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The Haunting of the Tower of London (2022)

18 06/27/2022 (US) HorrorHistory 1h 29m
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One of the most infamous murders in history of the Tower of London.


The Two Princes, imprisoned and allegedly murdered in the Bloody Tower within the Tower Of London by Richard III. The story tells how they allegedly came back to haunt the Tower and with guards and inmates starting to die in horrible circumstances, it becomes clear the Two Princes are out for revenge. A chilling ghost story based on the famous mystery.

  1. Charlie Steeds

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Natalie Martins

    Natalie Martins

    Jone Farepoynt

  2. Derek Nelson

    Derek Nelson

    Angel of Death / Guard 2

  3. James Swanton

    James Swanton


  4. Greg Draven

    Greg Draven

    Bartholomew Greystock

  5. Tessa Wood

    Tessa Wood

    Mildred Pedrick

  6. Rory Wilton

    Rory Wilton

    King Edward

  7. Jake Watkins

    Jake Watkins


  8. Tim Cartwright

    Tim Cartwright


  9. Grace Blackman

    Queen Elizabeth

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Haunting of the Tower of London
The Haunting of the Tower of London

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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