4 Séries

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1 dezembro 2015

The adventures of the Nekton family, a family of daring underwater explorers who live aboard a state-of-the-art submarine, The Aronnax, and explore uncharted areas of the earth's oceans to unravel the mysteries of the deep.

25 julho 2016

In a far away forgotten valley heaped with long-abandoned junk, a timeless battle rages between good and evil… and also between squishy and scaly, happy and grumpy, clever and wily… handsome and plain old ugly. This is the land of Bottersnikes and Gumbles.

Blinky Bill is back to bring his trademark mischief, mayhem, and humour to life. Along with his best mate and sidekick Jacko, Blinky takes on the role as defender of his outback home, Greenpatch.

Gold Coast Ocean Rescue gives viewers a front row seat aboard the drama-packed missions of the Sea World Foundation as they work tirelessly to protect the world’s most vulnerable marine creatures. From rescue to rehab, no mission is too risky for this dedicated team of vets and marine scientists, whether that means wrestling with man-eating sharks, releasing distressed whales from fishing nets, or even removing a polar bear’s sore tooth.

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