Farinet, Heroes and Outlaw (1996)

02/19/1996 (CH) ComedyDrama 1h 33m
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Back in Saxon after ten years of absence, Farinet discovers that the village is under the yoke of Gaspard de Sepibus, director of the casino and president of the commune. He starts making counterfeit money to pay off his father's debts and help the villagers send their children to school.

  1. Yvan Butler


  2. Denis Rabaglia


  3. Charles Ferdinand Ramuz


Top Billed Cast

  1. Stéphane Freiss

    Stéphane Freiss

    Samuel Farinet

  2. Florence Darel

    Florence Darel

    Thérèse de Sépibus

  3. Isabelle Renauld

    Isabelle Renauld

    Joséphine Pellanda

  4. Jean-Marc Bory

    Jean-Marc Bory

    Gaspard de Sépibus

Full Cast & Crew

Farinet, Heroes and Outlaw
Farinet, Heroes and Outlaw

Original Title Farinet, héros et hors-la-loi

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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