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3 octobre 1955

Highway Patrol was a syndicated, fictional police action series produced from 1955 to 1959, concerning the activities of the highway patrol and their leader, Dan Matthews (who held no rank). Although filmed in and around the Los Angeles area, the state setting for the stories was never identified, and city and street names were fictionalized.

Envoyé sur Terre par Dieu, l'ange Jonathan Smith vient en aide à ceux qui en ont besoin, prodiguant amour et compassion. Il est accompagné dans son voyage par Mark Gordon, un ancien policier abîmé par la vie.

23 octobre 1983

Highway is a British television series, broadcast from 1983 until 1993. Presented by Sir Harry Secombe, the show was a mixture of hymns and chat from various locations across Britain, produced by their respective regional ITV franchise holders. The programme was administered by Tyne Tees Television in Newcastle upon Tyne, who had a track-record for organising cross-franchise series for the ITV network.

Guests sang religious songs, gave readings or talked about their lifestyles and spiritual feelings.

The series was broadcast on Sunday evenings. The final series was moved to Sunday afternoons. Highway was replaced by Sunday Morning with Secombe in which he would broadcast from the venue of the following Morning Worship service.

Pour la sortie de leur huitième album studio, Foo Fighters enregistrent huit chansons dans huit studios d'enregistrement légendaires de huit villes différentes du pays (Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles, Nashville, La Nouvelle-Orléans, New York, Seattle et Washington). Chaque épisode présente l'enregistrement de chacune d'elles, entrecoupé d'interviews avec des personnalités locales, telles que Dolly Parton, Nancy Wilson Zac Brown ou encore Rick Nielsen, et se conclut par le clip vidéo du morceau joué par le groupe.

National Geographic Channel vous embarque sur les routes les plus dangereuses et vous dévoile le quotidien d'une courageuse équipe de remorquage. L'autoroute du Coquihalla, le Coq, est l'une des plus traîtres du monde.

4 septembre 2017

The guardians of NZ's highways, they patrol our country's busiest roads. From honeymooners to hooligans, either way the Highway Cops will set them straight!

7 juillet 1994

Rebel Highway was a short-lived revival of American International Pictures created and produced by Lou Arkoff, the son of Samuel Z. Arkoff and Debra Hill for the Showtime channel in 1994. The concept was 10-week series of 1950s "drive-in classic" B-movies remade "with a '90s edge". The impetus for the series, according to Arkoff was, "what it would be like if you made Rebel Without a Cause today. It would be more lurid, sexier, and much more dangerous, and you definitely would have had Natalie Wood's top off".

16 juin 2023

When a confident and feisty girl fixes an awkward but endearing guy's car on the expressway, a warm-hearted love story starts to take life. As the guy finds himself smitten by this enigmatic girl, he learns to come out of his shell. Meanwhile, the girl learns to believe in the existence of true, unconditional love as they navigate the diversions, detours and pit-stops of their romantic journey.

31 mai 2020

"Highway Man" is a web series along the lines of classic TV shows like "Highway to Heaven" and "The Six Million Dollar Man". It follows the adventures of a drifter (Henry Phillips) who stops to help stranded motorists on the side of the highway. There is one big problem: he doesn't know anything about cars, or anything for that matter. In fact the Highway Man is what some would call an idiot. But he tries. Will Highway Man one day find what it is that he is looking for? Probably not. But he will meet many people along his journey.

En 1990, après la disparition de Rachanda Pickle, la police s'intéresse à son beau-père, John Ackroyd, un homme qui travaille sur l'autoroute 20. Mais Ackroyd cache bien son jeu.

To combat crimes on the roads, a special department has been created in the St. Petersburg Police Department. One of the brigades is headed by Captain Marina Voronina. Senior Lieutenant Odintsov has been identified as her partner. Their first investigation was the death in a car accident of the chairman of the Board of the bank "Petropavlovsk"...

A woman goes in search of her missing adopted daughter and encounters an entire criminal network that kidnaps and traffics teenagers. A resort town in Stavropol region becomes the scene of a terrible crime: a thirteen—year-old girl shoots her sleeping family at dawn - her mother, father and grandmother in their beds, after which she tries to hang herself in a barn. A neighbor comes running to the shots and pulls the girl out of the loop. The head of the district police entrusts the investigation of a high-profile case to investigator Elvira Barayeva. But how are Svetlana, a St. Petersburg judge with a dark past, and her adopted daughter Kira connected with this case and this place?

Highway Patrol is an Australian factual television series screened on the Seven Network that premiered on 21 September 2009. The show entered its fifth season in 2013.

Highway Patrol follows members of the Victoria Police Highway Patrol as they intercept traffic and other criminal offenders on major highways in Victoria, Australia. The show depicts the police involved in high-speed police chases, attending major road accidents, confronting out-of-control drunk drivers as well as issuing lesser penalty notices to drivers. Each episode follows the progress of a select few incidents involving various Highway Patrol officers, from the first encounter by the officers through to the officers leaving the scene, with the exception that occasionally the officers will escort a driver back to a police station for the purpose of a breath or blood sample. Fines, court convictions and demerit points issued in relation to each incident are shown in a voiced-over addendum at the end.

Highway Patrol is produced by Greenstone TV, makers of New Zealand’s Motorway Patrol with the co-operation of Victoria Police.

1 février 2003
3 juillet 2012

Haunted Highway, is a paranormal investigation, reality television series, produced by BASE Productions, that began airing on the Syfy network July 3, 2012.

The series features two teams of investigators; Jack Osbourne, investigator Dana Workman, and Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files investigators Jael de Pardo and Devin Marble.

On the 5th episode of the series, Osbourne announced that he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and temporarily stepped down as host of the series.

On April 22, 2013 it was announced that the series had been renewed for a 6-episode 2nd Season set to premiere in the fall of 2013.

27 mai 2009

Suivez l'artiste tatoueur Thomas Pendelton dans un road trip aux Etats-Unis, dans un vieux bus reconverti en salon de tatouage. D'un chef d'une tribu apache au Nouveau-Mexique, au croque-mort de Sacramento, Thomas parcourt les routes à la rencontre de personnes hors du commun. Accompagné par sa femme et une poignée d'artistes de renom, il tatoue les gens et leurs histoires !

Lively sports commentary with a rotating cast of columnists and commentators.

Village boy falls in love with a city girl and decides to change his life.

Living in the countryside is the end of dreams? Leszek Gorecki, boy, living in a small village, decides to break this stereotype. Since the child is interested in technology, mechanics, cars. He dreams to become a driver. Meets Bronka, the prettiest girl in the village. Despite feeling Leszek says that the country "no reflection" and has to do something with your life. He decides to go to Silesia. She works hard and puts the money to finally start the desired driving course. One day, during the holidays, the boy meets Anne. The girl is the daughter of a dentist, lives in Lodz, studying biology. Anka gets Leszek in the eye, as it turns out - of reciprocity. A few, however, a huge gap divides the intellectual and cultural

Highway: Rodando la Aventura is a series of Disney Channel Latin America. It is the fourth original production of Disney Channel Latin America, after Zapping Zone, Disney Planet and Art Attack, Disney and the second original mini-series, after Disney Planet. It stars the presenters of Zapping Zone.

The leading couple in this series is the star of Disney Channel, Roger Gonzalez and Valeria Baroni who left the reality High School Musical: La seleccion.

12 juin 2019

Chuck Zukowski, qui a fait des recherches sur les OVNIS pendant plus de 30 ans, fait équipe avec son fils et un enquêteur pour poursuivre des cas à la recherche de preuves définitives d'OVNIS le long de l'Alien Highway américaine.

13 mai 1997

L'excentrique Aaron Quicksilver raconte deux histoires d'horreur à des gens qu'il rencontre. Il conte d'abord à un couple de jeunes mariés l'histoire d'un représentant qui achète un dentier claqueur avant d'être agressé dans sa voiture par un auto-stoppeur. Il provoque un accident et les deux hommes sont bloqués dans la voiture lorsque le dentier s'anime. Quicksilver raconte ensuite à un pickpocket l'histoire d'un chirurgien dont les mains se rebellent contre sa volonté.

29 juillet 2022

Pour sauver son frère, Dennis, d'un gang de prisonniers dangereux, Sally, une conductrice de camion, a été obligée de faire passer des cargaisons illicites. Bientôt l'agent du FBI Gerick est à ses trousses. Parallèlement, la dernière livraison de Sally l'interroge moralement car il s'agit d'une adolescente.

Le lendemain de son mariage, Mina (Mari Tanaka) passe une nuit avec son ancien amant Ozaki (Kinji Takinami) dans un motel d'autoroute à la périphérie de Yokohama. Sur le chemin du retour, la voiture de Mina heurte un jeune hippie appelé Ryo (Ken Yoshizawa). Choquée par l'accident et, de plus, laissée seule par Ozaki, qui détestait être impliqué dans les ennuis, Mina place le jeune inconscient sur la banquette arrière et se dirige vers un lac...

20 février 2014

Juste avant son mariage, une jeune femme se retrouve enlevée et détenue contre rançon. Au fur et à mesure que les premiers jours passent, elle commence à développer un lien étrange avec son ravisseur.

Une femme ayant donné un peu d’argent à une famille découvre qu’ils vivent sur une aire de repos.

14 février 2007

Bong Dal Ho est un rockeur qui rêve de devenir une star, un soir il se fait repérer par une agence qui lui fait signer un contrat. Il part alors pour Séoul dans l'espoir de pouvoir enfin réaliser son rêve, sauf que l'agence ne veut pas faire de lui un rockeur, mais un chanteur de Trot.

18 février 1997

Fred Madison, saxophoniste, soupçonne sa femme Renee de le tromper. Il la tue et est condamné à la peine capitale. Le film raconte l’histoire de cet assassinat du point de vue des différentes personnalités de l’assassin lui‐même.

Pendant une expérience menée en secret, un groupe d'étudiants talentueux ouvre accidentellement un portail conduisant à une autre dimension et les voici prisonniers en enfer. Un par un, ils sont poursuivis, torturés et tués par les habitants de l'enfer déterminés à s'emparer de leurs âmes.

2 novembre 2016

Pendant les vacances annuelles avec ses parents, Benjamin, 16 ans, tombe amoureux d'une fille belge de la région. Annabel est belle et intrigante, mais est-il prêt pour l'aventure dans laquelle elle veut l'entraîner ?

Deux adolescents amoureux, Charlie Sykes et sa petite amie Rachel Clark, se rendent à Las Vegas pour s'y marier en secret. Sur la route, le sergent Bedlam, un policier au visage brûlé, les arrête et kidnappe Rachel. Il est le policier de l'enfer dont la mission est de fournir au diable des vierges. Charlie emprunte la voiture et le fusil de Sam, le pompiste de la region, et se lance alors à leur poursuite. Il est étrangement projeté en enfer où le diable, Beezle, l'attend. Ce dernier accepte que Charlie et Rachel regagnent la réalité si ils parviennent à échapper au terrible policier...

De retour chez lui après s'être embarqué comme mécanicien et avoir fait le tour du monde, Nick Garcos découvre que son père a perdu ses jambes dans un accident provoqué par un grossiste en fruits de San Francisco. Pour faire valoir ses droits, le jeune homme s'associe avec un routier pour convoyer des fruits et plonge ainsi dans les halles de Frisco : immigrés exploités, rythme de travail infernal, vie nocturne du marché, racket, corruption. Dans sa lutte contre le grossiste Mike Figlia, Nick trouvera une aide inattendue de la part d'une femme légère.

Deux agents spéciaux sont chargés de protéger le programme informatique gérant une mégalopole futuriste. Mais le virus “Soviet Union” fait bientôt tout partir en cacahuète. Délirant !

24 avril 1992

A naive Canadian barber who knows US popular culture inside and out meets a flamboyant roadie who needs someone to drive her and her "brother's" corpse from Thunder Bay, Ontario to New Orleans. Chaos ensues after the barber agrees to drive her, the corpse, and the drugs stashed within all the way.

9 septembre 2012

Two brothers embark on a journey in search of a mythical highway in Kentucky, which they believe will lead them to "marijuana nirvana."

In 1983, tragedy strikes as Santoni meets her untimely demise. For four long and agonizing decades, her family relentlessly searches for their missing daughter, nearly losing all hope. However, a glimmer of hope emerges when a compassionate priest establishes a connection with her restless spirit, haunting the very highway where she met her tragic end. United by an otherworldly bond, they embark on an extraordinary journey to uncover the mystery surrounding her murder. Santoni, now known as "Highway Sheila" by the media, has spent 40 years seeking justice from the afterlife, her story unfolding as they delve deeper into the chilling truth. With the invaluable assistance of two passionate detectives, they follow a trail that leads to her killer. Together, they confront the darkness that shrouded Santoni's fate and, at long last, bring closure to her grieving family.

1 novembre 2019

Un ex-détenu, solitaire, récemment sorti de prison doit tout réapprendre dans un monde moderne qu'il ne connaît plus. Il sauve, d'une benne à ordures, un bébé abandonné mais il n'est pas préparé à s'occuper d'un enfant.

28 février 2024

Dark Highway is a documentary about the invisible crime of sex trafficking in Ontario. The film is led by filmmaker, Anna Jane (AJ) Edmonds, a bystander, as she takes audiences along the 401 Highway to meet survivors, their advocates and the change makers. These personal conversations detail the luring, grooming, hunting, torturing and exploiting of vulnerable people, most notably children, in our communities. The film exposes the present but invisible dangers of the crime; the places that young people are lured and groomed as well as how those who survive are then further exploited during the fight for justice. Though focused on a Canada perspective, the film mirrors global survivor commentary.

24 février 1989

Two Northern Cheyenne men take a road trip from Montana to New Mexico to bail out the sister of one of them who has been framed and arrested in Santa Fe. On the way, they begin to reconnect to their spiritual heritage.

18 septembre 2023

Carving through the heart of the Promised Land is the Biblical spine of Israel, sometimes referred to as the “Path of the Patriarchs” and officially designated as “Route 60.” This trek is far more than a two-lane highway; it is a historic, sacred link to the roots of Judaism and Christianity and the stories of the Old and New Testaments. Follow world-changing diplomats David Friedman and Mike Pompeo as they venture down this sacred road, treading the very ground Abraham, Moses, Jacob, King David, and Jesus once walked. Discover the history, witness the healing, and realize the hope along Route 60, the Biblical Highway.

2 juin 1993

In this moody black and white drama, very much in the mode of the American "western," but with its own film noir characteristics, a whole town is heaved out of its doldrums when a pair of mysterious strangers come visiting. In the beginning of the film, Angel is traveling with his friend Max on a ship to Honeyfield, a town on the coast of Australia. He is coming home to die. Instead, he dies on board the ship, willing his boots to Angel, and an unopened package to someone called "The Dead Man," in Honeyfield. Also on the ship is a man named Tatts, a far less pleasant personality. When Angel gets off to head into Honeyfield, Tatts decides to follow along unseen. The package, Angel was told, contains something its intended recipient has been looking for without knowing it. On finding the recipient, a mean-spirited old man who is more or less the boss and owner of the town, he learns that the package contains opium.

Collection of two Heartworn Highways documentary films about the Outlaw Country movement in Texas and Tennessee.

Series about the titular house and its insane occupants.

Une série de films qui tournent autour d’un groupe excentrique de concurrents dans des courses sur route sauvages et illégales.

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