268 laidų

2004 balandžio 26

Doctors recount the most memorable cases they’ve ever encountered. Unusual, touching, humorous or life-changing – no story is too big or too small when it comes to the ER.


From roots in the Deep South to the slums of New Jersey, "Who Do You Think You Are?" follows the journeys of some of the most well-known names in American popular culture. Watch as celebrities discover unknown details about themselves and their families while researching their ancestry with the help of historians and genealogical experts.


2012 vasario 1

Telling powerful stories in hourlong episodes, TLC follows medical journeys of morbidly obese people as they attempt to save their own lives. The featured individuals - each weighing more than 600 pounds confront lifelong emotional and physical struggles as they make the courageous decision to undergo high-risk gastric bypass surgery. In addition to drastically changing their appearances, they hope to reclaim their independence, mend relationships with friends and family, and renew their feelings of self-worth.

2003 sausio 18

Friends and family members nominate a candidate that they consider poorly dressed and ask the show to make over the "fashion victim." Fashion Police Stacy London and her partner ambush the candidate and make them an offer-- they are given a $5000.00 budget for a new wardrobe, which they must purchase in New York City boutiques over the course of two days, but only on the condition that they allow Stacy & her partner to critique, and in most cases throw out, their existing wardrobe.

2008 rugsėjo 29

19 Kids and Counting, rendered graphically as 19 Kids & Counting in its onscreen logo, is an American reality television show on TLC. The show is about the Duggar family, which consists of parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their 19 children—nine girls and ten boys, all of whose names begin with the letter "J". The series began on September 29, 2008. The twelfth season premiere was September 17, 2013.

《小矮人大世界》前所未有地深入探访侏儒症患者的世界。我们的摄像机将跟拍罗洛夫一家——一个不同寻常的家庭,其成员中既有小矮人也有身高正常的人。我们将捕捉他们在日常生活中的成功与奋斗,并从小矮人本身的视角出发去观察他们的生活,因而这让观众的感受也显得格外真切。 家长马特和艾米夫妇都是小矮人——身高四英尺,但他们决心要在这个总是无法接受差异的世界中获得成功。马特在商界已小有成就,跟他做生意的客户包括硅谷中最知名的一些大公司。

2015 liepos 15


Beakman's World 是一个教育儿童电视节目。该节目基于Jok Church 创作的Universal Press Syndicate 联合漫画《You Can with Beakman and Jax》。该系列于 1992 年 9 月 18 日在 The Learning Channel 有线网络和全国联合首播。

1993 年 9 月 18 日,它从国家辛迪加转为 CBS 周六早间儿童节目。在它的流行高峰期,它在全球近 90 个国家被看到。该系列于 1998 年被取消。重播于 2006 年 9 月返回全国联合发行,之后被转移到 KICU 等当地电视台。该节目在科学专家比尔·奈(Bill Nye)之前一年首次亮相,该节目涵盖了类似的主题。该节目的主持人保罗·扎卢姆 (Paul Zaloom) 仍然在全球各地的现场演出中扮演比克曼 (Beakman) 的角色。

  油管上广受欢迎的挤痘大师,皮肤科医生Sandra Lee终于出真人秀了。Dr. Sandra Lee以自己专业的医疗水平将囊肿、脂肪瘤等各种皮肤疾病切出体外,强迫症患者和皮肤科学生的福音。


1996 balandžio 21

Real crimes, disease outbreaks and accidents around the world are solved by experts using scientific laboratory analysis which helps them find previously undetectable evidence. Brilliant scientific work helps convict the guilty and free the innocent.

2016 kovo 15

Follow the next generation of Duggars as they celebrate some of life’s milestone moments, including the realities of growing up and raising their own families.

2002 liepos 6

While You Were Out is an American reality series that aired episodes on the cable channel TLC. The format of the show is similar to TLC's Trading Spaces. While You Were Out adds a suspenseful gimmick by keeping the entire redecoration a secret from the homeowner.

2009 gegužės 26

Bill Klein and Jen Arnold are just like your average couple – except they’re both under 4 feet tall! They’ve faced not only the struggles of two little people in an average-sized world, but are starting a family with their two adorable, adopted children.

2012 rugpjūčio 8

Alana and her mother, June, have been become two of the more familiar Toddlers & Tiaras faces after a 2012 episode showed Alana drinking go-go juice before a competition. The drink, which worked her into a frenzy in front of the cameras, is a combination of Red Bull and Mountain Dew and had the pair working the talk show circuit earlier in the year to defend their caffeine consumption. Nicknamed Honey Boo Boo, Alana and her family, mother June, dad Sugar Bear and sisters Lauryn, Jessica and Anna, will be the focus of the series when the youngest daughter isn't competing in pageants.

2011 rugsėjo 25

Theresa Caputo is an average mom from Long Island in every way except one: she talks to the dead. Theresa spends her days with her loving family and helping individuals connect to the spirits of their departed loved ones. This is not her job…this is her life.

2016 kovo 6

Follow the touching stories of people who have suffered a lifetime of separation and are yearning to be reunited with their birthparents and biological families or find children they had to place for adoption long ago.

Life after the 90 Days continues as the couples look back on their 90-day journey and realize their lives as newlyweds have not gotten easier.

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