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The Vulture (1982)

16 07/29/1982 (HU) ThrillerCrimeDrama 1h 55m
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Two old women who happen to be pickpockets stole money from Simon, the taxi driver. The police are unable to find the thieves, so Simon decides to find them himself.

  1. Ferenc András

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Miklós Munkácsi


Top Billed Cast

  1. György Cserhalmi

    György Cserhalmi

    Simon József

  2. Hédi Temessy

    Hédi Temessy


  3. Zita Perczel

    Zita Perczel


  4. Ferenc Bács

    Ferenc Bács

    Kowarski Elõd

  5. Maria Gładkowska

    Maria Gładkowska


  6. Péter Blaskó

    Péter Blaskó

    Siska fõhadnagy

  7. Marianna Moór

    Marianna Moór


  8. Pap Vera


  9. László Szabó

    László Szabó

    Kovács százados

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Vulture
The Vulture

Original Title Dögkeselyű

Status Released

Original Language Hungarian

Budget -

Revenue -


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