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黑子哲也 及 火神大我 加入了诚凛高中篮球队。相对于有着绝佳球感的火神,黑子却是一名在场上“几乎没有存在感”的球员。但其实,黑子曾是篮球强校帝光国中篮球队的一员,曾与被称为“奇迹时代”的5位天才并肩战斗,以“梦幻的第6人”的称号活跃在篮球场上。“影”与“光”的二人搭档成为校队主力,带领诚凛高中成功打进了冬季选拔赛,并在选拔赛中击败其他拥有“奇迹时代”成员的各路强队,获得了全国冠军。 就在二人升上高二后的那个暑假末尾,由一批18岁左右的美国篮球天才组成的街球队伍“Jabberwock”来访日本,并与日本男篮国家队进行友谊赛。他们以压倒性的实力让日本队惨败,还嘲笑了他们一番。 此举激怒了诚凛高中篮球队教练丽子的父亲景虎。这位曾经的日本篮球国手决定集结黑子与火神,以及“奇迹时代”的其他成员,临时组建梦幻球队“VORPAL SWORDS”,誓言向“Jabberwock”复仇! 一场最激烈的决战,就此打响!

所有武斗家最为关注的最高级别的格斗盛典“奥林匹亚武斗大会”将在天空竞技场拉开序幕,小杰(潘惠美 配音)和奇犽(伊濑茉莉也 配音)兴奋非常,坐在看台上准备为好友智喜加油鼓劲。谁知就在此时,一群神秘之人突然窜入会场,封闭大楼。炼狱(山本美月 配音)绑架了猎人协会的会长尼特罗(永井一郎 配音),饿鬼压倒性地击败智喜,修罗(天野博之 配音)则控制住天空竞技场的所有通讯设备。在他们身后,存在一个当年被猎人协会抹杀的强者——杰德(中村狮童 配音)。满怀怨念的杰德不惜将灵魂卖给恶魔,并带着遭受了同样命运的暗影部落幸村者向猎人协会展开复仇。   怨和慈悲的对抗,光明和黑暗的角力……

2006 年 01 月 13 日

  体态丰腴的黑人女子乔姬娅(奎恩•拉提法 Queen Latifah 饰)是新奥尔良一家餐饮厨具连锁店的普通店员,生活在社会底层的她生性乐观,总是幻想无数的可能。她喜爱美食,暗暗喜欢着一位男同事,然而因种种原因这些都无一达成。某天,一个意外改变了乔姬娅的人生,在医院的例行检查中,她被诊断患有名为“蓝氏综合症”的绝症,只剩下三周左右的生命。倍感绝望的乔姬娅决定尽情享受最后的时光,她辞去工作,取出所有积蓄,乘飞机前往欧洲,只为品尝仰慕已久的名厨戴笛尔(杰拉尔•德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu 饰)的手艺。在此期间,她入住昂贵的总统套房,滑雪、做SPA、游走上流社交圈。她的个性言语与生活作风引起了名流们的注意……


2022 年 06 月 03 日

威尔·斯潘和妻子丽莎的婚姻已经到达黄昏。一天,当他们前往妻子父母家,路过一家加油站时,妻子竟然神秘失踪了。 这一切让威尔心急如焚,他让当地警察和丽莎的父母不顾一切地找到她,但随着时间的流逝,他成了妻子失踪案的最大嫌疑人...


追踪的演职员 · · · · · · ( 全部 7 )

作为世界上最后一个女巫猎人,寇特(范·迪塞尔 Vin Diesel 饰)被黑巫后诅咒,得到了不死之身。如今,寇特寄居在纽约的一所教堂,与教会派来的第37代助手多兰(伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood 饰)联手斩妖除魔。与此同时,黑巫后得到秘术即将复活,邪恶女巫们倾巢而出 ,企图释放超级瘟疫灭绝人类。势单力薄的寇特,求助于善良的梦之女巫克洛伊(露丝·莱斯利 Rose Leslie 饰),在她的帮助下,寇特与邪恶女巫之间的终极之战一触即发。

1993 年 06 月 18 日

杰克系列电影是由施瓦辛格主演的系列电影。在这电影中,施瓦辛格扮演的杰克(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)总是世界的救世主,每当他的老对头班尼迪(查里斯•丹斯 Charles Dance 饰)出来作恶时,杰克总是能及时赶到,讲班尼迪打得落花流水。小男孩丹尼是杰克系列电影的忠实影迷,杰克系列电影的前三集他都能倒背如流。这天他的好朋友,电影放映员尼克给了丹尼一张神奇的电影,丹尼凭着这张电影票进入到了还未上演的杰克系列第四集中。不料班尼迪抢走了丹尼的电影票,从电影中来到了现实中。他的目标就是除掉杰克的扮演者施瓦辛格,这样在电影世界里就不再有人能够阻止他的邪恶计划。

2021 年 10 月 15 日



2014 年 11 月 07 日

夜幕降临,繁华都市的清静角落,一只花斑小狗在四处寻找食物。就在此时,一个路过的男人丢过来小吃,它小心翼翼尝了一口,这似乎让小家伙倍感兴奋。在此之后,小狗被带回男人家,还被起名叫温斯顿。男主人每天为它准备美味食物,从最初的狗粮,到后来的牛排、炸肉饼、煎蛋,我们的温斯顿胃口越来越大,口味越来越刁。男主人似乎坚信美味就要同享,所以狗狗真可谓度过了一段天堂般的美食岁月。直到某天,男主人和生命中的另一个她邂逅。两人频频约会,你侬我侬,甜言蜜语,而温斯顿则被晾到了一遍,伙食则每况愈下……   本片荣获第87届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画短片奖。 ©豆瓣

2001 年 10 月 19 日

一座由城堡改建而来的军事监狱中迎来了一位重量级犯人——陆军将军埃尔文(罗伯特·雷德福 Robert Redford 饰),监狱长温特(James Gandolfini 饰)笑脸迎接,但很快开始厌恶对方身上的军人傲骨。埃尔文在监狱中听闻诸多温特的劣迹,但抱着安心服刑的心态让他并未多事,很快,温特剥夺军人尊严的惩罚激怒了埃尔文,埃尔文开始用自己的方式令众犯人找回尊严,并顺理成章成为犯人的领袖,感到自己受到威胁的温特愈发不可理喻,下令射杀一名犯人导致双方矛盾升级。埃尔文决定组织实施监狱暴动,以使上级部门介入对温特的调查。这些昔日的军人、如今的犯人们抱着重新回到战场的觉悟,在高度组织和秘密的情况下完成了作战的准备,一次双重间谍的任务成功之后,犯人军团吹响了夺取监狱的号角!

The next chapter in the story of Ed and Lorraine Warren.

一文不名的青年丹尼(Anthony Ilott 饰)偶然得知他在偏远的西佛尼亚州山村还有亲戚的消息,于是在一个阳光明媚的日子里,丹尼带着女友托妮(Aqueela Zoll 饰)以及维克(Rollo Skinner 饰)吉莉安(Roxanne Pallett 饰)、罗德(Billy Ashworth 饰)等朋友来到了幽静而神秘的霍布温泉庄园。该庄园建于20世纪初,虽然老旧却不失典雅庄严。号称丹尼表兄妹的杰克森(Chris Jarvis 饰)和萨莉(Sadie Katz 饰)殷勤接待了一行人。快乐无忧的年轻人们纵情玩耍,口无遮拦,却不知晓这里隐藏着怎样可怕而惊人的秘密。对丹尼来说,原本是继承家产的愉快旅程,而今变成了遭受可怕恶魔猎杀的狩猎游戏……

  喧闹的中学校园里,一群中学生正为了爱情和兼职忙得不可开交。高大帅气的布拉德(祖德·莱茵霍尔德 Judge Reinhold 饰)颇受欢迎,同时也是连锁快餐店的出色员工,但他和女友的关系似乎走到了尽头。布拉德的妹妹史黛丝(詹妮弗·杰森·李 Jennifer Jason Leigh 饰)对爱情充满憧憬,在好友琳达的劝说下对亲近男青年跃跃欲试。冲浪小子杰夫(西恩·潘 Sean Penn 饰)整日嗑药浑浑噩噩,令古板的教师头大如斗。和史黛丝在同一座商场兼职的瑞特性格羞涩,想要接近史黛丝却始终笨拙,瑞特好友迈克自诩把妹达人,为瑞特连续出谋划策却把史黛丝勾搭到了手。史黛丝连续经历没有意义的混乱两性关系,终于留意到瑞特的可爱之处。而布拉德在遭遇失业打击后再难觅得称心工作。夏夜漫漫,年轻人的故事好笑又略显苦涩……

2021 年 10 月 19 日




一个不相信上帝的牧师准备完成最后一次驱魔后,便不再担任神职工作,回到世俗世界。然而,这次驱魔却发生了许多奇怪的事情…… 一个叫做科顿·马库斯的男人,他有自己的妻子和孩子需要抚养。所以,生活对于他的意义就是“赚钱”。虽然自己的父母很小的时候就给马库斯灌输宗教信仰,并让他成为了一个神职人员,但是马库斯从内心中从来就没有相信过上帝的存在,...

2018 年 01 月 18 日

Following a virus that took the lives of most of the population, John and Micheal have spent their days trying to survive and make sense of their new world. But when they meet the mysterious Karina, who has knowledge of the outside world, their friendship and everything they once knew about the virus and each other will be tested.

2011 年 01 月 14 日

Fast and Loose is a British television series on BBC Two. Conceived by Dan Patterson, one of the creators of the popular long-running series Whose Line Is It Anyway?, it mirrors the series in format and style with the addition of some new games. Guests take part in numerous improvised sketches in which each comedian inhabits a certain character or movie genre. The series was eight episodes long and hosted by comedian Hugh Dennis. Fast and Loose is the inspiration for the 2012 American show Trust Us with Your Life on ABC, hosted by Fred Willard and featuring a celebrity guest on each episode.

1989 年 04 月 12 日

Fast Forward was Australia’s highest rating, longest running and most critically awarded commercial television sketch comedy show, broadcast for 90 one hour episodes from 12 April 1989 to 26 November 1992.

The show was produced by Steve Vizard, who was also the Executive Producer, writer and performer, and starred Jane Turner, Gina Riley, Magda Szubanski, Marg Downey, Michael Veitch, Peter Moon, Alan Pentland, Steve Blackburn, Geoff Brookes, Ernie Dingo, the Rubbery Figures satirical puppets, and numerous guests and supporting stars, such as Gerry Connolly and Brian Dawe.

Fast Forward was succeeded by the related series Full Frontal, and subsequently Totally Full Frontal, which were broadcast from 1993 to 1999 and which starred many of the original Fast Forward cast as well as many iconic performers including Eric Bana, Stephen Curry, Glenn Robbins, Shaun Micallef, Kitty Flanagan and Julia Morris.

Fast Forward was directed by Ted Emery. In its second and subsequent series, Andrew Knight joined Steve Vizard and Ted Emery as Executive Producers of the show. They went on to establish the leading Australian Production house, Artist Services, which produced 1400 hours of prime time television including SeaChange, Big Girls Blouse, Tonight Live with Steve Vizard, the Eric Bana show, the Shaun Micallef Pogram.



2024 年 05 月 10 日

A group of women's lives are suddenly shaken by the appearance of a high school classmate who disappeared twenty-five years earlier on their senior trip.

2018 年 05 月 10 日

For the police the final fateful hours in the victims life becomes a puzzle. They try to understand where they were, who they met, and what happened to get their answers. The Last 24 follows investigators working the most shocking murder cases as they reconstruct those tragic final hours in the victim's life.

展现Super Junior的过去、现在、未来,出道至今最真实的故事。

2021 年 10 月 23 日

Presented by Nicky Byrne, with Pop Panelists Nadine Coyle, Samantha Mumba and Joey Fatone, Last Singer Standing sees contestants requiring tactics as well as singing talent as they battle it out against one another in a bid to make it to the grand final and win €25,000.

2003 年 02 月 07 日

"Dangerous" Davies always gets the cases no one else wants, and no one notices when he eventually succeeds. But his old-fashioned decency and dogged determination have won him legions of loyal fans.

Revealing the truth behind the controversial deaths of some of the most famous celebrities. Crucial medical evidence gained from the actual autopsies explains what killed the stars and reveals how they died, finally putting an end to the speculation.

2017 年 03 月 10 日

Swedish version of Taskmaster.

1967 年 02 月 15 日

A groundbreaking, splendidly silly, surreal sketch comedy series written by and starring The Goodies' Tim Brooke-Taylor, Monty Python's Graham Chapman and John Cleese, and comedy legend Marty Feldman.

2018 年 07 月 13 日

All the rants, raves, reviews you can handle... without the movies. Gather round with JBB, Darcy and the whole Drive-in crew for the segments and commentary from all of The Last Drive-in. No films, just Joe Bob.


2022 年 09 月 08 日


1986 年 03 月 05 日

Fast Times is a seven-episode 1986 television remake of the 1982 movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High that was produced by Amy Heckerling, who directed the original film. Cameron Crowe, who penned the original Fast Times novel and film screenplay, served as creative consultant. Moon Unit Zappa participated as a technical consultant. She was hired in order to research slang terms and mannerisms of teenagers, as she had just graduated from high school at the time and had a much better grasp of then-current high school behavior than the writers. Oingo Boingo provided the theme song.

Amazing comedians and harder laughs! Ten talents have six hours to make the others laugh. Who will be the last one laughing?


在日本一处僻静的所在,孤儿隆(Mike Moh 饰)和情同手足美国青年肯(Simeon Tsolov 饰)一同在师父刚拳(小家山晃 饰)的指导下,日复一日进行艰苦卓绝的修行。当二人终于感受到体内气的流动之时,师父允诺带他们进行更高阶段的修炼,而那将触及破坏力十足的暗杀拳。青年时代,刚拳和弟弟豪鬼随师傅轰铁(伊川东吾 饰)修习。一心变得强大的豪鬼偷阅师父的秘籍,学会可怕的暗杀拳,可是却不会控制杀意的波动,最终被轰铁逐出师门。仿佛又一个循环,肯似乎也正在走着豪鬼的老路,刚拳则接近全力避免悲剧重演。


2008 年 03 月 30 日

East of Everything is an Australian drama television series which began screening on 30 March 2008 on the ABC. It is produced by Deborah Cox, Fiona Eagger and Roger Monk. Two seasons were produced.

East of Everything revolves around a globe-trotting travel writer who returns home for his Mum's funeral to a neglected resort town, Broken Bay, on the easternmost point of Australia. He is challenged by a crooked local council, his brother who is trying to cheat him out of his inheritance, his first love who broke his heart when he was a teenager and the son he hasn't seen in ten years. The setting was named by combining the names of Byron Bay and Broken Head.

Ten of Sweden's best comedians compete to make each other laugh, without bursting into laughter themselves. Anyone who can't keep up goes out of the competition where 500,000 SEK for charity is at stake. All under the direction of Eva Röse.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a 2002 Canadian-American romantic comedy film written by and starring Nia Vardalos and directed by Joel Zwick. The sequel, My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 was released on March 25, 2016. A third movie was released on October 12, 2023.

I Know What You Did Last Summer is a 1997 American slasher film based on the 1973 novel of the same name by Lois Duncan. The film stars Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe and Freddie Prinze Jr., with Anne Heche and Bridgette Wilson appearing in supporting roles. It centers on four friends who are being stalked by a killer, one year after covering up a car accident in which they were involved. The film was directed by Jim Gillespie, from a screenplay written by Kevin Williamson, writer of Scream. The film was followed by two sequels, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998) and the straight-to-DVD release I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer (2006). Though the former film sees a continuation of the plotline established in its predecessor, the latter film establishes a new plotline and does not star any cast members from the previous two installments.

The Fat Slags are out, making a successful leap from the infamous cartoon, to flaunt their slovenly behavior. In 'Slags at Large', San and Tray go looking for action on Saturday night. 'Working Girls' sees the Slags starting an orgy at the dole office, and in 'Dirty Weekend', a caravan ride in the country turns into... another orgy.

小贩陆云生(吕良伟 饰)常为邻里抱不平,被租界总探氏黄金荣(郑则仕 饰)妻阿桂姐(斯琴高娃 饰)所赏识。未几,陆破获宋教仁被刺案真相,令黄名声大噪。黄对陆赏识,却招侯飞妒忌。陆、黄出面调息了军阀袁啸军劫取法国鸦片事件,发了财,变为大亨。由于黄误打了督军卢永祥之子,陆又去东北军军长毕树政处求情,还搭进了名妓老六(刘嘉玲饰),无奈卢、毕进一步勒索,被陆寻机反击。1927年,陆目睹国共反目,他反对镇压工人武装与屠杀共产党人;为了不被国民党利用,他打入商界,以经济力量与国民党抗衡...... 陆云生(吕良伟 饰)场面做大,他为人重情义不计开销导致入不敷出,遂计划涉足银行业,岂料上海各银行家集体抗拒。陆请动古羽(苗侨伟 饰)协助,终令银行家们低头服输……1937年,政府推行“新生活”运动,陆云生放弃鸦片生意带头戒毒,结果险些丧命,不久卢沟桥事变爆发,陆云生为支持抗战捐赠战机,却仍没有挽回上海沦陷的结局,是役更导致他众多门生身亡。陆云生为躲避日本人暂居香港,期间黄金荣(郑则仕 饰)留沪装傻;袁肃军(徐锦江 饰)投靠日军成为汉奸,陆云生只得派出阿山(汤镇业 饰)刺袁。   抗战终于胜利,陆云生有望成为上海市长,让他颇感欣慰,但冷酷的现实是他已失去利用价值,一代枭雄在不属于他的时代渐入穷途……

New Fist of the North Star is a three-episode anime OVA series based on the Fist of the North Star franchise, directed by Takashi Watanabe and produced by OB Planning. The story was adapted from Jubaku no Machi, a 1996 Hokuto no Ken novel written by Buronson and Tetsuo Hara set sometime after the conclusion of the original manga. An English dubbed version of the OVA was produced by ADV Films in 2004.

Fist of the North Star: The Legends of the True Savior is a Japanese animated film series produced by TMS Entertainment and North Stars Pictures based on the manga Fist of the North Star written by Buronson and illustrated by Tetsuo Hara. The films are an updated re-imagining of the original story narrated in the manga, including additional detail expanding of the story, modern artwork and animation, new characters, as well as minor alterations to some events. The series spans three theatrical films and two OVAs each focusing on a different set of chapters and main characters from the original story. These were released in Japan during a three year span between 2006 to 2008, culminating with the 25th anniversary of the original manga. The first film, as well as both OVAs, were distributed by Toho. A portion of the project's budget came from a trust fund established by SMBC Friend Securities, which was raised over 23 billion yen.

Collection of movies starting with Moontrap (1989).

Northpole, the magical city where Santa and his elves live and work is in trouble. Families around the globe have gotten too busy to enjoy the season together, and Northpole depends on their holiday happiness to keep running. With a little help from the Northpole, Santa, Clementine, and other undercover elfs, people are about to rediscover the love and magic of Christmas. Northpole is an American-Canadian Christmas fantasy television film series directed by Douglas Barr that premiered on Hallmark Channel.

2023 年 01 月 22 日

An animated underwater adventure.

1996 年 03 月 14 日

清朝末年,一代宗师太极拳高手杨崇武(于海 饰)一家隐居杭州西子湖畔。杨崇武与妻子慧娘(胡慧中 饰)晚年喜得贵子杨学文(吴京 饰)。学文自幼天资聪慧,生性好武,而杨父怕他惹事闯祸,每日督促儿子苦读诗书,不准他外出。学文暗中偷学父亲的太极拳,并自创了一套辫子神功,平日勤加苦练,习得一身好武功。 适逢钱塘江边举行祈雨祭祀,学文和表弟偷偷前去参加龙王祭。在祭典上,学文遇见了留洋归来的千金小姐曹央云(钟丽缇 饰),学文一见钟情。为了追求央云,学文参加了革命党。他的辫子神功在禁鸦片运动中大显神威,学文与央云感情日益加深。然而向中国走私鸦片的帝国主义分子却并不善罢甘休,暗中设下阴谋诡计,一场殊死搏斗旋即展开。

Naked Gun Collection is a series of hilarious, slapstick comedy films centered around the bumbling police detective, Frank Drebin, played by the iconic Leslie Nielsen. Filled with puns, visual gags, and absurd situations, these films poke fun at the conventions of the crime and detective genre, providing endless laughs and entertainment.





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