The Best of Taz: Survive if He Lets You! (1999)

NR 1999-02-01 (US) 1h 58m
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This is the newest in the Taz video series from the summer and the fall of 1998. Features the unbelievable brawls between Taz and Bam Bam Bigelow. As an added bonus, this video features some of Taz’s best matches from and against Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, Jerry Lynn, The Dudley Brothers and much more.

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Top Billed Cast

  1. Perry Satullo

    Perry Satullo


  2. Tom Morga


  3. Francine Fournier

    Francine Fournier

    Francine (Valet)

  4. Peter Senerchia

    Peter Senerchia


  5. Scott Bigelow

    Scott Bigelow

    Bam Bam Bigelow

  6. Christopher Chetti

    Christopher Chetti

    Chris Chetti

  7. Troy Martin

    Troy Martin

    "The Franchise" Shane Douglas

  8. Alex Rizzo

    Alex Rizzo

    "Big" 'D' Dudley

  9. Jeremy Lynn

    Jeremy Lynn

    Jerry Lynn

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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Content Score 


Still needs a little work.

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