Eike: Tudo ou Nada (2022)

12 09/22/2022 (BR) DramaCrime 1h 50m
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In 2006, when the Brazilian economy was taking off due to the discovery of oil in the pre-salt layer, Eike Batista decided to create the oil company OGX and hired the best men from Petrobras to participate in the pre-salt auction. But megalomaniacal plans and a series of misguided decisions and alliances cause their empire to crumble as spectacularly as it had grown. And Brazil watches, perplexed, the fall of Eike, who loses all his fortune, power and prestige. Inspired by the book by journalist Malu Gaspar.

  1. Dida Andrade

    Director, Writer

  2. Andradina Azevedo

    Director, Writer

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Eike: Tudo ou Nada
Eike: Tudo ou Nada

Status Released

Original Language Portuguese

Budget -

Revenue -


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