
Stationed on the front lines of a Pandemic Hotzone, an army surgeon, Eva attempts to uncover the truth behind a subliminal message she received from a patient while dealing with the unexpected arrival of an illegal immigrant into her home.

  1. Carlos V. Gutierrez


  2. Gian Neri


  3. David Gregg


  4. Rolando Vinas


  5. Clarence Williams IV


Top Billed Cast

  1. Kate Miner

    Kate Miner

    Eva Shepherd

  2. Jason Canela

    Jason Canela

    Patricio Dillon

  3. Katalina Viteri

    Katalina Viteri

    Isabel Santos

  4. Chip Lane

    Chip Lane

    Admiral Shepherd

  5. Alexandra Pica


Full Cast & Crew

Stay Safe

Status Post Production

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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