1,883 sarjaa

Maaseudun viehättävien kylien ja rönsyilevien maisemien toinen, synkeä todellisuus kätkee sisäänsä hirveitä rikoksia. Tervetuloa rikosylikomisario Barnabyn seuraan hänen selvittäessään Midsomerin asukkaiden synkkiä salaisuuksia.

10 toukokuu 1993

Peak Practice is a British drama series about a GP surgery in Cardale — a small fictional town in the Derbyshire Peak District — and the doctors who worked there. It ran on ITV from 10 May 1993 to 30 January 2002 and was one of their most successful series at the time. It originally starred Kevin Whately as Dr Jack Kerruish, Amanda Burton as Dr Beth Glover and Simon Shepherd as Dr Will Preston, though the roster of doctors would change many times over the course of the series.

Cardale was based on the Staffordshire village of Longnor for the final series, but was previously based in the Derbyshire village of Crich, although certain scenes were filmed at other nearby Derbyshire towns and villages, most notably Matlock, Belper and Ashover.

Hercule Poirot on Agatha Christien salapoliisinovelleihin ja -romaaneihin perustuva televisiosarja. Hercule Poirot'na esiintyy David Suchet.

9 maaliskuu 2001

Celebrity Big Brother is a British reality television game show in which a number of celebrity contestants live in an isolated house trying to avoid being evicted by the public with the aim of winning a large cash prize being donated to the winner's nominated charity at the end of the run.

10 huhtikuu 1992

Yorkshiren nummilla tapahtuva sarja kertoo Aidensfieldin pienestä kylästä ja sen läheisen pikkukaupungin Ashlfordlyn poliisiasemasta. Maalaispoliisin työn lisäksi pääsemme katsomaan englantilaista arkea kylissä, pubissa, maatiloilla ja hämäräperäisissä vajoissa. Yleensä hyvyys lopulta voittaa.

24 maaliskuu 1979

A British television anthology of stories, often with sinister and wryly comedic undertones, and a twist at the end. With early episodes written and presented by Roald Dahl, the series featured a plethora of big name guest stars.

14 tammikuu 1978

The South Bank Show is a television arts magazine show that was produced by ITV between 1978 and 2010. A new series began on Sky Arts from 27 May 2012. Presented by Melvyn Bragg, the show aims to bring both high art and popular culture to a mass audience.

30 joulukuu 1977

The lives of Bodie and Doyle, top agents for Britain's CI5 (Criminal Intelligence 5), and their controller, George Cowley.

The mandate of CI5 was to fight terrorism and similar high-profile crimes. Cowley, a hard ex-MI5 operative, hand-picked each of his men. Bodie is a cynical ex-SAS paratrooper and mercenary whose nature ran to controlled violence, while his partner, Doyle, comes to CI5 from the regular police force, and is more of an open minded liberal. Their relationship is often contentious, but they are the top men in their field, and the ones to whom Cowley always assigned to the toughest cases.

Tuomas Veturi on iloinen höyryveturi, joka seikkailee hauskoissa ja värikkäissä tarinoissa veturi-, helikopteri- ja bussiystäviensä kanssa. Tuomas ystävineen asuu idyllisellä saarella, jossa seikkailuja riittää jokaiselle päivälle. Suosittu englantilainen sarja perustuu rakastettuihin Tuomas Veturi -kirjoihin.

4 syyskuu 1975

The crew of Moonbase Alpha must struggle to survive when a massive explosion throws the Moon from orbit into deep space.

7 tammikuu 1961

The Avengers is a British television series created in the 1960s. It initially focused on Dr. David Keel and his assistant John Steed. Hendry left after the first series and Steed became the main character, partnered with a succession of assistants. His most famous assistants were intelligent, stylish and assertive women: Cathy Gale, Emma Peel and Tara King. Later episodes increasingly incorporated elements of science fiction and fantasy, parody and British eccentricity.

26 syyskuu 2010

Sarja kertoo Crawleyn perheen ja heidän palvelijoidensa elämästä juonitteluiden ja snobismin paljastuessa murenevassa luokkayhteiskunnassa.

16 tammikuu 1955

The Sooty Show is a British children's Puppet series which aired on the BBC from 1955 to 1967 and ITV from 1968 to 1992. It follows the adventures and comedic day to day life of puppets Sooty, Sweep and Soo with their owner Harry Corbett, and in later years, his son Matthew.

29 lokakuu 1979

This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley.

16 syyskuu 1959

No Hiding Place is a British television series that was produced at Wembley Studios by Associated-Rediffusion for the ITV network between 16 September 1959 and 22 June 1967.

It was the sequel to the series Murder Bag and Crime Sheet, all starring Raymond Francis as Detective Superintendent, later Detective Chief Superintendent Tom Lockhart.

4 syyskuu 2004

The X Factor is a British television music competition to find new singing talent, contested by aspiring singers drawn from public auditions.

Yksi maailman kuuluisimmista salapoliiseista on varmastikin Sherlock Holmes. Sir Arthur Conan Doylen luomaa hahmoa, Holmesia näyttelee Jeremy Brett ja uskollisen Watsonin roolissa on David Burke. Yhdessä Holmes ja Watson etsivät totuutta ja oikeudenmukaisuutta, ja Holmesin täytyy pistää peliin kaikki keinot ratkaistakseen rikollisten kierot aivoitukset. Tapausten kirjo sisältää juttuja kuninkaan kiristyksestä hylättyyn jouluhanheen, ja kaikkea siltä väliltä.

8 tammikuu 1978

An Audience with... is a British entertainment television show produced by London Weekend Television, in which a host, usually a singer or comedian, performs for an invited audience of celebrity guests, interspersed with questions from the audience, in a light hearted revue/tribute style.

1 toukokuu 2011

Rakastettava vanha jäärä, ylikomisario Vera Stanhope Northumberlandin poliisipiiristä jatkaa jälleen murhatutkimuksiaan tuttujen kollegoiden kanssa. Varsin monen henkirikoksen takaa paljastuu uhrin tai tekijän murheellinen menneisyys, kaltoinkohtelua ja muuta ikävää.

14 huhtikuu 2013

Nuori Morse kertoo omaperäisen Endeavour Morsen poliisiuran alkuvuosista. Sarja syntyi taustoittamaan kirjailija Colin Dexterin luoman ylikomisario Morsen elämää. Millainen Morse oli nuorena, ja kuinka hän muuttui Oxfordin komennuksensa aikana?

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