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The Search for the Funniest Mom in America, or simply Funniest Mom, is a six-part reality series that features a competition between ten female comedians who compete for $50,000, the opportunity to develop her own show for Nick at Nite and host a special night of programming on the network. As of season three however the winner is no longer given the opportunity to develop their own show, and no television series starring any of the winners has made it to air.

The first season ran during spring 2005, with stand-up comedian and actress Sandra Bernhard serving as the host. The first season aired in five episodes, with Darlene Westgor being the winner. The second season aired during spring 2006, with actress Katey Sagal replacing Bernhard as the host.

The second season, which aired in six episodes, announced Rubi Nicholas, a Muslim mother with two children, as the funniest mom in America.

A third season, simply called "Funniest Mom in America 3" began airing on April 3, 2007. Like season two, season three has six parts. It was announced on January 11, 2007, that Roseanne Barr would serve as the host for season three. Season 3 ended on Mothers Day 2007.

20 agosto, 2009

Takes viewers on a journey through time and space to relive all the action from the sci-fi show, featuring exclusive interviews with key actors offering unique insights on the classic moments.

A countdown of 100 of the most shocking moments in music, hosted by Chris Jericho.

12 ottobre, 1990

Mom P.I. is a 1990-92 Canadian television comedy-drama series starring Rosemary Dunsmore, Stuart Margolin, Emily Perkins, and Shane Meier.

Dunsmore plays eternal optimist Sally Sullivan, a recently widowed mother of two supporting her family as a waitress in a working-class diner, who talks her way into a job as assistant to grumpy, cynical private eye Bernie Fox, played by The Rockford Files' Margolin. Head writer for the show was Chris Haddock, who later created the much grittier Da Vinci's Inquest and Intelligence, also for the CBC.

15 marzo, 2020

Momonsters Haha, Hehe, Hihi, Hoho and Huhu want to be the best friends of children but ... Where do you learn to be the best friend of a child? At the Momonsters Academy!

Durante una serata tra mamme, Mayte, Virginia, Amparo e Lourdes rimangono coinvolte nella morte accidentale di Elvira. Per paura di essere scoperte, decidono di nascondere il cadavere, ma non hanno fatto i conti con una testimone che ha visto tutto e le ricatta. E' solo l'inizio di una spirale fatta di bugie, fughe e rapimenti, in salsa ros(s)a. Riusciranno a farla franca?

A mini-series that documents the lives of the Jonas Brothers during their Remember This tour.

Some of the most inspiring, groundbreaking, ballsy, and fascinating people get raw, vulnerable, and real about their path to success. In-depth interviews that delve into topics rarely discussed by public figures like identity, family, and dignity.

Mom's Dead Upset is a 2008 South Korean television series starring Kim Hye-ja, Lee Soon-jae, Baek Il-seob, Shin Eun-kyung, and Ryu Jin. It aired on KBS2 from February 2 to September 28, 2008 on Saturdays and Sundays at 19:55 for 66 episodes. The drama attracted record-breaking ratings, peaking at 42.7% on the September 21 episode.

Kim Hye-ja stars as a middle-aged woman who rediscovers herself by taking a one-year break and declaring independence from her family after spending decades as a housewife looking after three children, a husband and a widowed father-in-law. Her performance won the Grand Prize at the 2008 KBS Drama Awards and the 2009 Baeksang Arts Awards.

27 ottobre, 2004

Featuring interviews, film clips, and production stills, this miniseries explores what went into the making of most bone-chilling moments in cinematic history and searches beyond the conventions of the genre to uncover the number one scary movie moment of all time.

18 novembre, 2006

Talented mothers, who aspire to become phenomenal dancers, compete against each other in order to impress the judges and enthrall the audience.

15 settembre, 2021

The journey of the Thomas family, which is suddenly thrown into disarray by an unforeseen event that forces each member to reassess their lives and examine how to make each moment more perfect.​

9 novembre, 2019

Billed as a 2-in-1 reality talent competition show where the audience and the judges witness performances from the singing to the dancing stage, and vice versa.

Kim Young-joo is a genius with an IQ of 200 and the youngest editor of a fashion magazine. Constantly embarrassed and ashamed of her mother's developmental disability and suffocated by her affection, Young-joo leaves home and runs away to get married. But after she gives birth to her own daughter and becomes a mother herself, Young-joo begins to see her life and family differently.

Gam Wah appears to be a cop who can easily betray his own dignity and accept bribes. While investigating a human trafficking case, he meets Leung Sam, a woman who has taken a vow of celibacy. Leung Sam and her friend, Fa Ying Yuet, had been kidnapped when they were young, thus, they hate human traffickers. They equally hate corrupt public servants, with the exception of Gam Wah's colleague, Sum Yat Yin, whose upright and honest character catches Leung Sam's eye and she even falls in love with him. Gam Wah and Sum Yat Yin are initially polar opposites, but after Gam Wah's acceptance of a bribe causes the death of a witness, it starts to touch his conscience. However, at the time, the police and the underworld each had their own unbreakable, unwritten laws. Sum Yat Yin is demoted amidst the power struggle of businessman and detective. It puts his relationship with Leung Sam to the test. Seeing all of this, Gam Wah's heart aches, but all he can do is stay silently by Leung Sam's side and secretly hope that he can make up for his past mistakes.

23 gennaio, 2008

One participant. Twenty-one questions. All that is required is the ability to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Smile, Mom is a 2010 South Korean television drama starring Lee Mi-sook, Park Won-sook, Ji Soo-won, Yoon Jung-hee, Go Eun-mi and Lee Jae-hwang. The weekend theater drama aired on SBS from November 6, 2010 to April 24, 2011 on Saturdays and Sundays at 20:50 for 50 episodes.

L'agente dell'FBI, esperto in travestimenti Malcolm Turner viene impegnato in una nuova delicatissima missione. Sotto le mentite spoglie della corpulenta Hattie Mae Pierce, Turner dovrà entrare in casa di Tom Fuller, fingendosi la tata dei suoi figli. In realtà l'agente deve sventare i piani di Fuller di sviluppare un software in grado di accedere ad alcuni file top secret del governo statunitense, che il criminale aveva intenzione di vendere ad una organizzazione terroristica. Il compito di avere informazioni su Fuller, però si dimostrerà ancora più ostico per Turner, dal momento che avrà a che fare con i tre pestiferi figli di Fuller: Andrew, Carrie e Molly.

9 marzo, 1965

Giunto a Barcellona, dove spera di affrancarsi dalla miseria delle campagne andaluse da cui proviene, il giovane Miguel entra in contatto con gli ambienti delle corride. Il mestiere di torero assicura la notorietà e lauti guadagni, e Miguel decide di affrontare il rischio: frequenta una scuola, fa la gavetta nelle arene di paese e riesce finalmente a farsi notare da un importante impresario. La gloria e la ricchezza arrivano, ma il prezzo da pagare sarà altissimo...

Eserciti di un uomo, amori a prima vista, allontanamenti disinvolti da enormi esplosioni e non solo: star e addetti ai lavori celebrano e ridicolizzano i cliché dei film.

24 aprile, 2015

Maggie Cooper pensa che sarebbe veramente cool se suo figlio Lloyd fosse gay tanto che decide di rivelare a chiunque la presunta omosessualità del ragazzo. Comincia così a fissargli appuntamenti e pensa bene addirittura di iscriverlo a una borsa di studio per ragazzi gay. L'unico problema è che Lloyd stesso non è poi così convinto del suo orientamento sessuale.

30 novembre, 2023

Florencia and Vicente are getting divorced. When both are promoted at their jobs, they will do anything in order to do not keep custody of their children.

Andrè e Laurence sono una coppia di mezza età che non ha problemi economici e che si è adagiata in una routine quotidiana. Un giorno al supermercato Patrick, un uomo giovane affetto da sordità si avvicina ad André ritenendolo suo padre. Da quel momento la vita per la coppia cambia. Se Laurence non può essere la madre (è sempre stata sterile) ma vorrebbe esserlo André potrebbe essere il padre ma rifiuta assolutamente l'idea e ritiene che Patrick sia un truffatore. La coppia dovrà confrontarsi con delle situazioni fino ad allora impensabili.

Durante una vacanza, Kay tradisce il marito psichiatra, assente per lavoro, con l'ufficiale americano Mark. Si è trattato solo di un momento di debolezza, e quando Mark, respinto, la aggredisce, la donna si difende lasciando partire un colpo di pistola, con cui crede di aver ucciso il suo corteggiatore. Mark invece ha solo perso la memoria e gliela farà ritrovare proprio il marito psichiatra di Kay. La donna si trova così in una situazione angosciosa e imbarazzante. Mark, però, una volta guarito, capisce il dramma di Kay e tace su tutto quello che è accaduto.

Pierre, 44, contentedly divorced, takes his teen daughter to the Côte d'Azur along with his friend Jacques and Jacques' own teen daughter, Françoise. On the topless beaches of Saint-Tropez, Jacques and Pierre discuss marriage and being parents. Then, in a wild moment at a nighttime party, Françoise starts playing with Pierre, and one thing leads to another: they become lovers. After a couple of trysts, Pierre wants out, but Françoise declares her love for him and wants to tell her father about it. She does, but leaves out Pierre's name, so Jacques enlists Pierre's help in identifying who seduced his daughter. What will Pierre do?

A short movie of Doraemon was released on August 1, 1981 in Japan. It is a retelling of the famous Japanese fable Momotaro.

When a teenage girl discovers her own mother is behind the recent rash of nearby bank robberies, she's determined to help her come clean.

19 gennaio, 2018

Una adolescente e il suo fratellino più piccolo devono sopravvivere a 24 ore di terrore durante le quali un'isteria di massa, dalle sconosciute origini, porta i genitori ad assumere comportamenti violenti contro i propri figli.

30 novembre, 1971

Moments from the uncompromisingly bleak existence of a secretary, her intellectually disabled sister, aloof and uneasy teacher boyfriend, bizarre neighbor and irritating workmate.

Sandokan, con alcuni “tigrotti” e il fido Yanez, fallisce il tentativo di liberare il padre prigioniero degli inglesi. Prende in ostaggio la nipote del governatore e tenta la pericolosa traversata della giungla. Un traditore aiuta gli inglesi, che riacciuffano i fuggitivi. Ma Sandokan e i suoi uomini ribaltano la situazione. Alla fine la nipote del governatore si innamora di lui.

20 agosto, 2015

Seong Soo, a twenty years old boy, decided to move to Seoul after being accepted into Seoul University. However, he was a victim of real estate scam. He then moves into his mother's friend's house. Moreover, it turns out that his mother's friend is a sexy self-employed mother and Seong Soo is attracted to her.

12 maggio, 2005

Serena Scott lavora in una radio londinese, dove conduce un programma che va in onda in tarda notte: ma gli ascolti sono in calo, e alla ragazza restano solo due settimane per trovare nuove idee. La sera del suo ventisettesimo compleanno, tre amiche organizzano un party tra donne, durante il quale emergono confidenze che daranno nuova linfa alla carriera di Serena

Larry Donner insegna letteratura in una piccola Universita' americana, la sua ex moglie gli ha rubato il suo ultimo manoscritto. Tra i suoi studenti c'e' Owen Lift un uomo ossessionato da una madre possessiva e autoritaria. Owen, dopo aver visto "Delitto per delitto" ha una bella pensata: lui eliminera' la moglie del professore e questi gli rendera' il servizio, liberandolo dall'incubo della mamma.

Ritorna l'agente dell'FBI Malcolm Turner, nei panni di Big Mama, questa volta in compagnia del figliastro Trent, che testimone di un omicidio, deve aiutarlo a smascherare i colpevoli, ma per farlo, dovrà "mascherarsi" a sua volta da Charmaine, e reggere il gioco del suo patrigno...

When Hollywood star Helena Harris (Diane Neal) films her newest movie, “This Magic Moment,” in the small town of Stone’s Throw, she strikes up an unlikely friendship with local video store owner Clark Gable (Travis Schuldt). Helena, who recently broke up with “This Magic Moment” co-star Roberto Molinez (Vincent Spano), asks her new friend Clark to pretend to be her love interest in order to make Roberto jealous. Clark agrees and in exchange, Helena helps him pursue his screenwriting career. While this agreement benefits both Clark and Helena, it also complicates the relationship between Clark and his newly single ex-girlfriend, Emily McIntyre (Alaina Huffman). As the director Doyle Duncan (Charles Shaughnessy) begins to wrap production, Clark finds himself caught between his admiration for the famous beauty and his feelings for former high school sweetheart. With whom will he find his happy ending?

Jang-ho who dreams of becoming a chef is pretty close to his dad Yeong-soo; enough to talk about his girlfriend and they live alone. One day, Yeong-soo tells Jang-ho that he's getting remarried to a Russian woman. Jang-ho accepts this and meets Olga. He is surprised to see a young and beautiful woman standing before him. A few days later, Yeong-soo goes to Russia on a business trip and Jang-ho and Olga get to know each other.

Adam Hansen è un ragazzo che, con il suo migliore amico Duffy, riesce a trovare i biglietti per il concerto del suo gruppo musicale preferito, gli Headless Horseman. Mentre sua sorella Chelsea è in agitazione perché il suo ragazzo del cuore l'ha invitata ad uscire, ma i due hanno un problema. La mamma infatti non lascerà mai uscire né Chelsea con Peter e ne tanto meno manderà al concerto Adam. Così i due decidono di organizzarle un appuntamento galante insieme ad un uomo misterioso che, in seguito, si scoprirà essere nientedimeno che un vampiro.

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