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Najmladšia z dcér kráľa Tritona a zároveň najodvážnejšia Ariel sa túži dozvedieť viac o svete mimo oceánu a počas návštevy hladiny sa zamiluje do temperamentného princa Erika. Hoci morské panny majú zakázané komunikovať s ľuďmi, Ariel nasleduje svoje srdce a uzavrie dohodu so zlou morskou čarodejnicou Ursulou, ktorá jej dá šancu zažiť život na súši a spoznať Erika, ale nakoniec ohrozí jej život a korunu a kráľovstvo jej otca kráľa Trittona. Vo filme účinkujú speváčka a herečka Halle Bailey ako Ariel, Jonah Hauer-King ako princ Eric alebo Javier Bardem ako kráľ Tritton.

Dcéra kráľa morí Ariel má šestnásť rokov a je zamilovaná do princa Erika, ktorému zachránila život, keď jeho loď stroskotala v búrke. Pretože vládca podmorskej ríše nemá pochopenie pre náklonnosť svojej dcéry k ľuďom, musí Ariel požiadať o pomoc zlú čarodejnicu. Tá jej na tri dni vyčaruje nohy pod podmienkou, že jej víla daruje svoj krásny hlas. A ešte je tu jeden háčik

17. august, 2018

Mladý reportér a jeho neter objavia nádherné a očarujúce stvorenie, o ktorom veria, že môže byť naozajstná morská panna.

30. máj, 2023

In this "half-fish" out-of-water animated adventure, a mermaid princess makes a bargain with a sea witch to become human.

Princovi Erikovi a princezne Ariel sa narodila dcéra Melody. Keďže ju začala ohrozovať zlá Morgana, sestra čarodejnice Uršuly, museli rodičia Melody zatajiť jej pôvod morskej panny. Melody však od narodenia túžila po vodnej ríši a chcela žiť ako morská panna. Preto sa rozhodla pre nebezpečnú a odvážnu cestu - vrátiť sa do mora a prekaziť Morganine sprisahanecké plány. Keď sa o tom dozvedeli rodičia, musela sa princezná Ariel spojiť so svojimi dávnymi priateľmi Sebastianom a Flounderom, aby zachránila svoju dcéru a vrátila radosť do vodnej ríše.

Dr. Eric Prince, an archaeologist, makes a dramatic discovery on a small Caribbean island-proof of an ancient, advanced prehistoric society. While his dig is in progress, he meets the mysterious and beautiful Aurora Bey and falls in love.

6. apríl, 1987

A mermaid princess is willing to sacrifice anything for love.

5. november, 2019

Live musical performances by a star-studded cast will be interwoven into the broadcast of the animated classic.

24. máj, 1992

This charming, lively tale based on Hans Christian Anderson's beloved children's story comes to splendid life in an enchanting animated film. The beautiful and adventurous mermaid, Princess Lena, lives with her family in a watery castle and has everything she could ever need, but she longs for only one thing; to explore the world of humans. Determined to marry Prince Stefan, whom she sees when a whirlpool takes her to the surface, Princess Lena must turn to the evil sea witch Cassandra and pay a heavy price for her promise of help.

21. október, 2011

Deep in a barren, fantastical wasteland lays a dilapidated circus tent. Inside, an ominous ringmaster forces his prized act, a real live mermaid to perform for a group of grimy, working class spectators. The mermaid, though frightening, is but a lovesick, caged animal praying for release from her endless torture. Unwilling to surrender his meal ticket, the ringmaster rejects her pleas for compassion and continues to confine the mermaid to her stagnant holding tank. With nowhere to escape to, the mermaid must make the choice between holding on to the hope of freedom and putting an end to her abuse. Produced by Samantha Jewell, Lindsey Mann, Justin Simon and Aliya Tarmo through the VFS Compendium series and Directed by Nicholas Humphries (Riese: Kingdom Falling), The Little Mermaid is a twisted re-imagining of the classic Hans Christian Anderson tale.

Triton, vládca podmorskej ríše Atlantída, pri tragickej udalosti príde o svoju milovanú ženu a jeho sedem dcér stratí matku. Nešťastný kráľ trúchli a zakáže v svojej krajine akýkoľvek spev a hudbu. Kráľovské dcéry sú znudené z každodenných nezáživných povinností, na ktoré dozerá ich prísna opatrovateľka. Ariel, najmladšia z princezien, začne túžiť po zábave a trocha vzrušenia. Spriatelí sa s rybkou Flounder, ktorá si aj napriek kráľovmu zákazu spieva a zavedie Ariel do tajného klubu, kde hrá hudba a podmorské tvory si tu môžu zaspievať. To ale nie je všetko, po čom Ariel túži. Ako sa jej podarí obmäkčiť otca, aby mohla hudba a spev slobodne znieť po celej Atlantíde? Táto úloha bude o to ťažšia, o čo väčšmi sa ju bude snažiť intrigánska opatrovateľka prekaziť.

1. január, 1998

The Princess Miranda lives with her father, King of the Sea, and two sisters in a magical underwater palace. Miranda has the most beautiful voice of all the underwater kingdom, to the delight of all its inhabitants. The princess feels a great curiosity about the world above and why humans do not treat sea creatures with the same respect it. To celebrate its fifteenth birthday her father allows Miranda to see the human world with her faithful friend Acme, an otter. On the way to the coast the princess saves the life of a drowning man, a handsome young prince who falls in love.

1. november, 2011

The San Francisco Ballet's performance of John Neumeier's ballet, The Little Mermaid. Composer: Lera Auerbach Conductor: Martin West Artists: John Neumeier, Yuan Yuan Tan, Lloyd Riggins Year: 2011-11 Run time: 02:14:00

5. január, 2010

Part of the Princess Collection, a set of 5 animated princess movies. NOT DISNEY. Adapted from Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid.

1. január, 1974

Hans Christian Andersen's tale of the Little Mermaid who gave her life for the one she loved is brought to life with beautiful animation and narration by Richard Chamberlain.

1. január, 2005

Mala morska deklica Ariela živi v podvodnem gradu, kot princesa s svojim ljubljenčkom delfinom Timom. Nekega dne v groznem viharju reši Ariela princa Erika in njegovega služabnika s potapljajoče se ladje. Varno ju spravi na otok, kjer ju najde princesa Ana. Ariela, ki se na mah zaljubi v princa zaprosi čarovnico, da jo spremeni v človeka. V zameno ji mora pustiti svoj glas in če se ne poroči s princem, se bo za vedno spremenila v morsko peno.

Rusalochka opens in modern day Copenhagen, Denmark. Several tourists gather around the capital's famous mermaid statue, as a tour guide explains its significance. A fish in the water below the tourists scoffs at their foolishness, and then, proceeds to tell about the doomed love of the mermaid. Upon reaching her 15th birthday, the Little Mermaid is allowed to swim up to the surface above. As soon as she does, however, the Mermaid spots a young prince caught up in a dreadful storm. She admires the man's bravery and decides to save him, declaring that, "The beautiful and the brave should not perish." After the mermaid returns to the ocean, she decides that she wants to become human.

21. október, 2012

Enter a world where the ocean floor is full of fish and Ariel longs to stroll and dance with humans. Sing along with colorful puppets, spirited live performers, wondrous special effects, and enchanting film clips..

Find out how the spectacular music inspired the animation, and learn more about the development of the characters—such as how Ursula ended up being a big octopus—and how the memorable song "Part of Your World" almost got cut from the film.

Príbehy morskej panny Ariel, ktorá si so svojou povahou dokáže získať srdce snáď každého. Prežíva mnohé dobrodružstvá a nebojí sa ako hnevu svojho otca (kráľa Tritona) tak ani varovaní priateľov (kráľovho poradcu kraba Sebastiana). Jej najväčším lákadlom je svet ľudí a jasne všetkým okolo dáva na známosť, že netúži ísť v šľapajach svojho otca, ale naopak svojou vlastnou cestou. V sprievode žltej rybky Floundera sa tak vydáva na rôzne dobrodružstvá...

Marina, a lonely mermaid, is bored of underwater life. She wants legs. She goes to the sea witch. She is given a magic whistle that when blown, can turn her into a human or mermaid. The Prince and Marina fall in love but she can't stay with him until she can get the sea witch off her case.ja

Little Fox动画故事Level05:The Little Mermaid

Eight years ago, Qin Ge and Bai Qi Jia were the single most popular couple on campus. But when Qin Ge’s health took a turn for the worse, she had no choice but to end things with Qi Jia. Unable to adequately explain her reasons, the once loving couple parted in the most painful way possible. Now the author of a popular manga, Qin Ge has learned to live with her chronic illness, but it hasn’t been easy. Constantly trying to find a balance between work and the toll her illness takes on her, Qin Ge does her best. But when problems arise at work, Qin Ge finds herself quickly running out of ideas. Naturally, it’s at this exact moment that fate decides to bring Qi Jia back into her life. Having bid farewell to Qi Jia all those years ago, Qin Ge believed she had removed love from her life completely. But now that Qi Jia is back, how long will she be able to ignore those long-suppressed feelings?

The Little Mermaid is a 1989 American animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Based on the Danish fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen, The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea is a direct-to-video sequel to the first film. It was released by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on VHS in the United States on September 19, 2000. The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning is a direct-to-video prequel to the first film. The film was released on Region 1 DVD in the United States on August 26, 2008, and on Region 2 DVD in Europe on September 22, 2008.

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