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Without feathers we can't live


My hometown, Beirut, is torn apart by a corrupt political elite, anti-government protests, and one of the biggest explosions of the 21st century. But above the roofs of the city, I discovered an unexpected bearer of hope: the pigeon game of chance "Kash Hamam". Every evening, the sky populates, and all over the city swarms fly out of their cages. Their flight follows the choreography of an ancient tradition. Each player holds their own flock and lets it circle over his house, with the chance to lure the pigeons of the neighbors onto his roof to expand his flock. During the recent political collapse of Lebanon, we embark on a journey from roof to roof. When it all perishes, why do we hold on to flying? The film observes a city in turmoil from the perspective of three pigeon players and a young girl fighting to release her own birds.

  1. Lea Najjar

    Director, Writer

  2. Alia Haju


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Original Title Kashkash - Ohne Federn können wir nicht leben

Status Released

Original Language Arabic

Budget -

Revenue -


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