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1979 年 01 月 21 日

兄弟姐妹 是一部美国情景喜剧,于1979年1月至4月在NBC播出。该剧试图利用1978年电影《国家Lampoon的动物屋》的成功。它是1979年初播出的三个兄弟会喜剧系列中的第二个。

朱丹艺术基金会总经理李憓垣是祷恩的姐妹,憓垣与无条件爱她的完美男人智昶订婚。 由于父母离婚,憓垣和祷恩在童年时期被迫分居。 憓垣跟随父亲,被继母虐待。 现在她终于可以过上幸福的生活了,但她的生活却开始变得悲惨。 她发现自己苦苦寻找的祷恩竟然无耻地就在智昶的父亲尹社长身边。 祷恩与JY集团尹社长有染,成为尹社长儿媳妇的憓垣阻碍了她成为他妻子的计划。 两姐妹以陌生人的身份生活了20年,如今再次相遇,成为父子两个男人的女人。 他们别无选择,只能冷血地为自己的生命而战。 他们的悲剧又将走向何方?



  TLC真人秀节目《Sister Wives》描述了一个一夫多妻(丈夫Kody Brown和他的四位妻子,16个孩子)的家庭中发生的种种小故事。

2014 年 06 月 24 日

Automotive designers compete to build the ultimate car and earn the title of "Motor City Master".

2021 年 12 月 24 日

A story of three estranged sisters, Irina, Olga, and Maria, who are brought back together following their father’s death to run his car service business. It was their father that had driven them apart, but now they must resolve their issues in order to manage a team of forty men in a business they barely know or understand. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the sisters are very unlike. Irina is a self-made businesswoman from Moscow, Olga is an airy and impractical literature teacher from a small town and Maria is a hairdresser from Saratov, who dreams of earning a lot of money but is forced to live with her alcoholic husband.

2024 年 01 月 25 日


1967 年 01 月 01 日


2023 年 01 月 29 日

Former police officer Darby Spencer and her mystery novelist mother Victoria Spencer have opposite personalities but still embark on the unlikeliest of ventures: becoming partners in a private detective agency. They are mistaken as sisters as they tackle puzzling cases in Alder Bluffs.





《科幻大师》是ABC于2007年制作的一套科幻剧集。它的整体创意与恐怖大师系列相同,每集都是延请不同的导演来讲述一则发生在未来的故事,片头的解说词则请来著名物理学家史蒂芬•霍金担当。剧集于当年8月份开播,但在播出4集后便停播,另有两集则等到DVD推出后才与世人见面。 《一逃了之》讲述心理医师连续数月来不断尝试让一个男人恢复记忆,她的目的究竟是什么?《觉醒》讲述外星生物莅临地球,并夺去人类的武装,他们反复之阐明了一个意思;《杰瑞也是人》则将镜头对准一个本来没有感情的生化机器人;《太空浪子》中一群因疾病而异变的人类被抛弃太空,这天他们迎来地球的访客;《小兄弟》中一种智能机器人代替人类进行审判,人类渐渐失去自由和思考能力;《机器鸟》则讲述一种可以判断罪行的机器鸟,它甚至逐渐取代警察。

2015 年 03 月 15 日

《花样姐姐》是东方卫视从韩国 tvN 电视台引进的明星旅行真人秀节目,由姐姐和挑夫展开一场前往国外的旅行。


2019 年 11 月 04 日

Han Ye Seul has teamed up with the experts to do a complete makeover for the stars. Superstar stylist Han Hye Yeon, the queen of positivity hair designer Cha Hong, and makeup artist with magic hands RISABAE have come together. Two interns, Lee Joon Young and Lee Jin Hyuk, and customer service agents, Cho Sae Ho and Hong Hyun Hee, will assist the experts. In a private salon with a relaxing and cozy atmosphere, they transform their clients. Which stars will visit the salon and what stories will unravel?

2021 年 01 月 31 日

There are enough love and surprises in Maria's relationships. And no wonder, because she has a different man for each day of the week. Maria meets Juho and falls in love, but unfortunately there are not eight days in a week.

1955 年 09 月 20 日

The Phil Silvers Show, originally titled You'll Never Get Rich, was a sitcom which ran on CBS from 1955 to 1959 for 142 episodes, plus a 1959 special. The series starred Phil Silvers as Master Sergeant Ernest G. Bilko of the United States Army.

The series was created and largely written by Nat Hiken, and won three consecutive Emmy Awards for Best Comedy Series. The show is sometimes titled Sergeant Bilko or simply Bilko in reruns, and is very often referred to by these names, both on-screen and by viewers. The show's success transformed Silvers from a journeyman comedian into a star, and writer-producer Hiken from a highly-regarded behind-the-scenes comedy writer into a publicly recognized creator.


2023 年 08 月 03 日

After losing their mothers at a young age, Diamond and her closest cousins, Tia and Tara, known as "Sisters", are willing to do anything to keep their grandmother from dying of cancer and save their family.

My sister's kids this time are going to Jutland.

2020 年 06 月 10 日

Making plans with everyone else may not be the best thing when you really want to be alone.


1988 年 06 月 15 日

Melody, Marci, and Mickey are three geeky college girls who can't get a date. One night, they invite some geeky college guys over and have a seance that results in the girls becoming possessed and turning into sex starved vamps. Will the geek hero guys be able to stop the horrible (?) possession?

月朗星稀之夜,阿宝(杰克·布莱克 Jack Black 配音)与悍娇虎(安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie 配音)、快螳螂(塞斯·罗根 Seth Rogen 配音)潜入新一届武术大会的博物馆,这里陈列着风暴铁牛侠(Dennis Haysbert 配音)、流星鳄大侠(Anthony Leondis 配音)、雷霆犀牛侠(Paul Scheer 配音)等功夫大师的经典兵器,阿宝为此兴奋不已。当然,这里还有关于苏武三姐妹(Sumalee Montano 配音)的物件。阿宝向朋友们讲述了很久以前的武林故事:当年苏武三姐妹横行中原,她们仅凭一双筷子就挫败了强大的豺狼帝国。当她们从帝国监狱逃脱后,开始图谋联合武林败类称霸全国的计划。为了阻止她们的野心,乌龟大师(Randall Duk Kim 配音)找到了当时功夫了了却醉心名利的风暴铁牛侠、流星鳄大侠和雷霆犀牛侠(Paul Scheer 配音),结伴前往苏武三姐妹的老巢。

屈丝特婆婆已经步入老年,孤寂而沮丧的心很渴望关怀与温情,但从自己软弱的儿子及媳妇那里,什么也得不到,女儿也忙于应付自己的事业和爱情,丝毫不顾及老人的内心需要。偶然的机会,屈丝特婆婆得到了两个富有的中年人的友谊。在一家报社做发行主管的提曼先生和提曼夫人号称自己是共产主义者,并对屈丝特婆婆保证说会运用他们的报纸为她的丈夫恢复名誉。 出于感激,屈丝特婆婆毫不犹豫地加入了这个政治派系,积极配合他们的宣传活动。但不久,屈丝特婆婆发现,自己其实是被利用的宣传工具而已。愤怒之下,屈丝特婆婆又毅然和一个无政府主义者结成同盟,因为似乎这个人更有行动的可能。当屈丝特婆婆在这个无政府主义者的陪同下来到报社的时候,这个家伙竟然拿出武器,要挟当局释放西德所有政治犯。 所有的闹剧都过去之后,屈丝特婆婆终于在一个守夜人那里得到了关怀和幸福甜美的爱情。

1977 年 12 月 01 日


2024 年 06 月 17 日

Diane and Eleonor, the last descendants of a cursed lineage, try to break the patriarchal legacy when their father invokes family traditions to justify his actions.

2009 年 09 月 05 日

When Katherine (Alexandra Paul) finds out her father's company is about to close the paper mill they own in her hometown in rural Pennsylvania, she comes up with a plan to save it. Needing the approval of the city council, she goes back and runs into someone from her past: Jane (Cynthia Preston). Years ago, in high school, Katherine dated Jane's twin brother Sean, who subsequently committed suicid

2020 年 08 月 14 日

剧情简介: 过得十分潇洒的智英和佑贤是轻松交往的关系。但是佑贤知道了自己的朋友民洙喜欢智英,决定在两人之间成为垫脚石。果然,民秀和智英经过迂回曲折之后可以交往吗..还是智英会再次回到佑贤的怀抱呢..围绕着智英的心的两个男人的故事开始了。

2003 年 10 月 11 日

蔷花(林秀晶 饰)和红莲(文根英 饰)是一对如花似玉的姐妹。在一个充满阳光的午后被父亲开车带到了位于郊外的别墅居住。然而她们对居住在这里的继母心生排斥,红莲夜晚看见鬼魂,继母养的小鸟被毒死,但是在蔷花的眼中,继母一直企图伤害自己和红莲。自己懂得保护自己不紧要,但是妹妹红莲尚且不懂得反抗,蔷花十分强悍地捍卫着妹妹的利益。但父亲却处处责怪自己,不明白整件事情都是继母的所为。蔷花与父亲的争吵越发激烈,直到一天父亲说出了真相

2024 年 10 月 31 日

For the first 18 years of her life, Mozart’s sister shared equal billing with her brother. Musical partners and collaborators, Wolfgang Mozart and Maria-Anna Mozart played together before Kings and Queens, and were the talk of Europe. What happened to her? Forced into retirement by age 16 because she was a woman, a stunning new investigation explores why she was retired against her will and the explosive theory: did Maria-Anna Mozart continue to compose in secret?

This time our already familiar family moves to Africa in order to save endangered wildlife.

2002 年 09 月 20 日

曾经,苏赛特(歌蒂·韩 Goldie Hawn 饰)和拉维妮娅(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon 饰)是摇滚圈里的两朵金花,当时所有活跃的摇滚乐队都和这两个女人有着撇不清的关系,她们肆意的释放着嬉皮士的精神,居无定所环游世界,任谁看了她们的所作所为,都会觉得这两个女人简直是疯了。

2024 年 08 月 09 日

The filmmaker's sister, Nasreen, a housewife with two children, is married to a traditional and often unavailable husband. Despite the restrictions on women in Iran, she decides to pursue her lifelong dream of singing.

2021 年 12 月 31 日

Family dynamics take a messy turn when a woman learns she has a half sister at her mother's funeral. As her perfect life starts to unravel, she suspects her new sister is to blame for her Mom's death.

2007 年 06 月 06 日

Military-trained hitman, Jacob Tate (Kent Faulcon), has been sent by his handler (Eric Roberts) to a small Southern town with orders to eliminate a beautiful English teacher, Diane Shaw (Denise Boutte). When Diane mistakes Jacob for her long-lost brother, he uses the guise to find the perfect moment to kill her, but soon finds himself drawn into her frank and colorful family. Now this professional assassin is left to choose between executing what should be an easy murder-for-hire and trying to solve the mystery of who would want the innocent Diane dead.

Family film 'My Sisters Kids & the Gold Diggers' sends Uncle Erik and the kids on a new adventure. This time discovering the children that their great-grandfather emigrated from Denmark and was a gold digger in Canada. Even now, many years later, they still have family over there. So when the family comes in contact with an aunt, they travel across the Atlantic to visit her. In Canada awaits them a true treasure hunt, the wild and two greedy prospectors. At the same time they are joined by Mrs. Flinth which, as always, has a crush on Uncle Erik.

2002 年 01 月 27 日

Two sisters take a journey of discovery and reconciliation based on the memoirs of Margaret Moorman. Christine has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and must rely on others for support even though she longs for and independent and ordinary life. When her mother dies, her sister Judy becomes responsible for her care. The two are left to face the struggles of finding common ground.

Series of horror documentaries in which horror storyteller Junji Inagawa goes directly to haunted places to verify the truth behind them.

1994 年 07 月 02 日

袁世凯(何家驹 饰)为登基称帝笃信邪教,教主赠送玉扳指佑其成功,岂料袁世凯将扳指送给四王爷之三公主沈玉(李嘉欣 饰),并计划立她为皇后。教主令袁世凯收回扳指,与此同时,潜伏袁世凯身边的孙文革命军干部杨君(刘德华 饰)掳走沈玉以阻止袁登基。李督军(刘家辉 饰)自此奉袁世凯之名沿途追索杨、沈二人,杨君在路经过宝芝林时邂逅黄麒英(郑少秋 饰),遂将护送沈玉之重任托付于黄麒英和痴迷醉拳的黄飞鸿(季天笙 饰)父子二人。飞鸿护送沈玉的路上遭密探(任达华 饰)截杀,致使代步汽车撞入仁伯(刘家良 饰)的酒庄,醉拳高手仁伯帮二人解围,但又留下他们做工来弥补酒庄损失,由此卷入玉扳指争端战,李督军不久率军赶到,各路高手掀起连番激战……


Pikachu's Winter Vacation adventures

黑子的篮球总篇集动画片全集是改编由藤卷忠俊创作的漫画作品,本次的总集篇将分为三个部分,其中第一弹“Winter Cup总集篇~影与光~”将从今年9月3日起开始上映,第二弹“Winter Cup总集篇~朝着泪水的前方~”从10月8日起开始上映,而第三弹“Winter Cup总集篇~大门的另一边~”从12月3日起上映。故事讲述了曾经在初中时期被誉为“奇迹的世代·幻影第六人”的黑子哲也升入高中之后,跟从美国归来的火神大我等人一起参加高中联赛,同自己初中时代队友们进行较量的故事。


From 1968 to 1969, Daiei released a series of low-budget exploitation films, which it named the "Ero Guro/Unique Historical Drama" Line". This consisted of two series: the "Woman's Secret" series and the "Kanto Woman" series. Later, after their merger with Nikkatsu in 1970, two more films were released in the series.

The most terrifying original documentary horror series that examines numerous haunted sites scattered throughout Japan.

Junichi Yaoi tells mysterious stories of aliens in these three movies.

Based on Kate Carlisle’s New York Times bestselling novel series, the Fixer Upper Mysteries revolve around home renovator Shannon Hughes (played by Jewel). Shannon is a professional when it comes to restoring old Victorian-style homes, but she also uses clues that she uncovers along the way to discover the truth behind unsolved mysteries.

Twenty-eight-year-old Aurora (Roe) Teagarden is a professional librarian and belongs to the Real Murders club, a group of 12 enthusiasts who gather monthly to study famous baffling or unsolved crimes…


由尼古拉斯·凯奇(Nicolas Cage)饰演本杰明·盖茨(Benjamin Gates)的戏剧动作冒险悬疑电影合集,他是一名寻宝者,在父亲帕特里克·亨利·盖茨(乔恩·沃特饰)、女友阿比盖尔·蔡斯(黛安·克鲁格饰)和他忠实的伙伴的帮助下, 莱利·普尔(贾斯汀·巴莎饰)揭开美国过去隐藏的宝藏和秘密。




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