Robert Bronzi

Personal Info

Known For Acting

Known Credits 12

Gender Male

Birthday -

Place of Birth Hungary

Also Known As

  • Robert "Bronzi" Kovacs
  • Robert Kovacs
  • Bronzi
  • Robert Kovacs Bronzi

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Robert Bronzi was born in Hungary. Known by all as Bronzi because of his remarkable likeness to legendary actor Charles Bronson, Bronzi is a world traveled actor and professional horseman with a love for the wild west and classic American film. Bronzi is an Actor and has worked as a Carpenter, Horsetrainer, Musician and former Military Service Member. Professionally Trained Actor at Maria Mezey Theatre School (Budapest) as well as stuntman, acrobat, horse rider and Judo Player. Bronzi speaks multiple languages including English, Spanish and Hungarian. With a film resume building, Bronzi has honed his craft in Live Performances and film, including. " Port Aventura " - Spain, " Rancho Texas Park " - Canary Islands. Feature Films Rancho Texas, The Seven Gallant, Death Kiss by Director Rene Perez and From Hell To The Wild West by Rene Perez and most recent has signed to to play " The Dago " in Knighted Entertainments upcoming comedy feature " Mat Rats "

Robert Bronzi was born in Hungary. Known by all as Bronzi because of his remarkable likeness to legendary actor Charles Bronson, Bronzi is a world traveled actor and professional horseman with a love for the wild west and classic American film. Bronzi is an Actor and has worked as a Carpenter, Horsetrainer, Musician and former Military Service Member. Professionally Trained Actor at Maria Mezey Theatre School (Budapest) as well as stuntman, acrobat, horse rider and Judo Player. Bronzi speaks multiple languages including English, Spanish and Hungarian. With a film resume building, Bronzi has honed his craft in Live Performances and film, including. " Port Aventura " - Spain, " Rancho Texas Park " - Canary Islands. Feature Films Rancho Texas, The Seven Gallant, Death Kiss by Director Rene Perez and From Hell To The Wild West by Rene Perez and most recent has signed to to play " The Dago " in Knighted Entertainments upcoming comedy feature " Mat Rats "



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