Touché, Pussy Cat! (1954)

NR 12/18/1954 (US) AnimationComedy 7m
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A young mouse arrives at the Parisian headquarters of the King's Mouseketeers with a letter from his father, François Mouse, asking Jerry to teach the lad to be a Mouseketeer. Lessons begin for the French-speaking boy, but although he's charming, he's hopeless and when he gets into a scrape with Tom, Jerry sends the garçon packing. As the boy is leaving Paris, he hears the noise of fighting, and he returns to find Jerry in a fight for his life with Tom. Champagne corks, a paint brush, and a barrel of wine are props in the lad's attack. But has he lost all his clumsiness?

  1. William Hanna


  2. Joseph Barbera


Top Billed Cast

  1. Francoise Brun-Cottan

    Tuffy (voice)

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Touché, Pussy Cat!
Touché, Pussy Cat!

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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