The Commune (2020)

15+ 11/09/2020 (SK) Documentary 1h 28m
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The desire for freedom during the period of “normalisation” in Czechoslovakia led to the creation of a group of individuals who professed a deep inclination towards the principles of the underground movement. After many years they are unable to face their mutual suspicions of betrayal in the form of cooperation with the state-security police. The memory of their tragically departed guru, philosopher and poet, Marcel Strýko, drifts throughout their story. In an effort to come to terms with the past, an old companion from Prague organises a revival concert in a Gothic cathedral. Will these freethinking members manage to achieve a truce?

  1. Jakub Julény

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Pavel Smejkal


  3. Ingrid Mayerová


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The Commune
The Commune

Original Title Komúna

Status Released

Original Language Slovak

Budget $235,500.00

Revenue -


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