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In this series, the LAPD thinks it's a good idea to form a task force partnering actors with homicide detectives. A super meta half hour comedy, the show within a show within a show is as much about Hollywood as it is an action-comedy procedural. Starring Ryan Hansen and Samira Wiley as his strait-laced partner Detective Jessica Mathers, the series features a who's who of stars playing bizarro versions of themselves including Joel McHale, Donald Faison, Eric Christian Olsen, Jon Cryer and Kristen Bell.

25 oktober 1968

Yaroslavl, 1950. Ex-misdaadonderzoeker Pavel Khromov, ooit veroordeeld tot 8 jaar voor de misdaad die hij niet heeft begaan, is nu vrijgelaten. Hij komt erachter dat zijn zus is vermoord door de "BLACK WOLVES", een lokale criminele bende die de hele stad ontzag inboezemt terwijl ze bij elke plaats delict een wolvenkop achterlaten. Pavel zal de criminelen moeten vangen om wraak te nemen en zijn eer van de kapitein te verzilveren.

The President of the French Republic, visiting Saint-Etienne in the Loire, in a striking plant dies, victim of a bomb attack. The political world is agitated: early presidential elections to be held within the next thirty-five days. There is no doubt that Philip Deleuvre, the prime minister, will run for the Elysee. But what few people know is that the leader of the government knows more things he claimed. This state causes lie back to business Kapita Simon, a former communications adviser (spin doctor) of the late president. Anxious to preserve the honor of his deceased friend and some form of political ethics, the man of the shadows has now set a goal: to find a candidate who will be able to beat Deleuvre.

13 juni 2005
27 september 2012

Voormalig Scotland Yard-adviseur Sherlock Holmes gaat na zijn ontslag uit een afkickkliniek aan de slag in het hedendaagse New York. Verslaafdenbegeleider dr. Joan Watson moet hem op het rechte pad houden. Met zijn fenomenale observatievermogen lost Holmes elk moordonderzoek met minimale inspanning en op bizarre wijze op, maar ook Watson blijkt een verdienstelijke detective. Samen vormen ze een onverslaanbaar duo.

30 september 1969
21 december 1975
1 oktober 2009

Holmes Inspection is a 2009 Canadian home renovation series on HGTV, hosted by general contractor Mike Holmes. It is the third of Holmes' renovation series, following Holmes on Homes and Holmes in New Orleans. The format of the series is similar to those of his previous series Holmes on Homes, where Mike enters a home in need of repair and often finds substandard work. However, unlike Holmes on Homes, whose focus was on substandard work done by fraudulent or poor-quality contractors, the focus of Holmes Inspection is on homeowners who have been victimized solely as a result of poor home inspections.

In the United States, the series debuted on HGTV on Sunday, December 19, 2010.

The series is based on the award-winning Brazilian film City of God, which itself was nominated for Oscars in four categories, including Best Director for Fernando Meireles. Based on the story of two friends, Laranjinha and Acerola, who live adventurous and dangerous lives in a Rio de Janeiro slum, 'City of Men' brings into sharp relief the condition of children and adolescents in these areas, realistically yet with a dose of humor.

De bekroonde architect Piers Taylor reist met actrice en huizenliefhebster Caroline Quentin de wereld over om prachtige, onconventionele huizen te bezichtigen.

13 maart 1991

In the near future, the poor and the underprivileged will come together to form roving road gangs. They form hordes that increasingly worry the state. In order to thwart the small group, a police officer declared dead infiltrates the hordes ...

Hung Sue Gan starting from the bottom, established his own logistics company, which is now running smoothly. His only concern now are his three daughters. His eldest daughter has immigrated overseas. His second daughter Hung Yeuk Shui has reached the marriageable age, but has no hopes for marriage anytime soon. She is constantly bickering with her younger sister Hung Sum Yue, who is an honour student, over trivial matters, causing their father to not know whether to laugh or cry. Hung Sue Yan, Hung Sue Gan's brother, moves in with the family, temporarily ending his life as a nomadic photographer. He joins Hung Yeuk Shui's company and encounters Ko Pak Fei, the director of an online shop. The two appear to be former lovers, making for lots of laughter. Since Hung Sue Yan moved in, a series of strange events have occurred in the family. Upon investigation, the source is traced to Lung Ging Fung, a promising young man who is the son of department store mogul Lung Gam Wai.

22 februari 2012

MA FU, a retired employee of the HK Correctional Services Department, moved back to live with his son after retirement. MA FU treats and disciplines everyone in his family as if they were the offenders he works with in his job. His youngest son MA CHONG feels like he's in jail when he gets home, and his father is even often involved with his job as a paralegal. The father and son get into disputes daily and his elder brother MA KEUNG and his wife LO LAI SEUNG are often stuck in between and have to settle the disputes. The couple also holds the heavy responsibility of raising their kids. Three generations in the MA family all live together and encounter different situations, experiences and system of values.

27 september 1984

Eigener Herd ist Goldes wert is a German television series.

1 februari 1996

Better Homes and Gardens is a multiple Logie Award winning Australian lifestyle television program which is broadcast on the Seven Network. The program covers a wide variety of lifestyle related topics and hobbies,offering advice and solutions including gardening, cooking, craft, pet care, home improvement and DIY as well as featuring celebrity guests.

Australian actress Noni Hazlehurst hosted the show during its premiere year in 1995 through to 2004. Her husband at the time, John Jarratt was also a presenter on the show. Former swimmer-turned-television presenter Johanna Griggs replaced Noni as host in 2005. The show also features pet advice from Dr. Harry Cooper, a popular TV vet, after his TV series, Harry's Practice, which also featured Dr. Katrina Warren and Dr. Chris Brown, was axed in 2003.

The theme song for the show until 2005 was a cover of The Beatles' "Getting Better". This was changed to a new theme in 2006, composed by Jay Stewart.

18 maart 2019

Four great friends, in their thirties, are always talking about women, drinking and boasting about their achievements. But for the first time in their lives, they must face a problem for which they can not find a solution: one of them is a mess. Nothing works: neither the doctor, nor the Viagra, nor the therapy. Now he needs the help of his best friends to try to live with this new condition in his life. "Men" is like a male version of Sex and the City where the beautiful clothes and the dream of marrying a prince are set aside. What do men want? What can men do? What is happening to men in the era of toxic masculinity? This is a comedy drama trying to find, if not the answers, at least the way.

10 november 2016

Armed with the personal credo to “make it right,” professional contractor Mike Holmes and his son, renovation expert Mike Jr., buy and transform rundown properties into dream homes.

Two out-of-work private detectives disguise themselves as Holmes and Watson to gain attention and end up chasing counterfeiters and stolen stamps.

De stripserie draait om de rondzwervende cowboy Lucky Luke, die overal waar hij komt, helpt om onrecht en misdaad te bestrijden. Hij staat vooral bekend om het feit dat hij sneller schiet dan zijn schaduw. De overige hoofdpersonages zijn Lukes trouwe paard Jolly Jumper, de domste hond ter wereld Rataplan en de boevenbende De Daltons.

King Edward asks Sherlock Holmes to perform one more task before his retirement: to safeguard the Star of Africa on a trip to Cape Town. Soon the fabled jewel is stolen and several people end up being murdered.

Simon is een vertegenwoordiger van rond de vijftig. Wanneer Mickey, zijn politievriend, wordt neergeschoten, laat hij alles achter om de moordenaars te vinden. Twee jaar eerder ontmoette Marx, een oude gokker, Frederic, een jonge man die er niet erg slim uitziet, en begon hem overal te volgen (als puppy) en veranderde zijn naam in Johnny om Marx een plezier te doen. Natuurlijk houdt Simons verhaal verband met dat van Marx en Johnny. Maar de thriller is slechts een voorwendsel voor een psychologische beschrijving van de drie hoofdpersonen.

Het homoseksuele stel Albin Mougeotte en Renato Baldi wordt gezocht door buitenlandse spionnen en lokale agenten. Mougeotte heeft namelijk bij toeval een geheime microfilm in handen gekregen. Het koppel besluit uit te wijken naar Italië, het geboorteland van Baldi, maar vindt weinig rust door hun voortdurende onderlinge ruzies.

Gino Strabliggi komt uit de gevangenis en is vast van plan om het rechte pad in te slaan. Hij krijgt hulp van maatschappelijk werker Germain Cazeneuve. Maar politieman Goitreau vertrouwt Strabliggi echter niet en blijft hem lastigvallen in de hoop dat hij hem betrapt op crimineel gedrag.

Jimmy Ward infiltrates a criminal gang, only to reveal at the last moment that he is, in fact, none other than an undercover Sherlock Holmes.

18 oktober 1976

An affectionate bow to the master sleuth in this lavishly produced original that has Holmes rushing to New York City after discovering that his old nemesis, Moriarty, has kidnapped the son of the detective's long-time love, actress Irene Adler.

March 1945. The Japanese army launches a sudden and extremely brutal assault against the French garrisons in the Far East. Thousands of civilians and soldiers were executed. Hunted by the Japanese enemy, a column of legionnaires already weakened by alcohol and disease decides to enter the jungle to try to reach China and the allied bases.

Een bende van Straatkinderen redt Sherlock Holmes van beschuldiging van moord door een ​​gewaagde overval te helpen verhinderen.

31 augustus 2020

Burgundy, France. Solange's 60th birthday celebrations are violently interrupted by her estranged brother, Bernard. His outburst will reawaken painful memories and reveal untold stories of the Algerian War.

A woman who is unfairly institutionalized at a Paris asylum plots to escape with the help of one of its nurses. Based on the novel 'Le bal des folles' by Victoria Mas.

Black holes stand at the limit of what we can know. To explore that edge of knowledge, the Event Horizon Telescope links observatories across the world to simulate an earth-sized instrument. With this tool the team pursues the first-ever picture of a black hole, resulting in an image seen by billions of people in April 2019. Meanwhile, Hawking and his team attack the black hole paradox at the heart of theoretical physics—Do predictive laws still function, even in these massive distortions of space and time? Weaving them together is a third strand, philosophical and exploratory using expressive animation. “Edge” is about practicing science at the highest level, a film where observation, theory, and philosophy combine to grasp these most mysterious objects.

Kate (Reese Witherspoon) en Brad (Vince Vaughn) zijn een gelukkig stel samen. Met de kerst in aantocht schijnen ze alles voor elkaar te hebben totdat hun ouders vragen dat ze kerst bij hun komen vieren. Omdat al hun ouders gescheiden leven zorgt dit voor problemen.

16 september 2016

Enkele vastberaden eerstehulp verleners riskeren hun leven om slachtoffers uit het puin te halen tijdens de dagelijkse aanvallen op burgers in Syrië. De vrijwillige hulpverleners van de White Helmets zijn na een bomaanslag altijd als eersten aanwezig om overlevenden onder het puin vandaan te halen: levensgevaarlijk, maar onmisbaar werk op de gevaarlijkste plaats ter wereld.

De vier goede vrienden Alex, Antoine, Jeff en Manu zijn inmiddels vier jaar verder. Ze hebben het over hun verhoudingen met vrouwen, hun vriendschap, hun gedeelde geheimen, hun schuldgevoelens en hun wil om te veranderen en zich te verbeteren.

Italy during the Napoleonic wars: A French General and his Adjutant are separated from their unit get beyond the enemy lines. There they meet Carlotta the resolute daughter of an Italian Count, who cannot withstand the charm of the French.

Karen Wang and her beloved Kai Ørn live happily together. However, just as he’s about to propose, a serpent slithers into the paradise: Viggo Eibye, who’s a bad man, also wants to marry Karen. For financial reasons, she says yes to the marriage, but before the wedding day, Viggo Eibye dies in mysterious circumstances. Wang and Ørn are suspected, and two men are put on the case – the brusque detective Engberg and a cunning reporter, who may be able to explain how these cases are actually intertwined. (

24 januari 1951

Tijdens de oorlog in Korea stuit een groepje Amerikaanse militairen onder leiding van een uitgeputte sergeant op een door de vijand bezette boeddhistische tempel. De tempel wordt die door de Noord-Koreanen als observatiepost gebruikt en dient heroverd te worden.

Holiday movie series inspired by Blake Shelton's song.

Also known as the Wolves of the City series, Tatsuo Umemiya starred as the leader of a motorcycle youth gang called the Capones in seventeen between 1968 and 1974.

The Holy Man (Thai: หลวงพี่เท่ง or Luang Phii Teng) is a 2005 Thai comedy film. One of the top films at the Thai box office that year, it starred popular Thai television comedian, Pongsak Pongsuwan as a Buddhist monk. It is the first of a comic trilogy about young monks.

The story of Sheep and Wolves was inspired by elements of the German fairy tale The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids and the concepts of a wolf in sheep's clothing

In the fifty-first year of the Mole calendar, in the beautiful and vast gentle land of the Mole's world, many magical creatures live. Among them are three major tribes living respectively in the Mole Himalayas, the Black Forest, and Mole City. The oldest plant spirit in the world, King Lam, is the master of the Black Forest. This ancient being possesses many magical powers and the mysteries of nature. No one remembers King Lam's age, which is older than all the ages of the Mole kings combined. Due to a misunderstanding caused by a forest fire five hundred years ago, it has long secluded itself in the Black Forest and has not intervened in the affairs of the Mole's world for centuries. However, some lucky little Moles have encountered some clever and adorable little Rams in the Black Forest. They followed the adventurous Moles back to Mole City and became the best spirit friends of the Moles.

This is a childhood story which took place in a village of the central Shaanxi plain in the late 1990s. In the context that students were judged by their grades, Ba-Wang Chaoguo, a student at a primary school, was a bad student in the eyes of his teachers and parents. Not recognized by his parents and teachers, Ba-Wang Chaoguo saw a big tree in the field as his own "Home". And he hid all of his favorite things in the tree. The nature of child caused many conflicts between Ba-Wang Chaoguo and adults' world until one day Miss Fen came to work as a teacher. Miss Fen appointed him as the librarian of the class. Also he became a good friend of the female teacher and his "Home" also became the female teacher's "Home". However, the good times didn't last long. The preferential treatment he received was changed after the arrival of Miss Fen's boyfriend.

A series of science-fiction horror films about humanoid fishmen living on an uncharted Caribbean island.

A Man Called Horse is a 1970 Western film directed by Elliot Silverstein, produced by Sandy Howard, written by Jack DeWitt. It is based on the short story "A Man Called Horse" by the Western writer Dorothy M. Johnson, first published in 1950 in Collier's magazine and again in 1968 in Johnson's book Indian Country. The basic story was used in a 1958 episode of the television series Wagon Train, titled "A Man Called Horse". The film stars Richard Harris as the titular character, alongside Judith Anderson, Jean Gascon, Manu Tupou, Corinna Tsopei, Dub Taylor, and James Gammon. Partially spoken in Sioux, the film tells the story of an English aristocrat who is captured by the Sioux people. The film received generally positive critical reviews, and was a financial success, spawning two sequels; The Return of a Man Called Horse (1976) and Triumphs of a Man Called Horse (1983).

Emmanuelle made-for-TV films, after the original Emmanuelle.

A trilogy based on the life of Buya Hamka. Before becoming a figure known to many people, Hamka has gone through several changes, starting from childhood, adolescence, to starting a family.

Amos and Theodore are the two bumbling outlaw wannabes from The Apple Dumpling Gang.

Captain America is a 1979 television film loosely based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, directed by Rod Holcomb and starring Reb Brown. The film was followed by the sequel Captain America II: Death Too Soon, also released in the same year.

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