Our Friends (1969)

06/02/1969 (SU) Drama 1h 44m
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After the death of her father, Antonina Staroselskaya has difficulty finding work. A dull life is the cause of illness. A merchant seaman takes care of the sick Tona. After the marriage, he is arrested for smuggling, and the care of Tonya is transferred to a neighbor, who beats her from time to time. A chance meeting with the builders of a residential area awakens the desire to be closer to people, to become needed by someone - and Tonya comes to the construction site...

  1. Ilya Gurin

    Director, Writer

  2. Yuri German


Top Billed Cast

  1. Natalya Tenyakova

    Natalya Tenyakova

    Antonina Staroselskaya

  2. Kirill Lavrov

    Kirill Lavrov

    Leonid Skvortsov

  3. Ivan Lapikov

    Ivan Lapikov

    Pal Palych

  4. Leonid Nevedomsky

    Leonid Nevedomsky

    Ivan Nikolayevich Sidorov

  5. Yelena Kozelkova

    Yelena Kozelkova

    Zhenya Sidorova

  6. Igor Ledogorov

    Igor Ledogorov


  7. Sergei Plotnikov

    Sergei Plotnikov

    Nikolay Terentyevich Vishnyakov

  8. Vsevolod Kuznetsov

    Vsevolod Kuznetsov


  9. Igor Vladimirov

    Igor Vladimirov

    Arkadiy Osipovich

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Наши знакомые

Status Released

Original Language Russian

Budget -

Revenue -


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