Drop the Curtain (1955)

08/31/1955 (MX) Comedy 1h 43m
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Cantinflas, who owns a cleaning business, cleans the windows of the house of a famous French actress. While carrying out his work he observes how a man steals one of the famous actress necklaces, but he can only see his back.

  1. Miguel M. Delgado


  2. Jaime Salvador


Top Billed Cast

  1. Cantinflas



  2. Beatriz Saavedra

    Beatriz Saavedra


  3. Christiane Martel

    Christiane Martel

    Lulu Duval

  4. Alberto Catalá

    Alberto Catalá

    Asistente Cantinflas

  5. Víctor Alcocer

    Víctor Alcocer

    Jefe de Policía

  6. Tito Novaro

    Tito Novaro

    Actor en teatro

  7. María Herrero


  8. Alejandro Ciangherotti

    Alejandro Ciangherotti


  9. Rafael Alcayde

    Rafael Alcayde

    Jefe de banda criminal

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Drop the Curtain
Drop the Curtain

Original Title Abajo el Telón

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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