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Sammy und Raj haben ein Geheimnis: eine App für Zeitreisen! Ob Vorspulen durch langweilige Familientreffen oder Zurückspulen, um einen tollen Tag im Skatepark noch mal zu erleben: Die Zeit zu verbiegen kommt mit Herausforderungen und macht Spaß

Firsthand accounts, re-enactments and computer-generated graphics retell in detail Thailand's biggest news stories from the past.

A historical fantasy that unfolds a mysterious story between a high-school girl from Urasoe and Satto, the king of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

Tan is expected to be like his dad but he would rather escape the narrow confines of his mother's world. His dreams look like they are coming true when he meets June, a free spirit who knows what she wants from life.

28. Juli 2015

Madeline and her boyfriend are enjoying a quiet evening at home when they are interrupted by a visit from a stranger bearing a message from Madeline’s future self.

This art film is about the power of time in the palm of God's hands. A beautiful appreciation of a peaceful and calm environment, but controlled by the inevitability of time, as time is controlled by the power of God.

If there is no timeline, where is the future? Where am I going?

20. April 2019

A poet chooses to give birth alone at home surrounded by characters pregnant with their dreams. How to let life make its way out of the maternal womb? How to build a family when you had to leave the motherland? How to keep hope alive when even birds are hiding from bombings? Timelife is a lifeline, an umbilical cord linking each of us, no matter the color of the skin, the mother tongue or the land of birth. Timelife «homebirthes» lives, hopes and love. The narrative takes root in each moment of reality. The truth, extracted from context, is fictionalized. A way of staging life.

17. November 2008

1.The Stranger from Within 2.Valley of the Queens 3.Isis and Osiris 4.The Two Gates 5.Teaser: The Human Equation 6.Day Eleven: Love 7.Come Back to Me 8.Loser 9.Farside of the World 10.Back on Planet Earth 11.Featurette Actual Fantasy 12.Computer Eyes 13.Day One: Vigil 14.Day Three: Pain 15.The Castle Hall 16.Release Party 17.Beneath the Waves 18.Teaser 01011001 19.Featurette Epilogue: The Memory Remains

Joaquin Lara, a successful businessman, is going through the best moment of his life; however, while dining at a prestigious restaurant in the city, he runs into his ex-girlfriend Nina Nadal, who will soon leave the country to start a new life abroad. The encounter is peaceful until Joaquin receives a series of mysterious text messages, demanding that he publish some evidence at that location and thus expose some dark secrets of certain people present there as well. Otherwise, he is warned that the woman accompanying him "Nina" will be killed once she leaves the restaurant if he does not fulfill the objective. Thus begins a sordid game in a confined public place where everyone's life is at risk.

3 gay romance stories: Two best friends are confused about their feelings. A famous gay couple receive a threatening anonymous letter. A young guy falls in love with his lodger, but he already has a boyfriend.

4 stories about teenagers searching for love.

> Story 1: "The Mind Reader" > Story 2: "The Memory on Page 53" > Story 3: "Non-verbal" > Story 4: "Still the Best at Last"

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