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HeBGB TV (2022)

16/07/2022 (US) HorrorCommediaFantascienza 1h 18m
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Don't Touch That Dial


A multidimensional cable box installs itself into a neighborhood and slowly, the world. Two siblings (Van and Willow Reiner) discover a mysterious package on their porch and are taken on a wild channel-surfing journey through a world of television mayhem. Welcomed by their new friend, The Purple Guy (Knucklehead), this brother and sister find themselves standing up to the box’s algorithm to protect their minds. DIY to its core, HeBGB TV is a spooky, sci-fi story that takes you through the horrors and laughs of cable television. This film is a cacophony of comical commercials, perverse puppets, and monstrous music with a naughty dose of 90s nostalgia. HeBGB TV is indie horror comedy at its queerest. Don’t touch that dial!

  1. Adam Lenhart

    Director, Writer

  2. Eric Griffin

    Director, Writer

  3. Jake McClellan

    Director, Writer

Attori In Primo Piano

  1. Jake McClellan

    Jake McClellan

    Purple Guy / NewsCaster/Monster Girl / Ben Vo / Dr. Knucklehead

  2. Andrew Bowser

    Andrew Bowser

    Onyx the Fortuitous

  3. Michael Garland

    Stu / Voice of Rib Tickla

  4. Ian Sanchez

    Iggy / Voices of the Candy Corntet

  5. Curtis Proctor-Artz

    The Grump / Basil Inderground

  6. Josh Dorsheimer

    Voice of Squash / John Darrow

  7. Ellen Tibero-Schultz


  8. Van Reiner


  9. Willow Reiner


  10. Visualizza Altro

Cast e troupe al completo


Stato Rilasciato

Lingua Originale Inglese

Budget $15,000.00

Incasso -

Parole Chiave

Valutazione Contenuto 


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