Javier Molina

Personal Info

Known For Acting

Known Credits 10

Gender Male

Birthday January 1, 1986 (38 years old)

Place of Birth Ecuador

Also Known As

  • J-Moe
  • Francisco Javier Molina

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Born in Quito - ECUADOR, 1986, Francisco Javier Molina is an engineer, actor and media artist working with virtual reality, motion capture, interactive installations, performance art and experimental film. He holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Army Polytechnic School in Quito, Ecuador.

He moved to New York City to study at NYU School of Engineering along with a minor in acting at Uta Hagen’s HB Studio. He has worked at NYU MAGNET, researching VR and AR technologies and teaching motion capture workflow for virtual reality. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Electronic Arts at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, focusing on ritual performance in immersive media.

Javier's interest in performance has evolved from conventional performing arts to more eclectic and interactive performances. His work offers a creative way to join passion and involvement with contemporary art and combine it with cutting-edge technology.

Born in Quito - ECUADOR, 1986, Francisco Javier Molina is an engineer, actor and media artist working with virtual reality, motion capture, interactive installations, performance art and experimental film. He holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Army Polytechnic School in Quito, Ecuador.

He moved to New York City to study at NYU School of Engineering along with a minor in acting at Uta Hagen’s HB Studio. He has worked at NYU MAGNET, researching VR and AR technologies and teaching motion capture workflow for virtual reality. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Electronic Arts at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, focusing on ritual performance in immersive media.

Javier's interest in performance has evolved from conventional performing arts to more eclectic and interactive performances. His work offers a creative way to join passion and involvement with contemporary art and combine it with cutting-edge technology.







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