Translations 1

English (en-US)


Renee Renor


Evelyn Camarillo, known by various stage names including Renee Renor, Rita Renay, Renee Medina, Harla Day, and Tia Camarillo, was a Mexican-American singer and performer who rose to prominence during the 1950s. A trailblazer for her time, Evelyn's talent allowed her to overcome the racial barriers that shaped the entertainment industry in mid-20th century America. Evelyn grew up in an era where discrimination made it difficult for performers of colour to be recognized, leading her to adopt multiple stage names throughout her career.

She toured with legendary jazz musician Billy Eckstein, captivating audiences with her powerful voice. Known for her versatility, Evelyn performed a range of genres, including blues and country. Among her most notable recordings are "The Boy I Love," performed under the name Renee Medina, and "Everynight," released as Rita Renay.

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