Apspriediet Universal Soldier

I learned that:

When telling a female reporter that she is fired, it is customary to pick up one of her used cigarettes up off the ground and then throw it back down again.

After killing a terrorist by snapping his neck, it’s still necessary to kill him again by stomping on his head.

Killing corpses indicates that you’re starting to like this shit.

That reanimated memory-wiped Caucasian UniSols still think that all Asians look alike.

That in order to tell if a soldier is “fine”, all you have to do is make sure he can repeat whatever you tell him.

Eastern Europe can be destroyed with a few hundred rounds of 9mm ammunition.

Gas stations in the middle of nowhere stock enough bags of ice to fill 3 car trunks.

If someone's eaten a whole bunch in a back-country truck stop and refuses to pay, this is the process: that takes place

The cook shall come out and beat you up.

If you beat the cook up instead, everyone else in the bar will instantly become your enemy and step up to aid the cook. It's a small town, so they're likely all personally invested in whether the restaurant turns a profit or not. This will likely cause them to lose rational thought and attack a well-built martial arts champion, even if they themselves are fat and out of shape. They will still only attack one at a time so the star can focus on beating each one up while the rest wait their turn.

Then, if you beat them up instead (and throw one through a glass window), you can just walk out and drive away, no questions asked... and no one will bother trying to get your license plate number, and police don't follow fugitives across state lines.

That military colonels can somehow appropriate taxpayer funds to pay for a big truck, several scientists, and for dead bodies to be reanimated over the course of 20 years... AND still be only a colonel... without the knowledge of anyone higher up at the Pentagon.

The war is over.

You can drive across several states in a stolen police car as long as you take the lights off the top.

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esc aizveriet atvērtu logu
? atveriet īsinājumtaustiņu logu

Mediju lapās

b atgriezties (vai pie vecākiem, ja nepieciešams)
e doties uz labošanas lapu

TV sezonas lappusēs

(labā bultiņa) pāriet uz nākamo sezonu
(kreisā bultiņa) pāriet uz iepriekšējo sezonu

TV epizodes lappusēs

(labā bultiņa) pāriet uz nākamo sēriju
(kreisā bultiņa) pāriet uz iepriekšējo sēriju

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t atvērt tulkošanas atlasītāju
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Diskusiju lapās

n radīt jaunu diskusiju
w pārslēgt skatīšanās statusu
p pārslēgt publisko/privāto
c pārslēgt aizvērt/atvērt
a atklāta darbība
r atbilde uz diskusiju
l dodieties uz pēdējo atbildi
ctrl+ enter iesniedziet savu ziņojumu
(labā bultiņa) nākamajā lapā
(kreisā bultiņa) iepriekšējā lapa


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