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Наше время (1993-й год). Во время очередной высадки на Луну космонавты Земли находят странную металлическую бочку, и случайно открывают ее. На самом деле бочка была магической темницей. Так после 10000 лет заключения освобождается злая и могущественная волшебница Рита Репульса (Рита Отвратительная). Она тут же возводит себе на Луне дворец, создает армию из отвратительных Патрулей, и решает захватить Землю. В этом ей помогают ее помощники — тупоумные Скватт и Бабу, злобный Голдар, и старый ученый-маг Финстер.

24 октября 2017

Power Rangers HyperForce is set in the year 3016 at Time Force Academy. A team of Time Force Ranger cadets must band together to defeat an ancient evil who is set on unraveling the very fabric of the universe. Under the leadership of their mentor, Jen Scotts, and with the show’s Game Master, Malika Lim, the newly minted Rangers will cross both time and space to complete their mission while running into many familiar eras (and faces) along the way.

The stakes have never been higher as the players learn what it means to be a Ranger in a live, tabletop RPG environment where anything can happen.

Power Rangers Dino Force Brave is a South Korean-Japanese superhero series that serves as the sequel to Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger’s Korean dub, Power Rangers Dino Force.

The show was later dubbed into Japanese and aired in Japan as Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Brave.

When an all-powerful enemy appears to destroy all parallel worlds, a hero with the spirit of all Super Sentai will rise to fight back. Transforming into Zenkaiser, he joins forces with four robots called Kikainoids with the spirit of Super Sentai robos from across history.

5 января 2019

The Power Rangers from Earth 2-18 encounter The Arbiter who has deemed them Unworthy of their powers. Proving to be a formidable foe, these Rangers must ban together with help of the multiverse to stop him.

Out of the blue, monsters usually living beneath the Earth’s surface began to attack the terrestrial world. They were called the Underground Hades Empire Infershia. The Ozu Siblings of Makito, Houka, Urara, Tsubasa, and Kai hear from their mother, Miyuki, that they are the Magicians of Justice to stand against the Infershia. The siblings are perplexed by such an unexpected event. However, without hesitation, Miyuki charges at the Infershia, and the Ozu Siblings are forced to come together to fight as one.

20 октября 2023

Hope is dead...but imagination isn't. The Power Rangers are here to save the day once more, with the power of TRAINS. When 5 young adults with attitude are forced to step up and save their home, they learn they're also saving the world.

Set several years after the Countdown to Destruction, the once revered hero, Andros of KO-35, faces impossible odds as he fights to restore the all powerful energy source known as the Grid.

The meteorite believed to have once killed off the dinosaurs actually rattled the Earth into two parallel universes — Another Earth and Dino Earth, where dinosaurs continued to thrive. Now they have evolved into the Saurians, a race of humanoid dinosaurs, and the Bakuryu , a race of mechanized dinosaurs. But the wall between our universes has been breached. The Evolians that have been at war with the Saurians and Bakuryu have invaded, and it's up to the Abarangers to protect the world!

The Deboth Army who invaded the Earth in the time of the dinosaurs has revived. Wise God Torin selects 5 brave individuals who can defeat their respective Zyudenryu and give them powers to become the “People of the Strong Dragons”, Kyoryuger.

Welcome to Megalopolis! Once a peaceful Earth city, it's now a haven for criminals aided by the nefarious Alienizer arms dealer, Agent Abrella. Now, it's up to Ban Akaza and the Special Police Dekarangers to protect the Earth from the invading Alienizers and finally bring peace and justice back to the planet.

Яркий южнокорейский мультфильм о суперкоманде МиниФорс, которую отправили в небольшую деревушку, чтобы защитить ее жителей от черных намерений злодея Нэйна, задумавшего поработить всю планету. Сами члены команды – очаровательные зверушки-пушистики, но за их милой внешностью скрываются настоящие отважные воины.

Четверка защитников останавливается у своей подруги Сьюзи, но она и не догадывается, что эти милахи приехали защищать ее родной дом. Под домом Сьюзи воины МиниФорс строят свою секретную базу, из которой они будут получать команды генерала Чена и здесь же превращаться в сильных рейнджеров, готовых бросить вызов любому злу.

Every era has an individual that begins a journey seeking the way of the road. The numerous adventures they encounter are harsh, relentless, and life threatening. It is the burning souls of these brave individuals that lead human beings to the future. People called them Adventurers. The Search Guard Successor Foundation collects treasures from all around the world that are scarce and about to be lost forever. Among the treasures, the secretive finds that contained dangerous powers were called “Precious”. If these Precious were to be robbed and utilized by Negative Syndicates, people would be put in serious danger. This is why the S.G.S. will form a secret unit to locate and defend Precious. The name of the unit is Boukengers.

Beast-Fist is a form of martial arts where the powers of a beast can be acquired by sensing the beast in their hearts. There are two relative schools of the Beast-Fist. One, the Beast-Fist of justice, Geki Juken Beast Arts. And one, the evil Beast-Fist of Rin Juken Akugata. The two schools of warriors learn and change in order to increase in power every day, as they are destined to clash.

21 years ago, a baby arrived on earth inside of a peach. Today, five warriors based on the legend of Momotaro fight enemies that are inhabiting humans, invisible to the naked eye. Together they fight to take back gears based on previous Super Sentai.

There is an ancient prophecy shared amongst the kingdoms of Chikyu- 2,000 years after their fall, the Territorial Empire Bugnarok will once again rise up to kill all humans. However, five kings and their guardian deity, King-Ohger, will stand up to face them. This is the story of kings who will defend Chikyu, as well as a coming-of-age story for one young man who will achieve kingship henceforth.

The Barbaric Machine Clan “Gaiark” was exiled from the Machine World by the Engines, who are huge machines that have their own will. With the exile, the Gaiark switched their target to the world of humans and attacked to pollute the Earth in order to make the Earth more habitable for them. This is when three young individuals with hearts of justice stand up as Go-ongers.

Пять обычных старшеклассников узнают, что их маленький город Энджел Гроув и весь мир находятся на грани того, чтобы быть уничтоженными инопланетной угрозой. Избранные судьбой, наши герои быстро понимают, что они единственные, кто может спасти планету.

После шести тысяч лет заточения в гипертюрьме на свободе оказывается коварный злодей Эван Оз. Его цель — завоевать Землю, а заодно и отомстить своему заклятому врагу — наставнику Рейнджеров — Зордону. Рейнджеры должны отправиться на другую планету в поисках утерянной Великой Силы, которая вернет им способность превращения в сверхъестественных воинов, управляющих огромными боевыми роботами-транс-формерами. Они — последняя надежда вселенной и единственное оружие, способное победить злодея Эвана.

Зловещая инопланетянка Диватокс решает выпустить на свободу темные силы Малигора, мощного и свирепого создания, заточенного в жерле вулкана на волшебном острове.

До острова можно добраться только через полный опасности Треугольник Немезиса и лишь с помощью магических сил волшебника Леригота. А сам волшебник Леригот отправляется на Землю в поисках людей, способных противостоять Диватокс и разрушить ее злобные планы — это Турборейнджеры. Они с готовностью отправляются навстречу опасным приключениям!

После трагедии юный герой занимает достойное место в рядах «Могучих рейнджеров», чтобы дать отпор самому давнему врагу команды.

Video release consisted of 20 season's episode 13, 14, 16, 17. Power Rangers battle mutants to stop a super-monster that was created from an Aurora box.

Video release consisted of 21 season's episodes 17, 18, 19, 20. Heroic teens Troy, Noah, Emma, Gia, and Jake have defended our planet countless times as the newest generation of Power Rangers. But when evil Emperor Mavro launches his entire alien Armada in a final strike against Earth, these five best friends are called back into action! To defeat the greatest threat the galaxy has ever seen, the Megaforce will reunite with their alien friend Orion, and fight alongside over a hundred Rangers from the past - including Tommy, the original Mighty Morphin Green Ranger - in the most legendary battle in Power Ranger history!

6 августа 1996

For all that is good, there exists a dark opposite, an enemy with the will to destroy with awesome fury. Despite these adversaries, peace and harmony prevail... all because of six exceptional teenagers who have been uniquely empowered to defend against evil. This is the story of THE POWER RANGERS... in their greatest challenge yet! The evil LORD ZEDD and his wife, RITA REPULSA, in the ultimate attempt to render our heroes powerless, have turned The Power Rangers into children. Now their leader, ZORDON, has no choice but to send them to undercover the power of the ZEO Crystal. It is a mission known as "The ZEO Quest." With great courage, the young voyagers embark on a remarkable journey to their ancestry. Only through the revitalizing powers of the ZEO Crystal can our heroes save themselves and in turn... all of mankind.

Alpha 5, Zordon, and the kids from Angel Grove celebrate Christmas.

The Rangers on board their ship, the Terra Venture, do battle with various bad guys in this compilation of several episodes from the television series.

1 января 2005

Direct-to-DVD movie. The pace quickens when the academy receives a message from the future warning of impending doom. It seems that Devastation (the most wanted criminal in the galaxy) along with brother, Shorty, and sinister sidekick Morgana have returned to conquer Earth for imminent destruction. It's an SPD Emergency as the team of elite warriors morph into their superhuman multi-hued spandex to take on intergalactic minions. Just when the fury circle is tightening, a mysterious Force from the Future materializes, riding a giant Omegamax Cycle.

18 апреля 2000

The Power Rangers return to Earth... but not like you've ever seen them before. Stationed at an underwater command base, the Rangers are now part of a super-secret Lightspeed Rescue Squad. Their mission? To battle for justice... fight against evil... and make the world a monster-free zone. Armed with the coolest, most powerful zords ever, the Power Rangers are using amazing trains, trucks and helicopters - whatever it takes - to get the job done!

The Samurai Rangers team up with the mysterious RPM Ranger Red to fight off Master Xandred's Mooger army and a robotic supervillain from the RPM Ranger's dimension. But when both Red Rangers get struck with hypnobolts, they turn against one another.

22 марта 2018

A dark prelude to the comic book event of the year. Available MARCH 28 online and at your local comic book retailers.

Video release consisted of 20 season's episodes 1, 2, 3, 4. When evil Admiral Malkor sends insectoid Warstar aliens to attack our planet, ancient guardian Gosei summons five ordinary teens with talent and attitude to become Earth's mightiest defenders - the Power Rangers Megaforce!

Reefside is in for radical change when a strange intergalactic meteor plunges to earth transforming the Power Rangers' personalities. Conner turns intellectual, Ethan gets into sports, and Kira develops a strong sense of fashion she's never known! While Dr. Oliver is freed from fossilization, he is stuck in morphed form, and Evil White Ranger and Mesogog unleash more treacherous trickery. The Power Rangers will have to rock with amped ATVs and super Dino-powered teamwork!

Soar With the Roar of a Samurai Ranger Surprise! Continuing to gorge with an appetite for destruction, Lothor and his alien minions mount an all-out attack, led by Madtropolis, to drain the Wind and Thunder Rangers of their power! It's all jammin' and no slammin', even in Megazord mode, when Cam must travel in time to snag the ultimate power source - a Samurai amulet that unlocks the mystery of the "ancient warrior of evil." Meanwhile, with things frozen in time, Lothor unleashes Operation Alien Outreach to take advantage of a defenseless Earth. The only hope in the harshness is a 6th Ranger with the power to get the thugs to bug off.

While fighting Cole, Master Org realizes that there something about him that connects his past that remains to be the last puzzle of a "Revenge" mission years ago, so eventually he had a General Org to awake a very dangerous and powerful Duke Org to help take down the Rangers, Zen Aku. Upon returning after 3000 years, Zen Aku begins to showed some unique traits of him compared to other Orgs, such as having his own Zords and Megazord, while doing so steals some of the Rangers' Zords.

Direct-to-DVD Film. Get in gear! Join forces with your favorite Power Rangers agains a sinister machine army accelerating towards global domination in START YOUR ENGINES. The mysterious and menacing Venjix Computer Network has unleashed an evil virus and is driving towards conquering the entire planet. In the shining city of Corinth, one of the only safe havens on earth, an elite team of super teens is ready to fight for justice -- but will these fierce Power Rangers have enough high-octane fury to save the world?

26 сентября 2006

The Power Rangers heroic crusade is put to the test when a wicked army drains all color and hope from Earth.

Every Ranger knows you should never trust an evil space Ninja, but Choobo scores with a scheme that changes the balance of power in the universe! Hunter and Blake are warped into thinking the Wind Rangers are their enemies. The resulting Megazord battles and Toxipod tangles land all the Rangers on a sinking island to sort things out by battling each other! There's a cold wind blowing toward a knock-down, drag-out fight when Choobo takes the Scroll of Empowerment in hand. Only the combined force of a super Thunderstorm Megazord could defeat this twisted evil

Power Rangers has been adapted into three theatrical motion pictures. The first two are distributed by 20th Century Fox, while the third film was released in 2017 by Lionsgate.

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