Georgi Popov

Personal Info

Known For Acting

Known Credits 18

Gender Male

Birthday March 22, 1924

Day of Death March 7, 1995 (70 years old)

Place of Birth Veselie, Burgas, Bulgaria

Also Known As

  • Георги Попов
  • Георгий Попов

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Georgi Popov is a Bulgarian actor . He was born on March 22, 1924 in the village Veselie, Burgas region, Bulgaria. In 1949, he graduated from the Drama School at the National Theatre in the class of Bojan Danovski . In the active creative period from 1954 to 1984 he appeared in 22 Bulgarian films, among which: " Adam's Rib " (1958), in the role of Adam; "Incredible History " (1964), in the role of a lawyer Egarov; " Ancient Coin " (1965), the role of Kanev; " At Every Kilometer " (1969), in the role of Major Weiss: Series 3 "Singing clock", Series 4 "Three amazing", Series 5 "Cross-Train". Georgi Popov was a husband of a prima ballerina Luba Kolchakova . Georgi Markov says about him: "Georgi could speak all languages of the world, pronouncing words with Bulgarian foreign perfect pronunciation. Looking at his serious, grim face, one would hardly have guessed his sharp sense of humor." Georgi Popov died on March 7, 1995 in Burgas, Bulgaria.

Georgi Popov is a Bulgarian actor . He was born on March 22, 1924 in the village Veselie, Burgas region, Bulgaria. In 1949, he graduated from the Drama School at the National Theatre in the class of Bojan Danovski . In the active creative period from 1954 to 1984 he appeared in 22 Bulgarian films, among which: " Adam's Rib " (1958), in the role of Adam; "Incredible History " (1964), in the role of a lawyer Egarov; " Ancient Coin " (1965), the role of Kanev; " At Every Kilometer " (1969), in the role of Major Weiss: Series 3 "Singing clock", Series 4 "Three amazing", Series 5 "Cross-Train". Georgi Popov was a husband of a prima ballerina Luba Kolchakova . Georgi Markov says about him: "Georgi could speak all languages of the world, pronouncing words with Bulgarian foreign perfect pronunciation. Looking at his serious, grim face, one would hardly have guessed his sharp sense of humor." Georgi Popov died on March 7, 1995 in Burgas, Bulgaria.





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