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The Squad (2011)

15 10/07/2011 (CO) DramaHorrorThriller 1h 40m
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The air is thick with tension as a military squad proceeds to the foot of a mountain base, where they're ordered to wait for backup and hold their position. The mountain is shrouded in fog and the men are exhausted. They've been fighting guerrillas on enemy turf for some time, and they're worn down by the stress and anxiety of battle. The men don't want to wait; they want to charge up the hill, fearing that their comrades in the base have been overrun by the guerrillas. The squad's leader tries futilely to keep his men in line while dealing with his insolent second-in-command.

  1. Jaime Osorio Márquez

    Director, Writer

  2. Tania Cárdenas Paulsen


  3. Diego Vivanco


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The Squad
The Squad

Original Title El páramo

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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