet 2020

Stories intertwine to create a tapestry of the old west. The Fairfield Boys are known outlaws and a deadly shootout leads to a complication of events. From a simple philosopher, shot in a field for no good reason, to the hunting of a horse thief. This series leads to the ultimate tale of survival.

28 septembre 2023

De The Boys est née Génération V, nouvelle série sur la seule université américaine pour super-héros. Ces étudiants doués mettent à l'épreuve leur morale, s'affrontant pour une place au sommet du classement et une chance de rejoindre les Sept, l'équipe de super-héros d'élite de Vought. Quand les secrets de l'école sont révélés, ils doivent choisir à quelle sorte de super-héros ils veulent appartenir.

The Boys of St. Vincent is a 1992 film directed by John N. Smith for the National Film Board of Canada. It is a two-part docudrama based on real events that took place at the Mount Cashel Orphanage in St. John's, Newfoundland, one of a number of child sexual abuse scandals in the Roman Catholic Church.

The first film, The Boys of St. Vincent, covers the sexual and physical abuse of a number of orphans by Brothers headed by Brother Peter Lavin. The second film, The Boys of St. Vincent: 15 Years Later, covers the trial of the Brothers.

Along with Lavin, Kevin Reevey is the central figure. In the first film Reevey is a 10-year-old abused child who tries to avoid Lavin’s attentions. In the second movie, Reevey is a young man haunted by his abuse who still has nightmares. Lavin covers up the goings-on at the orphanage for many years, especially his own role in the abuse. Kevin runs away and when he is returned by the police he tries to reject Lavin’s caresses. He is severely beaten with the buckle end of the brother’s belt. A short shower-room sequence was cut when the film was first shown in the United States.

Stephen Lunney is another abused boy. He has an older brother, Brian, at the orphanage who tries to protect him. In the second film, the brothers meet again for the first time in years. Brian, now happily married with two children, tries to help Stephen when he returns to give evidence at the trial. Stephen is destroyed by the defence advocate, who reveals that he abused seven-year-old boys at the orphanage when he was 16. Stephen then takes his own life with an overdose of drugs. His death finally prompts Reevey to give evidence against Lavin.

Rising urban comics perform at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.

The remarkable rise of one of the world’s most controversial leaders, Jair Bolsonaro, from obscurity to the presidency of Brazil.

Quatre étudiantes en recherche d'aventures sentimentales pour leurs vacances de printemps au soleil de Fort Lauderdale, Floride. Malgré le sujet posé au début du film, la liberté sexuelle des filles, le dénouement se conforme à la morale conventionnelle.

Au milieu des années 70, le concierge de l'orphelinat religieux pour garçons Saint-Vincent à Terre-Neuve est à l'origine d'une enquête de police qui révèle que de nombreux enfants y sont victimes de sévices corporels et sexuels. Les frères incriminés sont simplement relevés de leurs fonctions, la collusion entre la hiérarchie catholique et différents membres du gouvernement ayant abouti au classement de l'affaire. Quinze ans plus tard, un inspecteur rouvre le dossier et le gouvernement nomme une commission d'enquête. Les enfants abusés, devenus des adultes traumatisés, viennent enfin témoigner publiquement de leur calvaire.

Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le studio Universal Pictures, comme les autres studios Hollywoodiens, a soutenu l'effort de guerre et le moral des troupes et des civils en réunissant toutes ses stars devant la caméra pour une comédie musicale.

Taek-gi vit sur l’île de Jeju. Il aspire à être reconnu comme poète, mais doit se contenter de donner quelques cours du soir de poésie à des élèves de primaire. Depuis peu, la femme de Taek-gi veut un enfant, à son grand désarroi lui qui n’est pas sûr du tout de vouloir être père. D’autant qu’après consultation, le couple apprend que les spermatozoïdes de monsieur sont rares et flemmards. Taek-gi va alors faire la rencontre d’un garçon qui va chambouler sa vie.

2 février 2024

Two lifelong friends search their hometown for a missing cat.

A group of Catholic school friends, after being caught drawing an obscene comic book, plan a heist that will outdo their previous prank and make them local legends.

3 février 1995

When two unemployed telephone pranksters decide to use their vocal "talents" to impersonate a Chicago mob boss and curry favor with organized crime in New York, the trouble begins. It isn't long before Johnny and Kamal (the "Jerky Boys" of crank call fame) are wanted by the local mafia, the police, and their neighbor.

8 mars 1964

An immature teenager marries a young biker but becomes disenchanted with the realities of working class marriage and her husband's relationship with his best friend.

Benjie's obsession with long-dead Filipino movie star Jaime Reyes leads him to the rooftop where the actor killed himself. Here, he summons Jaime's ghost for a conversation.

16 février 2018

De retour d'Europe, où elle a tenté en vain de vivre, une jeune femme revient habiter à New York, et découvre qu'elle a emménagé dans le même immeuble que son ex.

6 avril 1984

Four college co-eds travel to Fort Lauderdale for their Easter week of Spring Break, and become involved in a series of adventures and misadventures

L'histoire des Beach Boys est un film biographique révélateur, qui porte un regard sincère sur la montée fulgurante du groupe légendaire américain et qui se penche sur leurs relations tumultueuses. Leurs mélodies ont capté l'essence même de la Californie et leur succès critique et commercial a eu l'effet d'une vague sur la nation. Mais la réussite n'a pas toujours été aussi étincelante que leur apparence saine et leur style preppy auraient laissé entendre…

Un an après que les garçons ont traversé les dimensions, découvert la magie et combattu le démon restaurateur, ils sont de retour chez eux à Bremin et se débattent avec la vie quotidienne des adolescents. Felix a de grands espoirs pour les quatre héros. Il veut qu'ils repoussent les limites de leurs capacités magiques, travaillant en équipe pour devenir les maîtres des arcanes. Mais bien qu'il ne veuille pas l'admettre, les garçons se sont séparés. Les garçons, une fois en parfait alignement magique et élémentaire, sont un enchevêtrement de rivalité et de méfiance. Sur le point de se séparer, les Nowhere Boys sont réunis pour un dernier sort lorsque Felix découvre un "Livre des Ombres" magiquement scellé. Involontairement, cela libère une puissante force de chaos, et le gang est entraîné à contrecœur dans une confrontation qui menace leur monde et tout ce qu'ils aiment...

30 mai 2009

David, George, and Greg, best friends since high school, are “The War Boys”. They used to perch on the US-Mexican border, waiting to spot illegal immigrants who were trying to run into the United States. Sometimes, without a thought for the immigrants, the boys chased them across the wasteland and back across the border – just for fun. It was just one of those games boys played to make themselves feel big. But high school’s over now. David is unexpectedly home from his freshman year of college and the War Boys have been reunited.

"Say goodnight to the bad guys" picks up where "A Sh*t river runs through it" left off. it's a year after the events of A.S.R.R.T.I and Ricky, Julian, and bubbles are rich with cash, but Julian sits on the money for a year claiming "movies like casino prove that waving money around right away is a bad idea." and then hides it in his newly purchased Delorean (AKA car from back to the future)

Jimmy McMahon et son groupe tentent de remporter le grand prix d'une compétition de musique celtique en Irlande.

Amon est un jeune garçon pas tout à fait comme les autres. En effet celui-ci est doté de pouvoirs exceptionnels mais inexplicables. Il va par la suite se prêter volontairement aux expériences de son père physicien qui cherche avant tout à faire progresser la science.

Mais malheureusement Branick va faire son apparition. C'est un homme mauvais qui convoite la mystérieuse force d'Amon afin de l'exploiter dans la fabrication d'une bombe destructrice dans le but de dominer le monde.

Par peur, le scientifique abandonne toutes ses recherches et choisit de s'enfuir avec sa femme et son fils. Mais durant leur fuites de nombreux problèmes surviennent. Le scientifique et sa femme réussissent malgré les ennuies à s'enfuir laissant derrière eux Amon seul devant ses responsabilités...

Trois frères aimant s'amuser et moralement intègres de l'Université Pimento sauvent leur fiancée de leur ennemi juré diabolique, Dan Backslide, dans cette parodie des garçons de Rover.

A journey through the 1980s and beyond; the story of a band, an era and how one small gathering of outsiders in London shaped the entire world’s view of music and fashion. The film is not only a fascinating, often hard-hitting social and cultural document of the time, but a brutally honest story of how friendships can be won, lost and ultimately regained.

Putnam’s Landing est une petite ville paisible de banlieue au bord de la mer. C’est dans cet endroit charmant que l’Armée américaine compte implanter une base ultra-secrète. Mais Grace, la leader du lieu, ne l’entend pas de cette oreille. Elle tient meeting et toutes les femmes se rallient à sa cause : l’Armée ne s’installera pas ! L’Armée finit par imposer sa loi, mais au prix de nombreuses et incroyables péripéties.

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