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In the heart of Athens, the vestiges of an ancient city have overlooked the capital for over 2,000 years: the Acropolis. Built in the 5th century BC, this sumptuous complex of temples and monuments remains the most extraordinary architectural work left to us by Ancient Greece. Thanks to CGI and explanations of the foremost international experts, discover the technical feats of Antiquity that allowed a rocky hill to be transformed into a monumental and immortal masterpiece. From the infallible anti-seismic systems to the techniques used to hoist blocks of marble weighing several hundred tons to the top of the hill, walk in the footsteps of the greatest engineers of Ancient Greece and discover their ingenuity, precision, and perfectionism.

  1. Guilain Depardieu


  2. Marianne Cramer


  3. Sarah Laîné


  4. Ida Borie


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