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Bush Baby, Little Angel of the Grasslands, shortened as The Bush Baby, is the title of a 1992 anime series consisting of 40, 25-minute episodes. It is based on the novel, The Bushbabies, by Canadian author William Stevenson.

The series is part of Fuji Television & Nippon Animation's World Masterpiece Theater which consists of anime TV series adaptations of classic children's books. It has also been broadcast internationally on networks such as Antena 3, Italia 1, Tele 5, ORF1, ABS-CBN, GMA 7, Quality TeleVision and TVOntario.

Dr. Kosin, who has spent his whole life researching Thai herbs and hopes Major Dr. Tevin The only son inherited the family inheritance. But Dr. Tewin did what he wanted. Become a field medic to help fellow soldiers who go into battle. Until he had to be shot while helping a fellow soldier who was wounded.....

31 de julio de 2023

After leaving her boyfriend, veterinary surgeon Kam Wai-ting moves to Sai Kung with her beloved dog Donut and starts a new life. At her new workplace, Wai-ting meets animal communicator Wong Sing-yan. The duo often quarrel due to their different values regarding pets. In an accident, Sing-yan acquires skills for communicating with Donut, and a man and a dog gradually build a friendship and help each other. Sing-yan learns from Donut that Wai-ting has some love issues, so he helps her decipher her conundrum. The duo's relationship improves, and they gradually like each other. However, they do not have feelings of affection due to their age difference. Donut wants to play matchmaker for the duo, but it gets into hilarious situations. And its ideas even backfire. Each of the duo also has their own admirers, resulting in more obstacles in their relationship.

Rumi Kizaki enrols in a nursing program because she failed to enter a university. However, she does not want to become a nurse because she believes that she will not make a good nurse. While Rumi ponders over what to do, she continues her training in nursing. Along the way, Rumi meets new people and discovers new things about herself.

Rosetta: The Masked Angel is a Japanese tokusatsu drama that aired from July 4 to September 26, 1998 on TV Tokyo. It featured the adventures of a young girl named Asuka who follows in her father's footsteps as Rosetta to battle evil monsters called Duats. The series' motif was that of Ancient Egypt.

Ryoko Yonekura stars in this series written by Ryota Kosawa about specialists who transport the deceased back home. The company Angel Hearse is run by Nami Izawa and Kashiwagi. A drama that portrays love between the deceased and the bereaved.

Rin, a beautiful new airhostess, is the star of the class, envied by all and especially by Noi, a average looking air-hostess who scores the top of the class. Rin meets In, a senior pilot who falls in love with her at first sight and secretly sends her gifts. However, Rin’s friend introduces her to her new boyfriend Ning, a handsome playboy co-pilot, who is also Noi's brother. Ning also falls in love with Rin and tries to win her heart.

Several families are living their uneventful lives in a well-off Tel Aviv suburb until the day someone is murdered in the neighborhood. At first shocked by the event, the neighbors soon start covering up their direct or indirect involvement in the affair.

A baby found abandoned in a temple and raised by monks is more that he appears to be. With the power of good, this may be an Angel sent to weed out evil and help those in need.

Asian Charlie's Angels is a Taiwanese version of the successful 1970s American television show, filmed in Mandarin. Produced in 2004 and airing on ImaginAsian in the United States, the show stars Annie Wu as Annabelle, Kelly Lin as Cindy and Qu Ying as Betty. Christy Chung also appears in the film as Angie.

Mint es una chica que resulta ser la princesa del mundo de los sueños y la magia. El medio ambiente natural de su mundo es un reflejo de los sueños de la gente en la Tierra. Ahora está en peligro, ya que la gente pierde la fe en sus sueños y deja que las tinieblas entren en sus corazones. El medio ambiente del mundo de Mint está comenzando a marchitarse y morir.

A los 12 años, después de una celebración de gala con su padre el Rey y su madre, ella acepta ir al mundo de los humanos para tratar de preservar las esperanzas y sueños de la gente, y demostrar que tiene las cualidades necesarias para ser una sabia gobernante. Su padre hace arreglos para que ella se quede con su hermana Herb, la tía de Mint, que tiene una tienda de regalos en la Tierra llamada "Happiness Shop".

Five downtrodden and unfortunate street children, all with their own unique stories, unite to survive the harsh conditions and harsher realities life applies to them.

Yoko Tanaka leaves her country life behind to go to Shibuya to fulfill her dream of becoming an idol singer. Traveling with her is her pet flying squirrel Mu. Along the way they meet up with Saki, who has similar plans. They become friends and decide to work together to pursue their dreams of stardom.

Mayrisa's father comes from a rich family, but her mother was poor so she wasn't accepted by her father's family. They went to live in the countryside, where Mayrisa grew up with Aidin, her childhood best friend. One day, her grandmother takes her in and she goes overseas. Ten years later, Mayrisa and Aidin meet again as adults. She doesn't remember him anymore but he recognized her immediately. She was his first love and he's still in love with her. Because of their class differences, he's trying to get over her and move on. However, he's always there when she needs help.

6 de julio de 2007

Fallen Angel is a Mandarin Chinese episodic drama produced jointly by Singaporean broadcaster MediaCorp TV and Malaysian broadcaster Media Prima Berhad. It was telecasted on Singapore's free-to-air channel, MediaCorp Channel 8. It made its debut on 6 July 2007 and ended on 30 August 2007. This drama serial consists of 25 episodes, and was screened on every weekend night at 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

It was the first joint production between the two companies, and is a remake of Television Corporation of Singapore drama Wings Of Desire.

8 de agosto de 2018

Wei Wei (Aviis Zhong) and her brother Dae Woo (Tang Zheng Gang) are very close, always relying on one another for favors. He is an aspiring pop star who is making a name for himself in the music world. But when she one day finds herself stranded and calls to ask him to pick her up, their lives are turned upside down. On his way to pick her up on his motorcycle, he has a life-changing traffic accident that renders him unable to walk unassisted, shattering his dreams of becoming a pop idol.

Now, years later, Dae Woo has become bitter, resentful, and full of self-pity. Wei Wei, meanwhile has become a reluctant internet celebrity after penning a series of posts on a web-based fan group. But when she meets a doctor (Jay Shih) who sees her in a brand new light, she senses that an end to the gloom could be near. But the same is not true for Dae Woo, whose descent into madness is just beginning…

Russians will survive everywhere. And in the desert, and at the bottom of the sea, and in America. They will learn everything and they can teach the Americans a lot ... For example, how to catch criminals. Russian investigator Andrei Somov fell in love with an American dancer and moved with her to America for permanent residence. He wanted to work in the police, but he was not hired. Therefore, he has to wash dishes, look after the sick, clean, wash, walk other people's dogs, cook. But his dream of becoming a detective is coming true: he becomes the best detective in Los Angeles. Each episode of the film has its own plot.

A group of five kindergartners are kidnapped. Meanwhile, geologist Lena and her colleagues prepare for a scientific expedition to Antarctica. When it turns out that the suspect in the kidnapping is Ada, Lena's teenage daughter, the mother postpones her professional plans and returns to her hometown of Wałbrzych to find her daughter, with whom she lost contact many years ago.

This story follows the life of a group of nurses as they take on their challenging routines with professionalism and pride. Wang Ruojun is an experienced nurse who saved Liu You Le from an accident. You Le is grateful towards Ruojun and this incident inspires her to be a nurse. Though successful in her career, Ruojun faced marital woes. Her husband of many years cheated on her and even has a love child outside. Fu Jiazi is originally a software engineer; he lost a friend during a car accident and blames himself for not being able to save his friend. This incident makes him decide to quit his job as a software engineer and become a nurse. Guan Xinni suspects that Xie Yaozong is the man who molested her when she was a child. Because of this misunderstanding, she puts herself in many funny and embarrassing situations. The nurses not only face challenges in their job but also in love as well. Will they be able to resolve their problems in love, career and family?

Adapted from the novel "Tenshi no Mimi" (天使の耳) by Higashino Keigo (東野圭吾).

3 de agosto de 2019

Heaven ha encontrado la nueva vida que siempre quiso tener junto a sus nuevos abuelos. Sin embargo, a medida que profundiza en la personalidad de aquellos que la rodean, la joven muchacha descubre que está rodeada de una serie de oscuros secretos de los que en su día se quiso deshacer desesperadamente.

Laura, una detective de crímenes cibernéticos, persigue a un brutal asesino en serie. La detective ha estado de baja por enfermedad tras sufrir una depresión posparto, pero cuando ella y su compañero se ven envueltos en un caso, cada vez resulta más evidente que ella misma oculta un oscuro secreto.

10 de septiembre de 1995

Tras un largo viaje por la selva amazónica y sin un penique en el bolsillo, el naturalista y explorador William Adamson conoce al aristócrata reverendo Alabaster. Al ser coleccionista de insectos, el reverendo queda fascinado por los relatos de William, e invita al joven a su mansión.

26 de enero de 1996

Angela, una niña de 10 años, ve visiones del demonio en las que éste se intenta llevar a su herman pequeña Ellie, de apenas 6 años de edad. Angela cree que todo es causa de la enfermedad mental de su madre, así que decide purificar a su familia de sus pecados... Un título de cine independiente premiado en varios festivales.

El esforzado guionista Josh Kendricks se encuentra a sí mismo como la estrella de su propia película de desastres cuando súper volcanes comienzan a estallar en Los Ángeles. Ahora Josh, junto con la célebre novelista Quinn Irwin y la diva de Hollywood Kat Rivers, deben unirse para obtener la investigación de Quinns. al alcalde y salvar la ciudad antes de que explote en una erupción final.

Se detecta actividad volcánica en el núcleo de la tierra y los científicos descubren que la ciudad de Los Ángeles está a punto de ser borrada del mapa. Mientras el área es evacuada, un hombre vuelve a la ciudad para encontrar a su novia, pero descubre que ha sido secuestrada.

La dueña de un restaurante se compromete a cuidar a la hija de su novio durante una noche. Cuando se da cuenta de que ha olvidado comprar algo indispensable, se ausenta unos minutos. Con las prisas casi atropella a un hombre; ese hombre la defenderá de unos malhechores que la asaltan al salir de la tienda. Decide entonces llevarlo a su casa, pero una gran nevada los dejará incomunicados. (FILMAFFINITY)

16 de noviembre de 2014

Una mujer huye de su marido alcohólico en compañía de sus dos hijos a otro Estado. Allí emprenden una nueva vida donde al hijo mayor le va a resultar difícil la aceptación de sus compañeros del instituto. Además, la situación económica es muy precaria y se avecina la Navidad...

Con la Navidad acercándose, una madre soltera lucha trabajando en un gran almacén ...

Jean Hansen (Judy Garland) es profesora de música en un colegio infantil para deficientes mentales. Allí conoce a Reuben, un niño con problemas al que sus padres no visitan desde hace años. Jean lo colmará de atenciones y mimos a pesar de que el director del centro (Burt Lancaster) considera que su actitud es contraproducente.

Jesse Harper es el único jugador con talento en el equipo de fútbol de la escuela de secundaria, pero él sale del equipo después de que su padre muera en un accidente. Su hermano pequeño. Kevin, quien sabe que el fútbol es lo más importante en la vida de Jesse, reza para que sus plegarias sean escuchadas por los ángeles. Es entonces cuando, gracias a la ayuda de los ángeles, el equipo comienza a obtener victorias. Lo que no logra Kevin es convencer a los demás de la existencia de esos ángeles...

Un chico es poseído por el demonio y mata a su madre tirándola por las escaleras. Su hermana es una monja, y con ayuda de un sacerdote, intentan sacarle el diablo del cuerpo. Pero ella no se imagina que su vida correrá peligro.

Tony, el chico nuevo de la escuela, se hace amigo del líder de una pandilla Young, cuyo principal rival es Chan. Cuando Young derrota a Chan en la batalla, dos hombres misteriosos le ofrecen a Tony y Young trabajos en una agencia de seguridad, y uno de sus nuevos clientes se encuentra entre los traficantes de drogas más famosos de la ciudad.

Un gigantesco escocés y su hermanastro deciden hacerse ricos, con catastróficos resultados.

Bob, un jugador de béisbol convertido en ángel tras su muerte, recibe la oportunidad de conseguir sus alas si ayuda a otro jugador como él que va a recibir la visita de su hija.

Una mujer demonio consigue escapar del Infierno. Al llegar a la Tierra desde las cloacas, está acostumbrada a castigar a los pecadores. Pero lo último que ella esperaba era encontrar el amor.

Dos vagabundos de Nueva York se unen en un entorno hostil y peligroso.

Eve es una asesina que mata sin ningún tipo de remordimiento. Pero un día apuñala involuntariamente a una niña, lo que hace que se retire del negocio. Desde ese momento la mente de Eve se llena de visiones de sus víctimas. Ahora, la cazadora se convierte en la perseguida.

13 de noviembre de 2011

Basado en el décimo quinto libro más vendido de los niños de todos los tiempos, The Littlest Angel cuenta la historia de un joven que llega al cielo antes de tiempo. En casa enfermo y solitario, se trasladará a la tierra, con su cachorro amigable, para recuperar el regalo más generoso y valioso para el niño Jesús. Experimentar el amor, la risa y la magia de una de las historias de los niños más populares de todos los tiempos.

26 de septiembre de 1941

Jonathan Reynolds Jr. (Robert Cummings) consigue que Anne Terry (Deanna Durbin), la joven encargada de un guardarropa, se haga pasar por su novia para hacer feliz a su moribundo padre (Charles Laughton), un multimillonario que no desea irse de este mundo sin saber que su hijo quedará en buenas manos. Pero la situación se complica cuando el caballero, que se ha encariñado con la impostora, recobra la salud inesperadamente. El problema es que su hijo no se atreve a contarle la verdad, porque su verdadera novia es una chica que quizá no merezca la aprobación paterna.

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