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6 ottobre, 2001

Kirby è l'ultimo dei Guerrieri Stellari, ed è l'unico in grado di fermare la Nightmare Enterprises, una malvagia azienda che vende mostri in tutti l'universo. Insieme ai suoi amici: Tiff, Tuff e molti altri, vive un sacco di avventure a Dream Land e cerca di ostacolare i piani del tirannico King Dedede, che è uno dei clienti della Nightmare Enterprises.

Lu Xingcheng was used to having the world at his feet until he lost everything in an instant. Tong Xiaoyou used to be eternally jinxed until the day she became famous overnight. CHIC editor Lu Xingcheng has a haughty personality and a sharp tongue. In the fashion world, he is a legendary figure and famous for being lucky. Tong Xiaoyou is an unknown designer who is unlucky in everything that she does. An accident causes their lucks to be interchanged and their lives take a drastic turn. As Tong Xiaoyou gets to know Lu Xingcheng, she gradually learns about his hidden past and discovers a man who yearns for family despite his arrogant facade. Tong Xiaoyou wants to help her idol return to his former glory, but his egotistic tendencies can be hard to deal with.

La prosecuzione dell'acclamata serie, "La famiglia Proud - Più forte e orgogliosa" segue le avventure e le disavventure della quattordicenne Penny Proud e della sua famiglia, che affrontano le vicende della vita moderna con buonumore ed entusiasmo. Gli anni 2020 portano una svolta professionale per mamma Trudy, sogni più arditi per papà Oscar e nuove sfide da affrontare per Penny, tra cui una vicina socialmente molto attiva che pensa di avere molto da insegnarle.

30 ottobre, 2021

In the early 1990s, the orphan Jane Xiaoai was forced to drop out of school due to her family’s poverty and moved to Guangzhou to work. In Guangzhou, she worked as a small restaurant worker and a tea girl in a foreign trade company. With her cleverness, kindness, and daring fighting spirit, she has grown into an excellent foreign trade merchandiser and business manager. But Jane Eyre is not satisfied with the identity leap that has been achieved. After several setbacks, she established her own foreign trade company. After experiencing the 1998 financial turmoil in Southeast Asia and the 2008 financial crisis, she relied on the results of China’s reform and opening up. China’s booming foreign trade trend eventually grew into the boss of a multinational.

In un certo mondo esisteva qualcuno che eccelleva nei combattimenti magici: veniva chiamato Sage. Egli passò tutta la sua vita a migliorare le sue arti magiche e di combattimento ma la conclusione a cui arrivò fu davvero crudele: "Il mio corpo non è portato per le battaglie magiche". Nonostante ciò non si arrese e sigillò la sua anima con un'arte magica, per poter rinascere in un lontano futuro. Il mondo che però vide al suo risveglio era completamente cambiato e la magia era ad un livello molto più basso.

Lee Ma Ri, a star actress, falls in love with Jung Woo Jin, but she realizes that he became interested in her after reading her popular travel essay, “Lovers in Asuka”. Because of this, the ghostwriter for “Lovers in Asuka”, Kim Chul Soo, gets called in by Ma Ri for private lessons about the details on the travel essay. However, Byung Joon, Chul Soo’s friend and journalist, discovers that Chul Soo is the real writer of “Lovers in Asuka”, and he suggests that Chul Soo should sell a story about Lee Ma Ri’s personal life. This makes Chul Soo troubled because he was in desperate need of money for his sick sister. As Chul Soo realizes that he is no longer needed by Ma Ri, he decides to follow Byung Joon’s suggestion. Woo Jin ends up proposing marriage to Ma Ri and prepares a documentary film based on “Lovers in Asuka”. Chul Soo and Eun Young join in the project as writers, and Chul Soo begins to meet Ma Ri again during the filming.

Si racconta la storia di Yuta Hoshiya che si iscrive alla Ayana Academy, una scuola superiore dedita ad avviare gli studenti verso lo show business e in particolare in campo musicale. Ai vertici dell'accademia vi è un gruppo di tre ragazzi che hanno i voti più alti dell'intero dipartimento musicale; i tre sono conosciuti come i Kao Kai (Cherry Blossom Flower Association). Per tentare di entrare nel dipartimento musicale bisogna passare per la classe Star Frame, nella quale gli insegnanti sono affiancati dai membri del dipartimento musicale, e distinguersi per talento. Per una serie di imprevisti e incidenti, Toru, Kaito, Sho, Shu e Yuta stanno rischiando di essere esclusi; ma, per un puro colpo di fortuna, i cinque vengono notati da Otori, membro dei Kao Kai...

Vicky è l'unico figlio di Halvar, il formidabile capo vichingo. Vicky rinuncia alla violenza, ma riesce comunque a convincere gli esperti guerrieri vichinghi a portarlo con sé nei loro viaggi. In situazioni pericolose, dove il loro coraggio e la loro forza non sono sufficienti a dominare la situazione, i guerrieri dagli occhi selvaggi imparano a contare sull'intelligenza di Vicky.

Hoshino Mitsuko is the talented three-star chef of famous French restaurant, La Cuisine de La reine, in Ginza, Tokyo. She has drawn attention not just from Japan but also the world for the new recipes she continuously conceives with her delicate palate and unrivalled creativity. Gourmands around the world visit the restaurant for her cuisine and there is a three-year wait for reservations. One day, trouble occurs between Mitsuko and the restaurant owner Shinoda Shogo and she is fired. She has difficulty finding a new restaurant due to Shinoda’s interference and her over-inflated pride, and ends up creating school lunches for a popular variety programme by a hotshot producer. It was believed to be something easy for Mitsuko, but she meets many obstacles and keeps failing. Moreover, this is aired on TV and made known to the world. Even so, Mitsuko does not give up and starts to create school lunches in order to hear children say her food is delicious and also regain her lost stars.

Qi Yuwu and Lee Teng each lead a team of artistes to train under star athletes for various sports. While showcasing impressive skills & elegance of national athletes, the show also highlights their stories & glorious moments. After intensive trainings, the stars compete and an MVP will be crowned.

La serie racconta le vicissitudini della dodicenne Shiina Tamai, che mentre rischia di annegare viene salvata da una strana creatura dalla forma simile a una stella marina. Infatti, nel mondo di Narutaru esistono diverse di queste creature, tutte differenti fra loro e capaci di trasformarsi: sono chiamate "draghi", nonostante non abbiano nulla a che fare con il classico drago della mitologia. Nel corso della serie Shiina incontrerà altri ragazzi come lei accompagnati dai cuccioli di drago e, a differenza di lei, capaci di collegarsi telepaticamente ad essi. La ragazzina ribattezza l'essere Hoshimaru (letteralmente "Stellino") e si prepara alla sua nuova esistenza assieme al "cucciolo di drago", ancora ignara del sentiero di morte e di angoscia che questa situazione le aprirà.

Set in the Song Dynasty, the story follows five key players as they search for the magic star that existed in legends – one that can bring peace and order back to the chaotic world they have come to know.

Dopo essere stati scaricati nel deserto di Ingo dal loro padrone, C-3PO e R2-D2 si imbattono accidentalmente in diversi nuovi padroni e si scontrano con gangster, criminali, pirati, Boba Fett, IG-88, l'Impero Galattico e altre minacce, trovandosi in svariate situazioni difficili.

5 giugno, 2005

Cooking competition following upcoming chefs, and the winner gets to host their own show!

Umika is a sweet yet shy high school girl. She has trouble speaking to others and dreams of having a friend from another planet. But her lonely school life takes a cosmic turn when she meets transfer student Yu, an alien with telepathic powers! The two become close and promise to go to space one day. So, they decide to build a rocket and shoot for the stars, making new friends along the way.

Hop aboard the Astral Express and experience the galaxy's infinite wonders on this journey filled with adventure and thrills.

Animated Shorts by MiHoYo that are found on Bilibili and Youtube

Star Golden Bell was a South Korean variety show broadcast on KBS. Star featured 5 lines of 4 people each which had various celebrities from music, film, television, and musicals. The last line contains regularly appearing celebrities. The show consisted of mini-games, which have certain prize amounts. The winning celebrity is then given the opportunity to ring the bell by correctly answering a riddle. If he or she is correct, the money is donated in the winner's name. All "winnings" go to a charity of KBS's choice.

8 giugno, 1948

Texaco Star Theater is an American comedy-variety show, broadcast on radio from 1938 to 1949 and telecast from 1948 to 1956. It was one of the first successful examples of American television broadcasting, remembered as the show that gave Milton Berle the nickname "Mr. Television".

The classic 1940–44 version of the program, hosted by radio's Fred Allen, was followed by a radio series on ABC in the spring of 1948. When Texaco first took it to television on NBC on June 8, 1948, the show had a huge cultural impact.

Synopsis to the stars , Charam (Aum Atichart) and Hemsuda (Chris Horwang), a couple that many people envy. which Churum's flirtation makes Hemsuda feel fed up. but must be patient to maintain a social appearance until one day The relationship between the two became more and more ruptured. When Chum meets Pai Thong (Maprang-Alisa), a beautiful architect. The handle took turns to take care of the important projects of Champ. Makes Charum impressed with Pai Thong So he did everything possible to get her. Regardless of whether Paithong is in a relationship with Thiwin (Bank-Thiti)

The end of an era as the studios where ITV filmed its many shows for 45 years closes its doors for the last time.

Crossing the Frontier: Making 'The Last Starfighter', an original documentary with a fascinating look at the creation of the film and its groundbreaking computer-generated visual effects. Hosted by star Lance Guest (Alex Rogan) and featuring behind-the-scenes footage and all new interviews with director Nick Castle, production designer Ron Cobb, art director James Bissell, producer Gary Adelson, composer Craig Safan and some of the computer artists who blazed the trail for a new era of effects technology at Digital Productions. Also included are comments from leading artists at Industrial Light and Magic who discuss the historical importance of The Last Starfighter in the annals of the visual effects field.

A project that reflects on the human need of collective communion within situations of sound and physical ecstasies. A character called The Star is presented in order to facilitate these experiences. Introducing the Star is a gerund, an introduction to a mythological imagery. It is a musical fiction twined with autobiography. It is an epic and intimate cosmogony. It is a fable about pregnant choir girls, flying virus, gestation, an HIV infection, babies, science fiction and electronic music. It is a fragmented narrative full of doubts and mistakes.

Interview with Mike Pinder from the Moody Blues.

Documentary highlights the career of legendary Duke University track coach Al Buehler, who has enriched the lives of countless students and athletes, including Olympians Jackie Joyner-Kersee and Carl Lewis and many who never work track shoes.

Savannah Joy, a single parent image consultant by day and aspiring wellness influencer by night, is hired to rebrand New York’s #4 interview radio show host. But when Savannah accidently ends up on the air with the handsome smooth-talking host, she becomes part of the show’s rebranding herself and discovers if on-air differences or love will have the last word.

15 dicembre, 2003

Salman Ahmad is the charismatic lead singer for the popular Pakistani rock group, Junoon. Following the ancient Sufi tradition, the band's music and lyrics reflect the moderate, liberal side of Islam. Salman has also become UNICEF's chosen spokesman for AIDS prevention, and he and the group have publicly advocated the cause of peace with India. But a coalition of fundamentalist Islamic parties has made recent gains in Pakistani elections, and Junoon's high profile places them in conflict with the hardliners. WIDE ANGLE follows Salman as he journeys to the tolerant, ancient city of Lahore and the fundamentalist stronghold of Peshawar to reveal the internal religious and political conflicts of the Islamic world. The mullahs want to ban the music but Junoon's fans, among them Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, have made Salman a rock idol. From this trip emerges a rich portrait of modern day Pakistan, a pivotal nation in the war against terror.

1 aprile, 1912

Her parents were humble peasants, and were fond of her when she was a baby, for they believed she would grow up to be a beautiful woman and make a good match. The trouble was that she didn't grow up. When she was nineteen she was no bigger than a child of six. Naturally they were overjoyed when an offer for their daughter's hand was made by another midget who lived in the same village. To their astonishment and anger, the girl refused to entertain it, declaring the husband she chose would have to be a man of whom she could be proud. Her home life was most unhappy after that, and the entire family rejoiced when a showman from the United States arrived and offered what seemed big money if she would join his "Congress of Freaks," which was quite an institution in America. And the girl went gladly.

A documentary film "The Road to the Tenth Star" is a film about the Egyptian Club Al-Ahly and the journey to achieve the African Champions League for the tenth time in its history

'The Long Start to the Journey' follows filmmaker Chris Gallaway on his personal attempt to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail and to learn what the trail means to individuals he meets along the way. Chris (or 'Frost' as he comes to be known on the trail) meets hikers young and old with wildly disparate backgrounds, 'trail angels' who provide food and support along the way, and an assortment of wildlife that make the journey much more exciting. This is a personal story of struggle and perseverance as well as a historical account of the origins and cultural relevance of the Appalachian Trail.

1 gennaio, 1987

Starcom is the foremost peacekeeping force in the galaxy, and humanity's best hope against the sinister Emperor Dark and his Shadow Force.

Estelar works in a psychiatric hospital and has visions of the past of the neighborhood where she lives and works: at Colônia Juliano Moreira, in Rio de Janeiro. During a water crisis in the state, she welcomes Kalil - her younger brother - to live in her house, once he has been approved at the public university to study music in her city. Amidst the political absurdities that surround Brazil, Estelar will realize that it takes courage to review her conservatives speeches and positions, that in the heart of the world reside all the differences, all times, abysses, mysteries between us.

14 agosto, 1991

A hilarious and affectionate look at the path to stardom inside the competitive world of opera. Filmmakers Allie Light and Irving Saraf relegate the divas to the background and focus on a limelight-craving group of "choristers" -- the seldom-noticed singers who stand behind the soloists portraying peasants, soldiers and slaves.

15 aprile, 2019

Ten-year-old Herb Gildin and his two older sisters were sent by their German-Jewish parents to live with non-Jewish families in Sweden to escape Nazi persecution. Two years later, they were reunited with their parents in America as refugees. Decades later, Herb visited Sweden to reconnect with the remaining family members who had taken him in.

25 aprile, 2016

Bill and Howard find themselves stranded in the middle of the night, only to be faced with the terrors of an unnatural beast hiding amongst the forest.

1 settembre, 1952

A fairytale inspired by the Brothers Grimm set in deepest darkest Cornwall.

In un mondo devastato e inaridito dalle guerre nucleari, le stelle hanno eletto l'unico salvatore. La leggenda di Kenshiro prende vita sul grande schermo. Primo capitolo della saga Ken il guerriero - La leggenda di Hokuto – si svolge sullo sfondo di una società sconvolta dagli attacchi nucleari e costretta a sopravvivere nella speranza dell’arrivo di un nuovo salvatore che possa riportare la pace e la prosperità. Kenshiro combatte per difendere chi si trova in difficoltà, grazie alle tecniche di combattimento imparte nella scuola di arti marziali "Divina scuola di Hokuto", di cui ne è l’erede.

Larry's absurdly plush life of ease as a convict comes to an end when his sentence is up. Tossed out, he tries several ways, including a stickup to get back in the comfortable jail. Exchanging clothes with a lookalike escaped prisoner, he goes back, only to find he's to be hung. Now desperate to leave again, he joins other cons in a jailbreak.

24 marzo, 1976

Soon after the events of the first Getta Robo series, Earth finds itself under attack by the Hyakki (Pandemonium) Empire and its fleet of horned battle robots. In response to the threat, the Getta labs re-fit their chief weapon: three advanced jets, capable of merging into three distinct robots. These are Getta Dragun (Star Dragon) the most powerful and oft-used formation; Getta Rygar (Star Arrow) designed for speed and aerial combat; and Getta Poseidon (Star Poseidon) built for strength and aquatic battle.

22 settembre, 2009

Trekkies talking abou their all time favouite parts of Star Trek.

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