the Detour (2000)

01/01/2000 (AT) DramaRomance 1h 38m
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...or how I learned to love Thomas Bernhard


The Detour is about a young woman travelling through Europe in search of herself and the truth of life. It is based on meetings between goatherd Joanna and Austrian author and playwright Thomas Bernhard. Joanna is lost after her boyfriend dumps her at a Women's Relief Centre in Rotterdam. She works in a library and visits the theatre, where she first sees a play by Thomas Bernhard. Bernhard's philosophy permeates Joanna's thoughts. When Camille invites her to visit the French Pyrenees, she accepts. On the way, she decides to visit Bernhard in Austria. She attempts to start a relationship with him and thereby finds herself.

  1. Frouke Fokkema

    Director, Writer

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Original Title Der Umweg

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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