'Allo 'allo emliga armén (2014)

01/06/2014 (SE) Comedy 2h 2m
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At the Café René in the small French commune of Nouvion everything is as usual. Chaos. René himself is trying to keep a straight face in a dangerous game. Of course he has to stay on the good side of the Germans in order to not get in trouble. He also has to do the same thing with his wife Edith for the same reason. For completely different reasons he stays on the good side of his waitresses Mimi and Yvette. At least when Edith isn't around.

  1. Anders Albien


Top Billed Cast

  1. Sven Melander

    Sven Melander

    René Artois

  2. Eva Rydberg

    Eva Rydberg

    Edith Artois

  3. Kim Sulocki

    Kim Sulocki

    Otto Flick

  4. Ulf Dohlsten

    Alberto Bertorelli

  5. Robert Rydberg

    Hubert Gruber

  6. Birgitta Rydberg

    Birgitta Rydberg

    Helga Geerhart

  7. Kalle Rydberg

    Konstapel Crabtree

  8. Karin Bergquist

    Karin Bergquist

    Michelle Dubois

  9. Håkan Mohede

    Håkan Mohede

    Roger Leclerc

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

'Allo 'allo emliga armén
'Allo 'allo emliga armén

Status Released

Original Language Swedish

Budget -

Revenue -


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