1860 (1934)

02/21/1934 (IT) DramaHistory 1h 15m
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The story is the harried attempt of a Sicilian partisan, as part of the risorgimento, to reach Garibaldi's headquarters in Northern Italy, and to petition the revered revolutionary to rescue part of his besieged land. Along the way, the peasant hero encounters many colorful Italians, differing in class and age, and holding political opinions of every type. There is a key train scene, and the film ends on the battlefield, Italian unification a success, despite brutal losses.

  1. Alessandro Blasetti

    Director, Writer

  2. Gino Mazzucchi

    Screenplay, Story

  3. Emilio Cecchi


Top Billed Cast

  1. Giuseppe Gulino

    Carmelo Trau

  2. Aida Bellia

    Rosuzza Trau

  3. Gianfranco Giachetti

    padre Costanzo

  4. Mario Ferrari

    Mario Ferrari

    colonnello Carini

  5. Maria Denis

    Maria Denis


  6. Ugo Gracci

    il mazziniano

  7. Vasco Creti

    Vasco Creti


  8. Totò Majorana

    padre di Rosuzza

  9. Turi Pandolfini

    Turi Pandolfini

    un altro cittadino siciliano

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title 1860 - I mille di Garibaldi

Status Released

Original Language Italian

Budget -

Revenue -


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