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1 janvier 1902

Fox terriers kill rats in an aviary while excited spectators watch on.

11 novembre 2012

Nico and Nani hate each other at first sight. The guilty one has a name, Paul. There are many things that separate Nani and Nico but a giant kitchen knife will make them realize that they have a strong bond in common: neither of them will stop at nothing to get Paul. Because love and sex are red... so is blood. And in this Slasher virgins don't need to survive.

A man places his trust in the town's priest, completely unaware that he is a drug addict, thief and murderer.

"Prince Rat" is a fairy tale with everything that is needed for a fairy tale: A castle, a princess, a prince, a dragon, a secret admirer and deep emotions, but also with an unexpected ending and an uncommon truth about little heroes and big desire ...

A mafia poker game gone wrong reveals secrets and falsehoods about its players.

The plot takes place in the pre-Christian Russia and revolves around a young boy Ratibor who becomes a victim of the Khazar invasion. Based on the historical novel Primordial Rus' by Valentin Ivanov.

Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) is now in top form and wants to run for Pope again. Therefore, he relies on his exuberant manager for the media relaunch that he has always dreamed of.

On s'attendait à ce que le voyage de Sandra et Jorge soit agréable, mais les choses ne se passent souvent pas comme prévu. Parfois, le milieu de la route devient le début d'une histoire totalement différente et vous n'arrivez jamais à votre destination.

16 octobre 2015

Fearing the anger of his boss Erik, the mad shorty Rene tries to keep a low profile at a campground near Lake Constance where he has to deal with small-town bureaucracy and bizarre campground residents.

6 juillet 2022

Two rats rampage the clergy in search of food.

A story about the relationship of a cat and a mouse.

Sometimes, as an artist, you can revisit the same well and pull different types of water—think of Real Estate, or Chaz Bundick of Toro Y Moi, or Kurt Vile. And then, sometimes, you're just repeating yourself, like Ratatat. There’s nothing regressive or cynical in Ratatat’s consistency, because I do believe these two guys are making the music they want to make (see their game Genius annotations here), but I also think that on Magnifique, their fifth record, the well has dried up. There’s something about not being able to tell five years has passed between records that makes you wonder about an artist's evolution.

30 mai 2001

Out of the shadows of the house, the rat observes the strange activity of the old man: he just succumbs to the yearning for his mother, who died young. Never tired, he patrols the edge of the forest to tow a pretty Dirn. Because most women are easy prey and can be conveniently stored in the tin box, which guards the Corpora Delicti for the most aggressive kit Mama. But as the past floats back, mingling with the contemporary psyche, the old man first has to worry about the figure behind the gas mask poaching in his hunting ground.

1 janvier 1963

Returning from Switzerland, a young investigator meets María, his father's new wife. They immediately feel an irresistible attraction, which he tries to overcome by mixing it up with another woman.

Set in the future, where Brazil is ruled by a dictatorship capable of infiltrating and invading people's minds, bending their thoughts and controlling their dreams. A worker from the Censorship Department is forced to join forces with a group of rebels that seek to free the people throught dreams that recall a distant and lost art: the movies.

30 janvier 2016

A middle school class is playing tag. The boys are chasing the girls and sneaking in a bit of petting out of curiosity. Jennifer runs down to the water when Johan chases her. There she meets Melissa and Ida who’ve found a dead mouse. In their game it’s no longer Johan who has the upperhand.

31 mai 2020

Whilst investigating a murder, a Detective is taken hostage by a killer who he suspects did the deed but the thing is he has the wrong killer.

Once, the Staatsliedenbuurt neighbourhood in Amsterdam was an autonomous state for squatters, punks and the original inhabitants who united in the 'Woongroep Staatsliedenbuurt'. The city council's authority had eroded to virtually nothing after years of failing housing policy. The neighbourhood took matters into its own hands, which became painfully apparent when Amsterdam's mayor Van Thijn was roughly kicked out of the area at the close of 1984.

20 mai 2023

Three brothers sort out their differences.

Murder mystery following the revenge for the theft of a sapphire from a Buddha in a Thailand temple.

Deux détectives britanniques et leurs homologues américaines utilisent leur talent en cryptologie et leur intelligence inouïe pour enquêter sur différents meurtres.

Tip, sa petite soeur Tippy et leurs parents habitent une maisonnette dans un pré, à proximité du monde des humains. Avec ses amis Jody, Billy, Betty et leurs familles, le souriceau apprend chaque jour les petites leçons de la vie en société.

Un reboot des aventures de Casse-bonbon, la Binocle, les Grumeaux et Couette-Couette, les célèbres Razmoket.

The Five Brothers is a five part series taken place in the span of the 1960’s surrounding the lives of five brothers of Juthathep palace who were raised by their two grandmothers after a car accident that claimed the lives of their parents, namely Mom Chao Vichakorn Juthathep. Born into the prestigious title of Mom Ratchawongse, the five brothers are set on a pedestal by their grandmothers to not only be a gentleman, but to set a good example, defend the underdog and marry well. Especially marry well. And we get to witness how each one tackle this issue. This sets the premise of the struggles and conflict in this series. The five Juthatheps inherited a responsibility greater than the sum of their parts: one of them must marry a lady of the Dhevaproms due to a sacred promise that their father made with a “friend” who saved his life. To avoid marriage is to be an ingrate and that is the biggest ado in this period.

Les jumeaux Dak et Leyla et leurs amis dragons ont pour mission de sauver les autres, défendre le village d'Huttcotier, et s'amuser.

Cet anime s'inspire du jeu "L'Aventure Layton : Katrielle et la Conspiration des millionnaires" sans pour autant en reprendre tous les éléments. On retrouve cependant Katrielle, la fille du professeur Layton.

Le Pentagone a récemment reconnu l'existence d'un programme secret sur l'observation d'ovnis qui a été actif entre 2007 et 2012. Zachary Quinto (STAR TREK) est l'animateur de cette série toujours d'actualité qui examine des phénomènes inexpliqués survenus dans le monde entier. Rencontre extraterrestre, créature mystérieuse, observation d'ovnis, voyage dans le temps, intelligence artificielle : chaque épisode s'intéresse à une véritable énigme. Des témoins et des scientifiques livrent des témoignages éclairants sur les différents phénomènes.

19 octobre 2018

Un groupe d'ados organisent un voyage mémorable au Comic-Con pour voir leur idole, mais déboires hilarants et embrouilles diverses viennent perturber leur plan.

The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog, also known as Les Mystères d'Alfred, is an animated French-Canadian series that airs on several broadcast and cable networks around the world. The show's characters consist of mainly anthropomorphic woodland animals such as raccoons, moose, and voles. The show follows three anthropomorphic animal tweens—Alfred Hedgehog, Milo Skunk, and Camille Wallaby—as they solve mysteries in Gnarly Woods.

In the US, Discovery Kids begin airing the series on March 17, 2010, with a St. Patrick's Day marathon of 19 episodes, starting from 6:00 am to 3:30 pm. The series returned on April 12, 2010, with its regular time slot, starting at 7:00 pm and 7:30 pm.

As of November 2011, the show's reruns can be seen on TVOntario, TFO, VRT, TV3, qubo, and France 5.

Des abus sur mineurs au fiasco judiciaire, cette série documentaire revient sur l'affaire d'Outreau, l'un des plus gros scandales que la France ait connus.

Le 27 janvier 1945, l'armée Rouge pénètre dans le camp de concentration d'Auschwitz et libère les derniers survivants. Le monde découvre un système d'une barbarie inouïe et jamais vue dans l'histoire de l'humanité : la " Solution finale ", les chambres à gaz et les fours crématoires. S'appuyant sur les meilleures sources historiques et sur une centaine d'entretiens inédits avec d'anciens bourreaux et des rescapés, Laurence Rees nous permet de comprendre de l'intérieur le fonctionnement de cette machine à tuer. La force et l'originalité de cette enquête unique sont de montrer comment les décisions qui ont abouti à la construction des camps ont mûri des années durant. Et l'on découvre, incrédules, qu'aujourd'hui encore nombre d'anciens nazis justifient leurs crimes par un simple et atroce : " Je pensais que c'était une bonne chose ".

Lu Xingcheng was used to having the world at his feet until he lost everything in an instant. Tong Xiaoyou used to be eternally jinxed until the day she became famous overnight. CHIC editor Lu Xingcheng has a haughty personality and a sharp tongue. In the fashion world, he is a legendary figure and famous for being lucky. Tong Xiaoyou is an unknown designer who is unlucky in everything that she does. An accident causes their lucks to be interchanged and their lives take a drastic turn. As Tong Xiaoyou gets to know Lu Xingcheng, she gradually learns about his hidden past and discovers a man who yearns for family despite his arrogant facade. Tong Xiaoyou wants to help her idol return to his former glory, but his egotistic tendencies can be hard to deal with.

À peine la formation terminée, les Limandes, une équipe de sauveteurs juniors, s'installent à la plage pour des aventures riches en sensations fortes, et en bonne humeur.

Le jour de ses 14 ans, Taylor reçoit un coffre de la part de son oncle Charlie disparu cinq ans plus tôt. Taylor et ses amis doivent cependant l'ouvrir avant que son contenu ne soit détruit.

Susan, Millie, Lucy et Jean ont repris le cours de leur vie, en mettant modestement de côté le rôle primordial qu'elles ont joué dans la victoire des Alliés pendant la guerre. Grâce à leurs précieux renseignements, elles ont permis de mettre fin à ce conflit mondial. Mais alors que Susan découvre un code caché derrière des meurtres non résolus, elle est accueillie avec scepticisme par la police. Elle se rend vite compte qu'elle ne peut résoudre ce crime et amener le coupable à la justice qu'avec ses anciennes amies...

Lucie est une petite fille habitant au 64, rue du Zoo. Tous les soirs, son amie Georgina la girafe vient la chercher à la fenêtre de sa chambre, et les autres animaux se regroupent au sein du zoo autour de Lucie pour lui raconter une histoire sur la vie sauvage des animaux.

Jirokichi est en apparence un paysan comme un autre, qui vit avec sa sœur cadette Kosode. Mais la nuit, celui-ci devient Nezumi Kozo, ce qui veut dire L'Homme-Souris, un justicier volant aux riches afin de redistribuer aux pauvres. L'inspecteur Tokugoro le poursuit toutes les nuits sans succès.

Mais pour aider son peuple, Nezumi Kozo ne peut pas seulement redistribuer de l'argent aux plus dépourvus : il doit aussi résoudre différents mystères pour combattre les injustices et les complots des plus nobles.

12 avril 1984

The Duck Factory is a 1984 NBC television series produced by MTM Enterprises that is perhaps most notable for being Jim Carrey's first lead role in a Hollywood production.

The show was co-created by Allan Burns. The premiere episode introduces Skip Tarkenton, a somewhat naive and optimistic young man who has come to Hollywood looking for a job as a cartoonist. When he arrives at a low-budget animation company called Buddy Winkler Productions, he finds out Buddy Winkler has just died, and the company desperately needs new blood. So Skip gets an animation job at the firm, which is nicknamed "The Duck Factory" as their main cartoon is "The Dippy Duck Show".

Other Duck Factory employees seen regularly on the show were man-of-a-thousand-cartoon voices Wally Wooster; comedy writer Marty Fenneman; artists Brooks Carmichael and Roland Culp, editor Andrea Lewin, and business manager Aggie Aylesworth. Buddy Winkler Productions was now owned by his young, ditzy widow, Mrs Sheree Winkler, who had been married to Buddy for all of three weeks before his death.

The Duck Factory lasted thirteen episodes; it premiered April 12, 1984. The show initially aired at 9:30 on Thursday nights, directly after Cheers, and replaced Buffalo Bill on NBC's schedule. Jay Tarses, an actor on The Duck Factory, had been the co-creator and executive producer of Buffalo Bill, which had its final network telecast on Thursday, April 5, 1984.

L'histoire de Mike Traceur, le fils caché de Michael Knight. Recruté par son amie d'enfance Sarah Graiman et son père, le physicien Charles Graiman, il rejoint la Fondation Knight, destinée à lutter contre le crime. Charles est l'inventeur de la nouvelle génération de KITT (acronyme de Knight Industries Two Thousand), une voiture dotée de l'intelligence artificielle. Un jour, un dangereux millionnaire approche Charles pour obtenir un modèle de son extraordinaire invention mais ce dernier refuse. Un homme de main est alors chargé de voler KITT et de tuer le père de Sarah...

Lucky et ses amies entament un nouveau chapitre de leur vie en quittant Miradero pour aller vivre et étudier dans une prestigieuse école d'équitation.

Edmond Scott Ratliff

Costumes et maquillageHantise, Les Arnaqueurs VIP

Ritu Rathee

InterprétationSon of Abish

Kiran Rathore


Victor Ratliff

InterprétationI Got Next, Clawed

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