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Narbonne: The Second Rome (2021)

06/19/2021 (FR) DocumentaryHistoryTV Movie 1h 29m
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More than 2.000 years ago, Narbonne in today's Département Aude was the capital of a huge Roman province in Southern Gaul - Gallia Narbonensis. It was the second most important Roman port in the western Mediterranean and the town was one of the most important commercial hubs between the colonies and the Roman Empire, thus the town could boast a size rivaling that of the city that had established it: Rome itself. Paradoxically, the town that distinguished itself for its impressive architecture, today shows no more signs of it: neither temples, arenas, nor theaters. Far less significant Roman towns like Nîmes or Arles are full of ancient sites. Narbonne today is a tranquil town in Occitania

  1. Alain Tixier

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Marianne Cramer


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Narbonne: The Second Rome
Narbonne: The Second Rome

Original Title Narbonne, la seconde Rome

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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