نکته: شما می‌توانید از "y": برای کم کردن نتایج مربوط به سال استفاده کنید. مثال: 'star wars y:1977'.

ژوئیه 28, 2006

Two orphans, Riley and little brother Todd, answer an ad for Fleemco Replacement People and order new parents, a spy mother and daredevil father. As Riley and Todd go on adventures (or misadventures as it were), they team up with Conrad Fleem to replace any adult in their lives that they don't like, but they don't get to choose the replacements and sometimes their good intentions don't work out as they planned

Sairoong doesn't want her sister Saifon to marry Thanupat and convinces her to run away. Now Sairoong is in big trouble as she is set to be the replacement bride. What will she do?

ژانویه 14, 2016

This emotion-packed hospital drama asks a bold question: How far are you ready to go to save your loved one? Are you capable of doing bad things to achieve something good? How far could you bend your morality to save the life of your nearest and dearest? This hospital is pushing the envelope.

اوت 11, 2000

Maverick old-guard coach Jimmy McGinty is hired in the wake of a players' strike to help the Washington Sentinels advance to the playoffs. But that impossible dream hinges on whether his replacements can hunker down and do the job. So, McGinty dusts off his secret dossier of ex-players who never got a chance (or screwed up the one they were given) and knits together a bad-dream team of guys who just may give the Sentinels their title shot.

For some aging music fans and kids with a passion for musical history, The Replacements are rock and roll defined. Gorman Bechard's remarkable history of the 'Mats takes us from their first show as the Impediments to their 1991 onstage breakup in Chicago, and everywhere in between. Bechard bravely eschews including the band's music, photos, and live footage, instead relying solely on the fans: their well-kept memories, hilarious anecdotes, and differing points of views about the foursome's wildly varied discography and infamous antics.

During the first week of September 1981, Twin/Tone took the mobile recording unit and rented a bunch of video gear and recorded 15 bands live (five nights) at the 7th Street Entry in Minneapolis... These movies are from the show on September 5th. The band had released "Sorry Ma..." earlier in the year and were already working on future projects. These clips are presented as they were recorded live... in set order and very much with the tuning that troubled the night. The Replacements were the middle band of three (Husker Du closed the show) and played two 25 minute sets.

اکتبر 29, 2021

Spain, 1982. Andrés Expósito, a young police inspector, accepts a posting in Denia, a small town on the Mediterranean coast, in the hope of leading a quieter life and that the natural environment will help improve the fragile health of his daughter; but once in his new post he becomes involved by chance in the investigation of the strange death of the inspector he has come to replace.

دسامبر 13, 2001

Burglars leaving the scene of their latest loot cross paths with cops ambushing an armed criminal in the same area. Amid the chaos, the burglars take a bar hostage and begin planning their escape not knowing that the armed criminal is in the bar.

After the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011, Komori Haruka and Seo Natsumi chose to live and film in Rikuzentakata. This work is a visual record of four people who applied for a workshop Komori and Seo devised, showing them visiting the town and getting to know its people and landscape. The opportunity to hear personal experiences of the disaster decreases with time, but this film provides a bridge to new encounters and communication, in addition to including a story written by Seo entitled “Double Layered Town.”

A disillusioned college employee and aspiring writer discovers a woman virtually identical to herself in a press article about the winner of a prestigious prize.

Tells the story of a corn farmer's son, Kyo Hwan, who meets two mysterious women while driving as a replacement driver.

Set in 1987, a young black Saudi man attempts to impress a girl by mimicking the music video of Crown, an iconic singer from that time.

سپتامبر 12, 2020

"Replacements" depicts a Javanese family routinely observing their neighbourhood day after day, generation after generation, replacement after replacement.

There are the images of before, the images of after and the letters. The images of after come first, they stem from the same surveillance camera in Wuhan, empty streets that only throng with people again on April 4th, 2020.

ژوئیه 19, 2000

Short film by Hiroko Kobayashi

Laure must replace a deceased swimmer in the relay swim team. The qualifiers are near and the team worries about their chances at winning; the grief and stress pushes Laure to obsess over the one she replaces, Camille.

اکتبر 18, 2017

Ji-won, a short-term teacher at a public high school, goes to a private high school job interview at lunchtime. She happens to meet her high school teacher, Jung-man, on her arrival.

A mid-length documentary about cult band Otroci Socializma (Children of Socialism), Slovenian version Joy Division. Without being sentimental, with just a hint of nostalgia, the movie tells the story of the band, being reunited at a concert almost 30 years later.

The professor gives his student a lesson, during which the relationship between them gradually changes.

A young director films a year and a half from his ground floor window in Berlin. He observes the light on the asphalt, construction workers on the other side of the street and accidentally, via the soundtrack of the recordings, himself.

Jojo Replace

جلوه‌های ویژهMars: Mimpi Ananda Raih Semesta

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