Autumn and the Black Jaguar (2024)

PG 01/17/2025 (US) AdventureFamily 1h 40m
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Growing up in the Amazon rainforest gave Autumn the rarest of friendships – a lost jaguar cub she named Hope. When a tragic event forces her to leave Hope for New York City, she dreams of going back to the rainforest and her friend. That opportunity soon comes when Autumn decides to return to the Amazon to save her beloved jaguar from animal traffickers who threaten her childhood village.

  1. Gilles de Maistre

    Director, Writer

  2. Prune de Maistre


Top Billed Cast

  1. Lumi Pollack

    Lumi Pollack

    Autumn Edison

  2. Emily Bett Rickards

    Emily Bett Rickards


  3. Wayne Charles Baker

    Wayne Charles Baker


  4. Paul Greene

    Paul Greene

    Saul Edison

  5. Kelly Hope Taylor

    Kelly Hope Taylor

    Doria Dargan

  6. Lucrezia Pini


  7. Letitia Brookes

    Letitia Brookes

    NYC Airport Ground Staff Hostess

  8. K.C. Coombs

    K.C. Coombs

    Mrs. Burley

  9. Airam Camacho

    Autumn Edison (child)

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Autumn and the Black Jaguar
Autumn and the Black Jaguar

Original Title Le Dernier Jaguar

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue $21,719,459.00


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