Music Box (2018)

01/01/2018 (CZ) Animation 13m
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The mysterious mechanism of a music box keeps playing different versions of the same melody. In isolation and an atmosphere of fear you might think that other melodies do not exist because it helps to bear the constant pain. False notes give hope for a better fate and freedom but no one knows what price they'll have to pay.

  1. Veronika Pasterná Szemlová

    Director, Story

  2. Tomáš Pasterný


Top Billed Cast

  1. Gustav Řezníček

    Gustav Řezníček

    Voice (voice)

  2. Pavel Vacek

    Pavel Vacek

    Voice (voice)

  3. Kateřina Liďáková

    Kateřina Liďáková

    Voice (voice)

Full Cast & Crew

Music Box
Music Box

Original Title Hrací skříňka

Status Released

Original Language Czech

Budget -

Revenue -


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