Skottet? (1914)

Btl 10/05/1914 (SE) Drama 48m
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During a duck hunt the local land owner Brandt has told his ranger and his son to sit in a boat and collect ducks as they are shot down. When Brandt's dog gets in the water he commands the ranger's son to jump in the water to save the dog but the boy drowns.

  1. Mauritz Stiller


  2. Axel Frische


Top Billed Cast

  1. Egil Eide

    Egil Eide

    Holm, skogvaktare

  2. Jenny Tschernichin-Larsson

    Jenny Tschernichin-Larsson

    Holms mor

  3. William Larsson

    William Larsson

    Brandt, godsägare

  4. Lisa Håkansson-Taube

    Brandts hustru

  5. Nils Elffors

    Nils Elffors

    Brandts betjänt

  6. Gull Natorp

    Gull Natorp

    Husa hos Brandt

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language Swedish

Budget -

Revenue -


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